  • Serena
  • Serena
  • Serena
  • Serena
  • Serena
  • Serena
  • Serena was a subject of the Phoenix Project in Salmon Creek. She was best friends with Maya Delaney and Daniel Bianchi, who is also her boyfriend, and is mentioned by both of them throughout the series, though she only appears in The Gathering. Serena was captain of the swim team, and was in the school choir as well. It is revealed that she is a supernatural type called a Xana along with her fellow swim team members Nicole and Hayley, both of whom were friends of hers. She drowns in the Prologue of The Gathering.
  • Serena is a mute Pokemon trainer and breeder, born in Unova. She is the protagonist from the game Pokemon X. The member currently playing Serena obtained her on January 28, 2014, and has been playing her ever since. This member was the first to play the character.
  • Serena - czarodziejka, bohaterka standardowa Heroes of Might and Magic III. Posiada umiejętności początkowe Mądrośc i Sokole Oko. Ta druga zdolnośc jest jej specjalnością: za każdy zdobyty poziom doświadczenia Serena otrzymuje pięcioprocentowy bonus do Sokolego Oka. Jej oficjalna biografia brzmi następująco: Jej pierwsze zaklęcie o mało jej nie zabiło. Skumulowała tyle magicznej energii, że aż czarodziej z sąsiedniego miasta się tym zaniepokoił. Szybko ją odszukał i przedstawił Gildii aby mogła rozpocząć naukę, i opanować swoją potęgę. Kategoria:Czarodzieje (Heroes of Might and Magic III)
  • Serena Lannister is Ash's waifu and a character from Pokemon series. Her mother is Grace and her half sister is Miley Cyrus. She is Ash Ketchum's fugly unrequited lover who plunged into insanity when she was rejected, she has a rivarly with Lillie (new Pokegirl) for making the best love history ever, better than Twilight.
  • Serena is Wyatt's ex-girlfriend, his former boss, and the manager of Spin This. She is the first serious girlfriend Wyatt has in the series. Serena was voiced by Novie Edwards.
  • Serena is a character in IX. With the exception of flashback cut-scenes, she appears as a ghost for the entire game. She appears multiple times throughout the game. Her relationship with Corvus is tied heavily into the overall plot of IX. She appears as a unknown ghost twice in Angel Falls and Dourbridge. When Serena finally discloses her name, she will ask you to bring her a serene necklace from under the statue of the Wormwood Creek Guardian, Corvus.
  • Une des personnes passant l’examen premium et suspect dans la disparition des sujets pour la première mission de Shinji et Kyo.
  • Serena is the goddess of the water fountain in the town. She appears on the top of the fountain in the city and in the players town. She gives out the Silver Axe and the Golden Axe when a regular axe is thrown into the town fountain. She might also get angry and refuse to do anything. Image:Stub.png This article has been deemed a stub. You can help Wii Wiki by [ expanding it].
  • Lady Serenadellatrovella (kurz Serena) ist eine Time Lady vom Planeten Gallifrey, die dem Zweiten Doctor von der Celestial Intervention Agency als Begleiterin zugeteilt wird. Serena opfert ihr Leben, als die Spieler den jungen Arthur Wellesley töten wollen, um somit die Geschichte der Erde zu verändern.
  • Japanese CV: English VA: Creator(s): Serena is the "goddess" of Will and is the companion to Herea.
  • A serena was a type of Bajoran music. In 2369, during the attempt to keep Deep Space 9's Cardassian computer and the "Pup" program within it occupied, Anara asked the computer to create a concert program of Bajoran serenas. (DS9 episode: "The Forsaken", DS9 short story: "So a Horse Walks into a Bar...")
  • Das frisch verheiratete, junge Ehepaar George und Serena Pemberton reist im Jahr 1929 von Boston nach North Carolina, um ins florierende Holzunternehmen einzusteigen. Die beiden erweisen sich als überaus erfolgreich, besonders Serena zeigt, dass sie ihrem Mann durchaus ebenbürtig ist, kontrolliert die Arbeiter und rettet sogar einem Mann in der Wildnis das Leben. Als sie jedoch erfährt, dass sie keine Kinder bekommen kann, wächst ihre Eifersucht auf Georges Sohn aus einer früheren Beziehung. Als Serena schließlich vermutet, dass George seine uneheliche Familie schützen will, schmiedet sie einen Plan, um ihren Mann für sich zu haben. Die Ehe der beiden wird auf eine harte Probe gestellt, als auch noch die Regierung versucht, Ansprüche auf das Land der Pembertons zu erheben.
