  • 302
  • 302
  • 302
  • 302
  • 302
  • [[Plik:DSC01847.JPG|right|thumb|250px|Autobus MAN NL223 na linii 302 na ul. Jagiellońskiej (2011)]] 302 – nieistniejąca linia autobusowa zwykła okresowa, która kursowała na trasie z Bukowa na Dworzec Wschodni, niektóre kursy podjeżdżały do przystanku Oczyszczalnia Czajka. Linię obsługiwał ajent ITS Michalczewski.
  • 302 is a Third Class cabin on the Spencer Rain.
  • 302 is the 302nd page on the NSGM wikia.
  • El trescientos dos (302) es el número natural que sigue al 301 y precede al 303. Categoría:Números
  • Nina hat den Song über ihre gescheiterte Liebe zu Deniz fertig komponiert und lässt sich von Tim überreden, ein Demoband aufzunehmen. Tim ist in seinem Engagement für Nina kaum noch zu bremsen: Er organisiert ein Interview und kurbelt den CD-Vertrieb an. In seinem Enthusiasmus bemerkt Tim jedoch nicht, dass Nina inzwischen Skrupel bekommen hat. Ein charmanter Unbekannter taucht in der Siedlung auf und weckt sogleich Annette Interesse. Marian hingegen ist geschockt, als er in dem Fremden seinen alten Kumpel Etienne wieder erkennt. Seine unguten Befürchtungen werden sofort bestätigt, denn Etienne will Marian für einen illegalen Coup gewinnen. Vehement lehnt Marian ab, aber dann begreift er, wie sehr die Modernisierung der Siedlung seine Existenz bedroht. Diana hat Probleme beim Training und
  • Barnabas Collins sits in the Old House parlor looking through an album of family portraits when Julia Hoffman comes in. She informs him she'll be ready to give him an injection, which takes great care and time to prepare, in 20 minutes. He reminds her that one mistake means the end of her life. She notes Barnabas' interest in the family album, and Barnabas admits he is particularly fascinated with the portrait of Jeremiah Collins. It seems that Jeremiah has an "uncanny resemblance" to Burke Devlin, and Barnabas expresses his loathing for both men and his desire for Burke's death.
  • A 302 is a document within the FBI that petitions the Bureau to open a new case. The initiation of this request usually stems from an FBI agent, who is then known as the "agent of record". The 302 should include a basic outline of the crime or event that is to be investigated, along with any available evidence. Based on the seriousness of the crime or event and the validity of the evidence, a case is then opened or the 302 is disallowed. "TEEN TAKEN FROM TENT BY ALIENS"
  • 302
  • 1967-08-07
  • 298
  • 1967
  • Resident Evil: Dead Aim
  • 302
  • 1967-08-22
  • 3
  • 302
wikipage disambiguates
  • [[Plik:DSC01847.JPG|right|thumb|250px|Autobus MAN NL223 na linii 302 na ul. Jagiellońskiej (2011)]] 302 – nieistniejąca linia autobusowa zwykła okresowa, która kursowała na trasie z Bukowa na Dworzec Wschodni, niektóre kursy podjeżdżały do przystanku Oczyszczalnia Czajka. Linię obsługiwał ajent ITS Michalczewski.
  • A 302 is a document within the FBI that petitions the Bureau to open a new case. The initiation of this request usually stems from an FBI agent, who is then known as the "agent of record". The 302 should include a basic outline of the crime or event that is to be investigated, along with any available evidence. Based on the seriousness of the crime or event and the validity of the evidence, a case is then opened or the 302 is disallowed. In late 1993, Special Agent Fox Mulder submitted a 302 for a potential X-File to his ASAC. The document was ultimately passed on to Section Chief Scott Blevins, as the only evidence Mulder included in the 302 was a tabloid clipping headlined: "TEEN TAKEN FROM TENT BY ALIENS" Blevins was unimpressed with the vagueness of this request. However, after a recommendation from Special Agent Dana Scully, he chose to approve the 302. (TXF: "Conduit") Later the same year, Scully was questioned by Section Chief Joseph McGrath, who asked her if she had ever been aware of Mulder submitting a 302 form requesting assignment and travel expenses to investigate matters related to an evacuation of Townsend, Wisconsin. Scully's reply was negative. (TXF: "Fallen Angel") In 1994, Mulder submitted a 302 requesting assignment to a closed case regarding the death of a Doctor Saul Grissom. Mulder believed there was more to the case than had been reported, as he had been sent a tape of a call Grissom had made to 911 reporting a fire although no evidence of a blaze had apparently been found. The 302 was approved by Assistant Director Walter Skinner, who also assigned Agent Alex Krycek to the case as he had also submitted a 302 for the same case only two hours before Mulder. (TXF: "Sleepless") In early 1996, Agent Bill Patterson submitted a 302 requesting that Mulder join an already underway investigation. After the 302 had been approved, Scully later checked the document and told Mulder that Patterson had requested his involvement. (TXF: "Grotesque")
  • 302 is a Third Class cabin on the Spencer Rain.
