  • Creaking in the breeze
  • From: [[]] The mandrakes are huge, curving over under their own weight. There's no question of you harvesting them. But you might be able to get close enough for a good look. [Find the rest of the story at ]
Success title
  • Mmmmmmmmmm
Failure title
  • Cover your ears and run
  • 124
Failure description
  • A branch twitches. Leaves rustle. They've heard you. A toothy maw slowly splits a trunk open. Run!
From Card/Storylet title
  • Where the Wild Mandrakes Grow
Success description
  • Leaves susurrate in the weak breeze. You hear no screams and no singing. But there's a humming, of sorts. Something that reminds you of […]
  • The mandrakes are huge, curving over under their own weight. There's no question of you harvesting them. But you might be able to get close enough for a good look.
  • From: [[]] The mandrakes are huge, curving over under their own weight. There's no question of you harvesting them. But you might be able to get close enough for a good look. [Find the rest of the story at ]