  • Rare Hat
  • Rare Hat otherwise known as 'Huck' is 21. He started playing in 2004 and has a skill total of 2416. As of late 2013 he has been streaming oldschool on Twitch TV with his wife 'Golden Lox' otherwise known as Hailey. He has stopped playing RuneScape 3 since the release of Evolution of Combat in favor of Old School RuneScape.
  • Rare Hat otherwise known as 'Huck' is 21. He started playing in 2004 and has a skill total of 2416. As of late 2013 he has been streaming oldschool on Twitch TV with his wife 'Golden Lox' otherwise known as Hailey. He has stopped playing RuneScape 3 since the release of Evolution of Combat in favor of Old School RuneScape.