  • Syren City
  • Syren City is the capital, and most-populous city of Soptetris, one of the Dragonwing Isles. It is built above Syrenslair, wherein the ancient Soptetrites hid during the explosion of Mount Scorpion. The Soptetrite word for volcano is Sokoropyo and became the Lobott word for scorpion due to the abundance of Sayerthenner scorpions on Scorpion's Isle, wherein Mount Scorpion lies.
  • Syren City is the capital, and most-populous city of Soptetris, one of the Dragonwing Isles. It is built above Syrenslair, wherein the ancient Soptetrites hid during the explosion of Mount Scorpion. The Soptetrite word for volcano is Sokoropyo and became the Lobott word for scorpion due to the abundance of Sayerthenner scorpions on Scorpion's Isle, wherein Mount Scorpion lies.