  • Serena appears in Rosetta's Dress Mess. She is seen pinning a sash onto her design for the dress show. Rosetta thinks it looks like a bathrobe, which hurts Serena's feelings. Serena may have taken Rosetta's comments to heart, as she ends up presenting a simple and flowing dress that ends the show.
  • Serena (セレナ Serena) is one of the assistants of the Magic Council, and one of the two guards assigned to watch over Jellal Fernandes.
  • Serena es una de las voces internas de Alien X.
  • Serena is an imbued hunter of the Judge creed.
  • Serena is the substitute guardian of Lissa. She works alongside Grant in protecting Lissa. When Lissa visits Lehigh, Grant and Serena accompany her along with guardians for Priscilla Voda and Christian Ozera. Grant, Priscilla and the other guardians are all murdered, and Serena is left in very bad shape, however she is able to call back to the Royal Court guardians and tell them what happened. Serena also aids Lissa and Christian, with Grant, to train with stakes and in fighting Strigoi. Serena helps Lissa find Tatiana's murderer in Last Sacrifice.
  • Serena es una híbrida humana-vampiresa. Ella es la primera hija de Joham, la media hermana mayor de Maysun, de Nahuel y Jennifer, y la primera híbrida conocida en existencia.
  • Serena es la voz del amor y la compasión de Alien X. Su nombre parece haber sido inspirado en la palabra paz, que significa "serenidad". Aparece por primera vez en Ben 10: Fuerza Alienígena, en el episodio X = Ben + 2.
  • Serena is the gatekeeper of the recently resurrected home world of Domino's ocean portal, and Bloom's bonded selkie.
  • Serena (ゆめみ, Yumemi en japonais, Luna en anglais, Alakama en espagnol, Serenada en allemand, Sonia en italien) est un tapir apparaissant uniquement dans Animal Crossing: New Leaf et Animal Crossing: Happy Home Designer. Dans l'Institut du rêve de la rue commerçante. Elle est débloquée avec sa boutique quand le joueur parle à Marie endormie sur son bureau, car elle lui proposera de la construire. La phrase de sa photo est "Poursuivre un rêve demande du repos". Elle a une phrase de signature, ce que peu de personnages spéciaux ont. Celle-ci est "hmmm".
  • Serena is Alien X's voice of love and compassion. She first appeared in X = Ben + 2.
  • Serena is a character in the Wii video game Animal Crossing: City Folk. Visit the town hall and donate enough Bells to your town fund to have a fountain built in town. once the constructions complete (and Tortimer moves out of your way), toss an axe into the fountain to summon a mystical character named Serena. Answer Serena's questions for a chance at scoring either a silver or gold axe, which won't break. This article is a stub. You can help the Nintendo Wiki by expanding it.
  • Serena ist eine Friseurin aus Grand Theft Auto V, die in einer Kundenrezension zum Salon Bob Mulét Hair & Beauty, in dem sie tätig ist, auf der offiziellen Website zum Spiel erwähnt wird. Über sie ist wenig bekannt, jedoch weiß man, dass sie die Lieblingsfriseurin von Doug A. ist, der in sie vernarrt ist, da sie „die einzige Spur Menschlichkeit“ ist, die er kennt. Außerdem benutzt sie, möglicherweise auch regelmäßig, Parfüm der Marke Le Chien, zumindest meint Doug A. dies an ihr gerochen zu haben. Kategorie:Grand-Theft-Auto-V-Charaktere Kategorie:Friseure
  • Serena ist ein Charakter aus Professor Layton und die Maske der Wunder. Sie ist eine Touristin in Monte d'Or.
  • Serena may refer to: * Serena (Hero), a playable hero from the "Silent Protector" Lieutenant Pack. * Serena (Ally), an ally from the Labyrinth of Ruin expansion. * Serena (Lieutenant), the ally if corrupted by the Overlord in the Labyrinth of Ruin expansion. * Serena (Agent), an agent from the Silent Protector Lieutenant Pack.
  • Serena is a character in Hercules: The Legendary Journeys.
