  • Golden-eyed Shadow
  • A creature found in the Master's House. Their bodies were insubstantial, like shadows, all except their bright eyes. Jame recalled them teaching her a form of the Great Dance, a type of Senethar that could be used to reap souls. Later, she recalls more: they were called by their lord (Perimal Darkling? Gerridon?) from a dim world. They taught Jamethiel Dream-Weaver the Great Dance, and then Jame. She thought that Beauty was a young one of their kind, but unlike her elders, an innocent one -- and unfallen darkling, much like Jame herself.
  • A creature found in the Master's House. Their bodies were insubstantial, like shadows, all except their bright eyes. Jame recalled them teaching her a form of the Great Dance, a type of Senethar that could be used to reap souls. Later, she recalls more: they were called by their lord (Perimal Darkling? Gerridon?) from a dim world. They taught Jamethiel Dream-Weaver the Great Dance, and then Jame. She thought that Beauty was a young one of their kind, but unlike her elders, an innocent one -- and unfallen darkling, much like Jame herself. It is not clear if these are the same shadows that by mating give the shape-shifting ability.