  • Sith Grenadier
  • Sith grenadier
  • The Sith grenadier was a Sith trooper that focused on grenade specialization. They generally carried a variety of grenades ranging from plasma grenades to adhesive grenades. The grenadiers guarding important places, such as the bridge of a ship or the tactical planning room of a base often carried thermal detonators. All Sith grenadiers also carried vibroblades and Light or Medium Repeating Blasters.
  • The Sith Grenadier was an elite unit deployed at the Battle of Violarr.
  • The Sith grenadier was a Sith trooper that focused on grenade specialization. They generally carried a variety of grenades ranging from plasma grenades to adhesive grenades. The grenadiers guarding important places, such as the bridge of a ship or the tactical planning room of a base often carried thermal detonators. All Sith grenadiers also carried vibroblades and Light or Medium Repeating Blasters.
  • The Sith Grenadier was an elite unit deployed at the Battle of Violarr.