  • Her name may come from the word 'serene', a word sometimes used when addressing people of high status (e.g. "His Serene Highness") or someone who's calm. However, the name is also ironic given her unpredictable nature. Her Spanish name comes from the word 'diva', meaning a popular female singer of outstanding talent in opera, and 'chihuahua', which is a type of dog, reflecting her species.
  • Serena is the grand-daughter of Rhoan. She married Georg and they had a child named Sylphy. She died long ago.
  • Ever since she was little, Serena has been fascinated by dolphins. She’s been a subscriber to Dolphin Magazine since the age of five and has lovingly conserved every edition, which she religiously re-reads each night before going to sleep. So joining the Ulu Watu to protect dolphins was the easiest decision she’s ever made. Dolphin enemies, be warned!
  • Serena ist ein Charakter aus dem Film Smaragdgrün und geht auf die Saint Lennox High School. Bei ihr findet die Party in grün statt. (Im Buch wird die Party von Cynthia Dale veranstaltet.) Serena wird von Amelie Plaas-Link dargestellt. Kategorie:Charaktere Kategorie:Schüler und Lehrer der St. Lennox-Highschool
  • She was placed aboard the flight in the guise of a flight attendant to support Ring agent Hugo Panzer during his mission. Serena freed Panzer after he was disabled in the cargo hold, and poisoned Chuck to force him to return the key. She was later incapacitated by falling luggage after Sarah took control of the aircraft via satellite and destabilized it, and was apprehended when the flight arrived in France. Shaw expressed a familiarity with Serena's tactics, and implicated her in several poisonings of high-ranking officials. She appears in: "Chuck Versus First Class".
  • In Depression-era North Carolina, the future of George Pemberton's timber empire becomes complicated when it is learned that his wife, Serena, cannot bear children.
  • Serena was a scientist who, along with Cher Degré, worked on creating, and working with Cheza.
  • Serena is a clacker and a friend of Emily Charlton.
  • Serena is Emily's sister, who was originally meant to be the Yellow Samurai Ranger. When Serena fell ill, the Ape Folding Zord was given to Emily, along with the powers.
  • Serena is a Siren and commonly says that she needs people to feel her pain. She is portrayed by Kendra Timmins in Siren Song.
  • Serena is a minor character from the 1985 animated series She-Ra: Princess of Power.
  • Following the Doctor's trial (TV: The War Games) on Gallifrey, the CIA had him perform tasks for them, offering to amend his original sentence of execution in favour of exile if he would act as a deniable agent in matters they would prefer not to be seen getting publically involved in. The CIA intended for Serena to help the Doctor prevent the Players from interfering with the history of Earth. File:CharStub.png
  • Serena was a barmaid. In 2002 while hanging out at the Olive Branch bar, a scruffy and drunk Neil Winters met barmaid Serena. Neil started spending time with Serena who was sympathetic to Neil's battle with alcoholism. Serena, though appearing street smart and tough, felt sorry for Neil and took him home with her where they made love. Serena had a drunk man and a child in her past so she related to Neil, rescued him and gave him a place to go without judgment instead of hounding him to shape up like Olivia Winters did. Serena gently comforted Neil through his alcohol withdrawal and urged him to get help.
  • As a Siren, Serena arrived at Whitechapel High, where she began causing discord with her singing, causing people to fight each other, and increasing their rage. Upon noticing this, Benny and Ethan at first suspected she was a mermaid, only to discover she wasn't when they soaked her with water. Upon touching her, Ethan had a vision intense enough to damage his hearing. Meanwhile she also angered and mocked Erica. She continued to use her singing to create discord, planning on spreading it completely at the talent contest. However while there she was confronted by Benny, Ethan and Rory, who had formed their own band: Muse-o-tronics.My-babysitters-a-vampire—siren-song-209—kept-quiet—kendra-timmins Shariq.m Their popularity with the crowd, as they went on right before her, angered her. She pu
  • " - C'est l'heure de fermer les yeux et de faire un jolie rêve - " - Serena avant de lancer son gaz soporifique. Séréna est une chimiste travaillant sous les ordres de Resetti. Elle est très intelligente et travaille avec son binôme Morsius. On la voit pour la première fois à [insérez lieu], où elle utilisera un gaz soporifique sur vous et des civils pris au hasard. Une fois réveillé, elle vous aura enfermé dans sa base. Elle vous demandera ensuite un numéro de téléphone de quelqu'un de votre famille pour demander une rançon sous menace de mort.
