  • Bernie Sanders
  • Bernie Sanders
  • Bernie Sanders is the ancient jr senator for the state of Vermont and the only known Socialist to ever infiltrate Congress.
  • He appears in the short The Debateful Eight.
  • Bernie Sanders (who many feel is better than Hillary Clinton), is the Junior (only in title, he's actually the oldest presidential candidate in 2016) US senator from Vermont. He is a Liberal Progressive with the Democrats he describes himself as a Democratic socialist. He is also the founder of the Congressional Progressive Caucus which has grown from 5 members when Sanders founded it to 56 members today.
  • Bernie Sanders is Senator from Vermont. Though Americans call him socialist, in Europe, he is mainstream. He has good chance of winning presidency in America in 2016. Image:Wikipedia-logo-en.png [[Wikipedia:|Wikipedia]] has an article on: Bernie Sanders
  • Sanders describes himself as a socialist. He is thus the only socialist in the Democratic Party to call himself a socialist, which puts him in the party's extreme wing, by himself, as every other socialist in the party calls himself "progressive" or "liberal." Everyone other than Sanders instead describes him as the "rumpled" candidate, though this does not make him unique.
  • thumb|250px|"Meester, mag ik naar het toilet?"Bernard "Bernie" Sanders (New York, 8 september 1941) is een voormalige hippie socialistische en populistische Amerikaans politicus en senator voor de staat Vermont. Hij zetelt als onafhankelijke, maar associeert zich met de Democratische Partij wanneer het hem uitkomt. Hij omschrijft zichzelf als een "democratisch socialist", maar in werkelijkheid leunt zijn gedachtengoed veel sterker aan bij het socialisme met diens urban legends zoals de 1%-mythe. Nochtans houdt hij er ook standpunten op na die niet stroken met het gemiddelde linkse parcours, zoals zijn steun aan wapenfabrikanten, een aantal militaire interventies in het buitenland, en zijn stem tegen de oprichting van Amber Alert. Zijn ideeën om de televisiesector eigendom van de overheid t
  • Bernie Sanders is the Junior Senator from Vermont and a self-described democratic socialist. Despite this, his policy platform does not seek to replace capitalism and private ownership of the economy with a socialist economic system, and he is not formally a part of any of the small Socialist parties in America and appears on the ballot as an independent. He caucus with the Democrats and they have made no move to attempt to defeat him. He is the longest serving independent member of Congress in American history.
  • Bernard "Bernie" Sanders (born September 8, 1941) is an American politician who has been the junior United States Senator from Vermont since 2007. Sanders is aware of both the Assassin Brotherhood and Templar Order's existences. In 2016, he was secretly backed by the Assassins in his bid for the Presidency. The Assassins believed Abstergo Industries puppet and Democratic candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton was the Templars' choice for the Presidency. Little did the Brotherhood know, Republican businessman Donald J. Trump was actually chosen by the Order to win the White House. Abstergo was made of aware of the Assassins' plan, thus Clinton and Trump conspired together to undermine Sanders' candidacy. After having the lives of his family threatened, Sanders ended his campaign and endorsed Clin
  • 180
  • Politician
  • White
  • Bernie Sanders
  • Bernie Sanders is awesome!
  • Official Senate Photo
  • Website
  • Website
  • Education
  • Religion
  • Political party
  • Born
  • Political Beliefs
  • Current Position
  • 1941-09-08
  • Judaism
  • Brooklyn College University of Chicago
  • Junior Senator from Vermont
  • 1941-09-08
  • Liberty Union Independent Democratic Party
  • Bernie Sanders is the Junior Senator from Vermont and a self-described democratic socialist. Despite this, his policy platform does not seek to replace capitalism and private ownership of the economy with a socialist economic system, and he is not formally a part of any of the small Socialist parties in America and appears on the ballot as an independent. He caucus with the Democrats and they have made no move to attempt to defeat him. He is the longest serving independent member of Congress in American history. He praises Scandinavian social democracy and believes there are lessons to be learned that can be applied to the United States, noting how poverty rates and income inequality in those countries are far less then they are in America. Bernie has a close relationship with the Vermont Progressive Party. He is the founder of the Congress Progressive Caucus.
  • Bernie Sanders is the ancient jr senator for the state of Vermont and the only known Socialist to ever infiltrate Congress.
  • He appears in the short The Debateful Eight.
  • Sanders describes himself as a socialist. He is thus the only socialist in the Democratic Party to call himself a socialist, which puts him in the party's extreme wing, by himself, as every other socialist in the party calls himself "progressive" or "liberal." Everyone other than Sanders instead describes him as the "rumpled" candidate, though this does not make him unique. Sanders' embrace of the "socialist" label has been called a remarkable case of self-outing. It shrewdly deprived his opponents of a successful accusation for him to accuse himself of it. Sanders' opponents in the Democratic primary have been unable to offer a criticism of him, except that he says too openly what they believe.