  • 302 is the 302nd page on the NSGM wikia.
  • Nina hat den Song über ihre gescheiterte Liebe zu Deniz fertig komponiert und lässt sich von Tim überreden, ein Demoband aufzunehmen. Tim ist in seinem Engagement für Nina kaum noch zu bremsen: Er organisiert ein Interview und kurbelt den CD-Vertrieb an. In seinem Enthusiasmus bemerkt Tim jedoch nicht, dass Nina inzwischen Skrupel bekommen hat. Ein charmanter Unbekannter taucht in der Siedlung auf und weckt sogleich Annette Interesse. Marian hingegen ist geschockt, als er in dem Fremden seinen alten Kumpel Etienne wieder erkennt. Seine unguten Befürchtungen werden sofort bestätigt, denn Etienne will Marian für einen illegalen Coup gewinnen. Vehement lehnt Marian ab, aber dann begreift er, wie sehr die Modernisierung der Siedlung seine Existenz bedroht. Diana hat Probleme beim Training und bittet Nadja um Unterstützung. Nadja, die ihre Arbeit vermisst, hilft Diana nur zu gern, will aber nicht wieder für die Steinkamps arbeiten. Doch da hat Julian eine Idee, wie er Nadja zurück ins Zentrum holt, ohne dass sie Angestellte der Steinkamps wäre...
  • Barnabas Collins sits in the Old House parlor looking through an album of family portraits when Julia Hoffman comes in. She informs him she'll be ready to give him an injection, which takes great care and time to prepare, in 20 minutes. He reminds her that one mistake means the end of her life. She notes Barnabas' interest in the family album, and Barnabas admits he is particularly fascinated with the portrait of Jeremiah Collins. It seems that Jeremiah has an "uncanny resemblance" to Burke Devlin, and Barnabas expresses his loathing for both men and his desire for Burke's death. Julia reminds Barnabas of his promise not to harm anyone, else the experiment might be threatened. Although he would relish the opportunity to kill his rival, Barnabas claims to have no intention of doing so. Julia believes something other than Burke is disturbing the vampire. She correctly deduces the cause of his worries as his sister, Sarah Collins. Sarah could be detrimental to the success of the experiment in which Julia intends to return Barnabas to normality. Barnabas admits that Sarah's ghost made contact with him, although he doesn't know why she has returned. Julia presses Barnabas about his whereabouts when he heard Sarah's voice. He reluctantly admits he was in Maggie Evans' room. Julia is astounded that a little girl could affect Barnabas in such a remarkable way. She believes it is possible Barnabas unconsciously willed his sister to return, due to all he has lost. Elizabeth Collins Stoddard finds Victoria Winters in Collinwood's Drawing room waiting on Burke to arrive for a date. Elizabeth wonders if she has made a decision about Burke's proposal, but Victoria still needs more time. At that moment, Julia returns from the Old House and Elizabeth notes her dedication to her work. Victoria excuses herself to meet Burke out on the terrace. Elizabeth inquires about the progress Julia has made, and Julia wonders if Elizabeth knows anything about Sarah. Little is known, only that she died at the age of ten. Elizabeth is looking forward to reading Julia's finished book, and wonders what other tomes she has written. Julia quickly changes the subject, focusing on Elizabeth's reputation as a recluse. However, Elizabeth is wise to Julia's nimble way with words. Burke meets Victoria on the terrace, and he is anxious for her answer. Although she loves him, Victoria admits to knowing so little about Burke. He gets angry at her wanting to delve into the past, only to apologize afterward. Victoria finally says yes to his marriage proposal. The pair embrace and kiss passionately. Meanwhile, Barnabas visits Collinwood and confides in Elizabeth that, thanks to Miss Hoffman, he's never felt better. At that moment, Victoria and Burke return and announce their wedding plans. Elizabeth is overjoyed, but Barnabas is clearly heartbroken. Burke overhears Barnabas hatefully murmur Jeremiah's name. Barnabas and Julia depart, and Elizabeth notes how depressed her cousin has become. Out on the terrace, Barnabas cannot fathom the idea of Victoria marrying someone as "crass and vulgar" as Burke. Determined to win Victoria's heart and see that her marriage to Burke never takes place, Barnabas gives Julia his complete cooperation in her experiments.
  • El trescientos dos (302) es el número natural que sigue al 301 y precede al 303. Categoría:Números
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