  • Serena 「セレナ, Serena ?」 es la protagonista actual del anime Pokémon en la Serie XY. Viaja junto a Ash Ketchum y su Pikachu, Lem y Clem por toda la región de Kalos. Es la amiga de la infancia de Ash. Es una chica de cabello castaño claro, el cual lo lleva suelto, excepto en la parte de atrás que lo tiene atado con una coleta; ojos claros, de color celeste. Viste una camiseta de hombreras de color negro con un cuello blanco, una falda de color rojo y unas medias que le llegan hasta la mitad del muslo, también de color negro. Calza unas zapatillas negras con el símbolo de una Poké Ball de color rosado, lleva consigo una mochila de color rosa con algunos detalles en negro, porta un sombrero de color rosa con una franja negra, en el cual hay un moño pequeño también de color negro.
  • I have always been somewhat interested in things like psychology, philosophy, and metaphysics. It started from a very early age and my interests only grew with time as I researched more on the subjects of the afterlife, ghosts, spirits, demons, etc. One concept I came across a year ago in a Creepypasta was the creation of Tulpas; beings created out of thought or belief. In layman terms, it's like creating an imaginary friend, but taking into consideration that this being was capable of sentient thought and emotions. Serena smiled and her green eyes twinkled. "As will I, Joseph."
  • Serena shares her design and carrots cutie mark with Golden Harvest, "Maroon Carrot", S01E11 Unnamed Earth Mare #4, S01E11 Unnamed Earth Mare #5, and "Berry Icicle", her design and sometimes carrots cutie mark with Spring Forward, her design and coat color with S04E12 Unnamed Earth Mare #3, her design with Daisy, Caramel Apple, Lucky Star, S01E03 Unnamed Earth Mare #3, Blueberry Curls, "Lilac Blossom", "Mint Swirl", S04E08 Unnamed Earth Mare #2, "Apple Top", "Swirly Cotton", S04E22 Unnamed Earth Mare #19, S04E12 Unnamed Earth Mare #1, S04E22 Unnamed Earth Mare #10, S04E12 Unnamed Earth Mare #4, S04E22 Unnamed Earth Mare #14, "Cornflower", "Hazel Harvest", "Bell Perin", and S04E22 Unnamed Earth Mare #9, her mane and tail style with Strawberry Sunrise, her tail style and pineapple cutie mark
  • In the Paris of the 1920s, Serena was an independent-minded woman who dressed in well-cut men's garb to indicate her intent to reject the usual role of women in the society of the time. Nevertheless, she had a deep wish to have a child—but without the limitations on her life that she believed marriage would bring.
  • Blood Promise
  • 1
  • 5
  • 7
  • 8
  • 3
  • Present
  • +3 - Kind Trainer
  • juno
  • Féminin
  • Femelle
  • Tapir
Primera aparición
  • ???
  • "Expecting"
  • Megami-sama
cutie mark
  • BellicusVoz de la Razón
  • Femenino
Wird gespielt von
  • DarkBlastDimensional
  • めがみさま
  • Peter McAleese
  • Ron Halpern
  • weiblich
Erster Auftritt
  • 2014
English Voice
  • Ian Moore
  • Habilidades vampíricas limitadas
Kinostart DE
  • 2014-12-18
  • Candea
  • Divahua
  • Shivava
  • 250
  • Ben Cosgrove Mark Cuban Paula Mae Schwartz Steve Schwartz Todd Wagner Nick Wechsler
  • WikiDex
  • Oh ja, aber natürständlich! Der vermummelte Mann von Welt ist ein ganz diabolöser! Aber das ist ja gerade so reizerregend!
  • USA
  • 5
Image Gallery
  • yes
Nom Usuel
  • Serena
  • Englisch
  • ???
  • Schülerin
  • Femenino
  • 6540.0
  • Pokémon
  • braun
Japanese Voice
  • Ami Koshimizu
  • Manami Ozaki
Manga Debut
Letzter Auftritt
  • 1810
  • Rare
Anime Debut
  • Serena
  • FSK: 12
  • x
  • Serena in The Ticket Master
  • It's complicated.
