  • Dragon Ball Z: The End
  • A normal day was ending in the heights of Kami's Lookout, Goku and Gohan were enjoing the sunset's colors. The sun slowly faded with its orange tone, far in the horizon, the cool breeze of the night was already blowing. Goku felt the shivering through all his body, Gohan was happy to have his father by his side, something he barely have had. But as the moment was turning into something significant, Goku had an idea, he wanted to spend some quality time with his son. "I'm so bored!" said him, yawning. "Hey Gohan, want to have a quick match?" "Dad, are you alright!?" asked Gohan, worried.
  • A normal day was ending in the heights of Kami's Lookout, Goku and Gohan were enjoing the sunset's colors. The sun slowly faded with its orange tone, far in the horizon, the cool breeze of the night was already blowing. Goku felt the shivering through all his body, Gohan was happy to have his father by his side, something he barely have had. But as the moment was turning into something significant, Goku had an idea, he wanted to spend some quality time with his son. "I'm so bored!" said him, yawning. "Hey Gohan, want to have a quick match?" "Of course dad but, wouldn't mom get angry if we're late?" asked Gohan. "No need to worry, we can always use the Hyperbolic Time Chamber" cheerfully answered Goku. The pair entered the chamber, ready for a good match. Goku warmed up with some quick flexions while Gohan, obviously doubtful, couldn't stop thinking about his mother's rage if they arrived too late at night. After some minutes, father and son were face to face, ready for a good fight. Both took fighter stances, without movement, the tension could be felt in the air as the excitement of the two warriors grew inside of them. A sweat drop fell from Goku's face. When it touched the ground, the fight started. The fast movements of Goku were as lighting but Gohan was an equal match for him, for normal eyes the battle was nothing but footstep sounds but there, in the white panorama of the Time Chamber, the two were fighting. A barrage of punches was Gohan's first hardship, his father mixed good speed with good strengh. Gohan managed to break free, countering with a punch strong enough to knock Goku far away. Gohan stepped forward, wondering where his dad was, he could feel his Ki, still dynamic and burning with intensity. Suddenly someone touched his shoulder, it was Goku. Instant Transmission surely was an useful battle technique. Both surprised and eager, Gohan charged his power, changing into Super Saiyan, ready to blast Goku away. Goku smiled, proudly seeing his son power, the fight was so fun for him that it deserved a flashing final, a true power struggle to find who was stronger. With a loud scream that roared in the chamber's emptiness, he turned into Super Saiyan. "What do you say Gohan, if we end this right here, right now?" said Goku, charging his Kamehameha. "Sure father, let's see who's the strongest" replied Gohan, charging his own Kamehameha. So the two, with all their spirit and will focused in their attacks, released the waves, the ones that collided at full power, shining brighter than the sun in an almighty crash, breaking the floor beneath them. The major powers were at the prime of their conflict when Goku distracted for a second, having an uneasy feeling, this however, caused him to take Gohan's blast, sending him flying right to the bathtub. "Dad, are you alright!?" asked Gohan, worried. "Y-yes" spoke Goku, coughing a small cloud of smoke "but for some reason, i think we have to leave". The two left Kami's Lookout, flying at max speed, for no reason, maybe destiny was calling, maybe something was coming, the shadow of a new threat was slowly moving towards the Z Warriors, a new menace approaching covering itself with the veil of the incoming night. Just one thing was sure, they were going to be late, very very late.