  • Total Drama: Explosion Tour
  • 1: George, Serena and Cinderella voted for each other. The person who was the most in the bottom two was going home. But George was immune cause he won the immunity challenge so Cinderella was voted out. 2: Jamie and Savannah were a tie and the girls had a battle. Jamie lost the battle.
  • 1: George, Serena and Cinderella voted for each other. The person who was the most in the bottom two was going home. But George was immune cause he won the immunity challenge so Cinderella was voted out. 2: Jamie and Savannah were a tie and the girls had a battle. Jamie lost the battle. * WIN: This camper won the challenge for their team. * WIN: This camper won the challenge for themselves only. * WIN: Was apart of the winning team. * IN: Was safe during the elimination ceremony. * IN: Placed second with his/her team and was safe. * LOW: Was on the bottom two during the elimination ceremony. * OUT: This camper was voted off or eliminated. * OUT: This camper was eliminated. * DISQ: This camper was disqualified from the competition. * QUIT: This camper leaved the island for a personal reason.