  • Tara Strong
  • Kimberly Brooks
  • Novie Edwards
  • Vicki Lewis
  • Serena
  • Serena.jpg
  • Serena
  • Serena
  • Jennifer Lawrence, Bradley Cooper, Rhys Ifans
  • S
  • None
  • Sans-Destin
  • N/A
  • Fire Magic
  • Fire Spells
  • Break dark spells and curses
  • Close and open Domino's ocean portal
  • Pyrokenises
  • The Dragon's Flame
  • *Serena ♰ * Joham * Nahuel * Maysun * Jennifer
  • Earth
  • 15
  • 28
  • >300
  • about 18
  • 200
  • Animal Crossing
Voiced by
  • Asuka Tanî
  • Madelaine
  • Alive
  • Deceased
  • Unknown
  • tot
  • Deceased - Due to the end of the world
  • Spirit Bound, Last Sacrifice
First Appearance
  • None
  • Laura Bailey
  • Axe upgrade
  • Dragon Quest IX
  • Blond
  • Brown
Release Date
  • 2013-09-27
  • USA
  • Serena
  • "Serena"
  • Serena
  • Character
  • minor
  • 250
  • Yes
  • Ilaria Giorgino
  • Rachele Paolelli
  • Ratena
  • One of Serena's many looks.
  • Serena as seen in Animal Crossing: City Folk
  • Serena in the present day .
  • 150
  • Female
  • *Poppet *Lucki *Zaffi *Juno *Buster Bumblechops
Hair Color
  • Brown
Color de Cabello
  • No Tiene
Color de Ojos
  • Transparente
anniversaire (jj/mm)
  • --02-29
originally from
  • Freeze City
  • English
  • Serena
  • Serena
  • Voz del Amor y Compasión
  • 0
  • セレナ
  • Mente de Alien X
  • Serena
  • 5
  • Guardian
  • Serena
  • Kalos League Champion
  • Keeper of Domino's ocean gate
Nombre Completo
  • Serena
  • Magic Staff
  • Ulu Watu
  • Goddess of Will
  • Mónica Manjarrez Patricia Acevedo TBA
  • D
  • Selkie
  • 200
Real Name
  • Serena
  • AzulOscuro
  • Ben Tennyson
  • Alien X
  • Bellicus
  • None
  • Animal Crossing: City Folk
  • 5
  • N/A
  • Serena
  • Serena
  • Serena
  • Thomson
  • Serena
  • Serena as Star Swirl ID S4E11.png
  • 200
  • Serena Dynamic Profile.png
  • Serena.png
  • White
  • Unnamed father †
  • World Game
  • 2012-10-08
Home world
  • Inside Alien X
  • Serena
Eye Color
  • Purple
Image File
  • Serena.png
  • Female
  • Male
  • "hmmm"
  • Human
  • Spirit
  • Frog
  • Xana
  • Humaine
  • circa 1900
Japanese name
  • ラテーナ
  • [[w:c:literature:Serena
  • 0
  • pokemon
  • Drowned
  • Christopher Kyle , Ron Rash
  • Susanne Bier
  • Femenino
  • Serena ID S1E3.png
  • Unbekannt frau.jpg
  • Serena.png
wikipage disambiguates
  • Poisson
  • Game
  • 1922
  • 230
  • 200
  • Serena dressed as Star Swirl the Bearded in Three's A Crowd
  • Serena was a subject of the Phoenix Project in Salmon Creek. She was best friends with Maya Delaney and Daniel Bianchi, who is also her boyfriend, and is mentioned by both of them throughout the series, though she only appears in The Gathering. Serena was captain of the swim team, and was in the school choir as well. It is revealed that she is a supernatural type called a Xana along with her fellow swim team members Nicole and Hayley, both of whom were friends of hers. She drowns in the Prologue of The Gathering.
  • Serena is a mute Pokemon trainer and breeder, born in Unova. She is the protagonist from the game Pokemon X. The member currently playing Serena obtained her on January 28, 2014, and has been playing her ever since. This member was the first to play the character.
