  • Thumb twiddling
  • The true origins of thumb fu are cloudy and uncertain. It is largely believed to have been invented by Thomas Porker, and his husband Fatt Shelf, though scholars believe that they merely popularized it. The most likely inventors probably were Tibetan monks, who had unusual amounts of time on their hands and who thus were more disposed towards twiddling their thumbs.
  • The true origins of thumb fu are cloudy and uncertain. It is largely believed to have been invented by Thomas Porker, and his husband Fatt Shelf, though scholars believe that they merely popularized it. The most likely inventors probably were Tibetan monks, who had unusual amounts of time on their hands and who thus were more disposed towards twiddling their thumbs. At any rate, Pai Mei today is a leading user of thumb fu. However, he hates absolutely everything, even thumb fu, and he has openly professed his hatred towards thumb twiddling and has campaigned to have it banned. The most likely reason for his failure is the power of the Republican Party in the United States government. Because Republicans have their thumbs up their asses, their thumbs have naturally become much stronger to survive the harsh conditions they face. Many Republicans become thumb twiddling masters as a result.