  • Earth Communication
  • Amelia can use this ability to communicate with plants and with the earth, and gain information from them. It is unknown how close she needs to be to do this.
  • The user can communicate with the earth and earth minerals such as sand, mud, dirt, stone, rock, etc. either telepathically, by speaking verbally, or by touching it physically. Earth can tell the user of what happened or what is happening, help them to track someone at long distance away, etc.
ability to
  • communicate with the earth
  • Earth Communication
  • Communicating with the earth
  • Amelia can use this ability to communicate with plants and with the earth, and gain information from them. It is unknown how close she needs to be to do this.
  • The user can communicate with the earth and earth minerals such as sand, mud, dirt, stone, rock, etc. either telepathically, by speaking verbally, or by touching it physically. Earth can tell the user of what happened or what is happening, help them to track someone at long distance away, etc.