  • Serena - czarodziejka, bohaterka standardowa Heroes of Might and Magic III. Posiada umiejętności początkowe Mądrośc i Sokole Oko. Ta druga zdolnośc jest jej specjalnością: za każdy zdobyty poziom doświadczenia Serena otrzymuje pięcioprocentowy bonus do Sokolego Oka. Jej oficjalna biografia brzmi następująco: Jej pierwsze zaklęcie o mało jej nie zabiło. Skumulowała tyle magicznej energii, że aż czarodziej z sąsiedniego miasta się tym zaniepokoił. Szybko ją odszukał i przedstawił Gildii aby mogła rozpocząć naukę, i opanować swoją potęgę. Kategoria:Czarodzieje (Heroes of Might and Magic III)
  • In the Paris of the 1920s, Serena was an independent-minded woman who dressed in well-cut men's garb to indicate her intent to reject the usual role of women in the society of the time. Nevertheless, she had a deep wish to have a child—but without the limitations on her life that she believed marriage would bring. For this reason, she was intrigued by Nick Knight, whose lifestyle—actually related to his vampirism—she interpreted to mean that he was a free spirit who would give her a child and then leave her to raise it alone. When she approached Nick, she spoke metaphorically in terms of wanting "immortality". Nick took this to mean that she wanted him to bring her across as a vampire, and did so. She was appalled to discover her changed state, and has blamed him ever since. There is a folk legend within the vampire community that, if a female vampire can become pregnant, she will regain her mortality, that being the only way for the fœtus to get nourishment in utero. In Baby, Baby, Serena decided to try to find a "special kind of man" who could impregnate a vampire. While working as a welder in modern-day Toronto, she met a criminal named Calvin Trilling who had an extra Y chromosome. This, she decided, was a man with the potential to father her child. However, Serena proved to be wrong, and her attempt to become pregnant by Trilling ended in the latter's death. After disposing of his corpse, Serena left Toronto.
  • I have always been somewhat interested in things like psychology, philosophy, and metaphysics. It started from a very early age and my interests only grew with time as I researched more on the subjects of the afterlife, ghosts, spirits, demons, etc. One concept I came across a year ago in a Creepypasta was the creation of Tulpas; beings created out of thought or belief. In layman terms, it's like creating an imaginary friend, but taking into consideration that this being was capable of sentient thought and emotions. This particularly interested me for one particular reason. Though my social life was OK, I had no girlfriend. Well, I had ex-girlfriends, but as the title implies, they either cheated on me or just broke up with me. All sorts of weird reasons were given, like "we don't have anything in common" or that they found someone better looking or with more money than me. Who was I kidding anyway, I'm a loser. But perhaps with this Tulpa concept, I could change this. I had done all sorts of mental exercises and meditations since I was young, so I needed very little help to initiate this process. I simply sat cross-legged on my bed in the dark of my bedroom, and cleared my head of all thoughts. I played my song of choice, "Half a World" by Volta, to set the mood. I chose this because it was a trance song that I really liked, and because I found it clever that my soon to be new girlfriend and I were, in a sense, two worlds apart. I began to imagine all the things I would want in a girlfriend. After all, she was to be my "dream girl". I imagined her about 5'4", a few inches shorter than me, and having an hourglass figure. I didn't want an anorexic supermodel figure. I gave her long, straight, sandy brown hair. Her face was round, and her pale flesh was almost as radiant as her emerald green eyes. She had a soft, soothing voice to match her shy but bubbly personality. And being that I was a major otaku and gamer, she shared these traits with me. I had it to where she dressed casually, but wasn't afraid to accentuate her curves. "God I need a life," I thought bitterly, but quickly pushed that out of my head so I wouldn't fuck myself up while inventing what was supposed to be my soul mate. Fortunately, my thought process was interrupted by a soft, sweet voice. "Cheer up, you have me now!" I then realized that I was actually having a lucid dream, and that the product of my imagination was sitting in front of me, smiling. I was ecstatic, but I almost couldn't bring myself to move out of fear that I might somehow mess this up or accidentally wake up. But then she, as if reading my thoughts again, giggled playfully and wrapped her arms around me. I thought my heart was gonna try to jump out of my throat with my excitement. I could only muster these words: "Are... are you real?" she replied, "All you have to do is name me, and I will always be with you." I answered her with a name that rolled off the tip of my tongue. "I will always love you, Serena." Serena smiled and her green eyes twinkled. "As will I, Joseph." After we kissed, well, I think it goes without saying what happened next. It was amazing. She not only knew exactly what I wanted, but she made me feel more like a man than I had ever felt. And I felt a deep and spiritual connection with her as we did so. After what felt like hours, we