  • Third Amendment
  • The Third Amendment is an amendment to the Lovian Constitution and was proposed in early 2010 by Prime Minister Yuri Medvedev, with the inclusion of two proposals by King Dimitri I of Lovia. The proposals that were accepted by the required majority in the Second Chamber, concerned the lowering of the power of the monarch and Prime Minister, changes in the citizenship registration and several changes in regard to the monarchy. The entire cluster of changes was accepted March 10th, 2010, by Congress.
  • The Third Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, part of the Bill of Rights, prevents the government from quartering soldiers in civilian's homes during peace time without the consent of the civilian.
  • The Third Amendment is an amendment to the Lovian Constitution and was proposed in early 2010 by Prime Minister Yuri Medvedev, with the inclusion of two proposals by King Dimitri I of Lovia. The proposals that were accepted by the required majority in the Second Chamber, concerned the lowering of the power of the monarch and Prime Minister, changes in the citizenship registration and several changes in regard to the monarchy. The entire cluster of changes was accepted March 10th, 2010, by Congress.
  • The Third Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, part of the Bill of Rights, prevents the government from quartering soldiers in civilian's homes during peace time without the consent of the civilian.