  • Bernie Sanders (who many feel is better than Hillary Clinton), is the Junior (only in title, he's actually the oldest presidential candidate in 2016) US senator from Vermont. He is a Liberal Progressive with the Democrats he describes himself as a Democratic socialist. He is also the founder of the Congressional Progressive Caucus which has grown from 5 members when Sanders founded it to 56 members today.
  • Bernard "Bernie" Sanders (born September 8, 1941) is an American politician who has been the junior United States Senator from Vermont since 2007. Sanders is aware of both the Assassin Brotherhood and Templar Order's existences. In 2016, he was secretly backed by the Assassins in his bid for the Presidency. The Assassins believed Abstergo Industries puppet and Democratic candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton was the Templars' choice for the Presidency. Little did the Brotherhood know, Republican businessman Donald J. Trump was actually chosen by the Order to win the White House. Abstergo was made of aware of the Assassins' plan, thus Clinton and Trump conspired together to undermine Sanders' candidacy. After having the lives of his family threatened, Sanders ended his campaign and endorsed Clinton. Following Sanders' suspension, the Assassins backed Libertarian nominee Gary Johnson in a last ditch effort to stop Abstergo. This unfortunately failed due to Templar meddling, and Trump won the Presidency.
  • Bernie Sanders is Senator from Vermont. Though Americans call him socialist, in Europe, he is mainstream. He has good chance of winning presidency in America in 2016. Image:Wikipedia-logo-en.png [[Wikipedia:|Wikipedia]] has an article on: Bernie Sanders
  • thumb|250px|"Meester, mag ik naar het toilet?"Bernard "Bernie" Sanders (New York, 8 september 1941) is een voormalige hippie socialistische en populistische Amerikaans politicus en senator voor de staat Vermont. Hij zetelt als onafhankelijke, maar associeert zich met de Democratische Partij wanneer het hem uitkomt. Hij omschrijft zichzelf als een "democratisch socialist", maar in werkelijkheid leunt zijn gedachtengoed veel sterker aan bij het socialisme met diens urban legends zoals de 1%-mythe. Nochtans houdt hij er ook standpunten op na die niet stroken met het gemiddelde linkse parcours, zoals zijn steun aan wapenfabrikanten, een aantal militaire interventies in het buitenland, en zijn stem tegen de oprichting van Amber Alert. Zijn ideeën om de televisiesector eigendom van de overheid te maken, omdat deze klaarblijkelijk slechts een medium is om mensen te "brainwashen", zijn dan weer wel helemaal in lijn met socialistisch en zelfs communistisch gedachtengoed. In tegenstelling tot de doorsnee Republikeinse politici gelooft Sanders in de wetenschap achter klimaatopwarming, maar verder is hij een aanhanger van pseudowetenschap omtrent o.a. GMO, kernenergie en zelfs kwakzalverij. Hiermee kreeg hij voor een stuk de steun van complotdenkers, die vervolgens onderdeel uitmaakten van Sanders' harde "Bernie or Bust" of BernieBot-achterban. Sanders kan als dusdanog worden beschouwd als de linkse tegenhanger van de Republikeinse Ron Paul, die met zijn libertarisch gedachtengoed eveneens een buitenbeentje was in zijn partij, alsook de steun van complotdenkers kreeg omwille van zijn aanhang van kwakzalverij, en wiens achterban bekend stond als de PaulBots. Sanders stelt zich op als een "progressieveling", maar iemand die de huidige wetenschappelijke consensus negeert, en wetenschappelijke oplossingen voor een duurzame toekomst verwerpt maar liever terugvalt op verouderde ideeën uit de hippie-periode van de jaren 60, is eerder conservatief dan progressief te noemen. Dit geldt eveneens voor zijn socialistisch gedachtengoed, een politiek concept dat in het verleden elders reeds werd gewogen en te licht bevonden - of waar sommige landen nu nog steeds mee opgescheept zitten. Maar dat weerhoudt Sanders er niet van zichzelf te vergelijken met Paus Franciscus, en zowel zichzelf als de paus als een "profetische stem" te beschouwen. Na de verkiezingsoverwinning van Donald Trump in 2016 kondigde Sanders aan bereid zijn met hem samen te werken op economisch vlak, omdat Trump net zoals hij "anti-establishment" is, waaruit blijkt dat Sanders klaarblijkelijk gelooft dat Trump vooral de belangen van de lagere klasses ter harte zou nemen.