finally cuddled up to each other in my bed. Her sweet voice as she sighed happily to sleep made my heart skip a beat, and I almost felt like crying. I held her tightly and actually felt the warmth of her body next to me as I drifted off. When I awoke, I was almost heartbroken to find that my bed was as empty and cold as it was all those nights before. But then I remembered that every night, she would always be there waiting for me. Or should I catch a nap or two during the day, perhaps. Over the next few months I lived day to day with a new pep in my step, if you will. I greeted college with an optimistic attitude, and became more productive at my part time job. Knowing that I had the love of my life to come home to, so to speak, filled me with the same joy and confidence that a newlywed husband would have. I would come home everyday to the same routine: get dinner, get a shower, and go to bed at around 9 PM. The rest of my night would be spent in my dream world, doing whatever I felt like doing, with my beloved. We would play videogames, watch anime or read manga, even reading Creepypastas or watching YouTube. She was my goddess, Serena. She was everything to me, and the apparent lack of a social life I had held no bearing on my good mood. I never wanted it to end; I wanted the rest of my life to be this way, even after I left my corporeal form. As this continued though, I think I got used to it. I'm sure that this sort of thing happens to all longtime couples, or newlyweds that settle down. But with her being confined to my dreams, and my schedule changing, my social life started to change. My confidence was bringing in more friends, and I started hanging out with people and coming home later. I would still see Serena in my dreams, but over time I had grown accustomed to the dreams. This led to less play time, less cuddling, even less lovemaking. This was met with Serena's understanding, albeit disappointment. But over time, as I became busier and more involved with people, I even started dismissing the dreams themselves as normal people did. As I started to attract female attention in my waking life, it didn't take much time for me to forget Serena entirely. The fall of the following year I started dating a girl I was talking to for a few weeks prior named Melissa. She and I had a few things in common; We were both gamers and we liked Creepypasta. She was nice and we had a pretty decent physical relationship previously established. I think these things were enough to outweigh our differing political views and all that, which seemed trivial in comparison. I spent a lot of time at her place, because her apartment was a heck of a lot nicer than the dump I had made for myself. Things were getting pretty heavy for us, and we were getting pretty close on more than just the physical level as the days went. In fact we were considering having me move in to her apartment with her. I finally went back to my pad one night, hammered from a night out drinking with Melissa and a group of our friends. This would be the last night I would spend in this wreck, because I was packing my things and moving out tomorrow. As I closed my eyes I heard a familiar, soft woman's voice ask, "Where have you been all this time?" I opened my eyes slowly and cleared my blurry vision to see a meek looking young lady with an hourglass frame and sandy brown hair sitting on the floor in front of me, her twinkling eyes watered and her lips quivering. In my drunken state, the only reaction I could manage was, "The fuck?" Then my heart sank, as she whimpered, "You don't remember me...?" Oh shit, I thought. That's the dream girl I made! I didn't know what to say or do, and my inebriation wasn't helping my thought process. I said, as sensitively as the alcohol would let me, "I... I'm sorry... I'm with Melissa now...." I actually felt Serena's heart stop as her eyes widened and her jaw dropped. I saw her shaking as she started to sob uncontrollably. I felt like shit. I knew I was an asshole. And yet, thanks to good old Jack Daniels, I managed to come out with this gem: "I'm so sorry... this is my fault. I shouldn't have created you in the first place." Oh yeah, that's just what she needed to hear, I scolded myself as she wailed, burying her face in her hands. But her reaction after I finished that thought surprised me. She looked at me, sniffling and wiping tears from her baby soft cheeks, and said, "It's OK... you're right... I don't blame you. I'll be going now. You're happy now, and you don't need me." She managed a weak smile, which tore right through my chest to see. But I hugged her. I found myself tearing up as I said, "I'm sorry. I don't regret making you." She whispered, "It's OK... I'll move on. Be happy, OK?" "OK, Serena" I said, as I opened my eyes to find that it was Sunday morning, and I was still dingy and hungover on my couch. I packed my things, which only took an hour, and moved it all into Melissa's place. The night before was kind of a blur to me, but certain parts stuck with me. Unfortunately I wasn't sober enough to recall much more. Either way it wasn't enough to distract me from the sense of completion I felt when all my games and clothes were moved in, as well as my gamer's chair and my laptop. Life was perfect now. Melissa and I celebrated by playing each other in games like Super Smash Brothers Brawl and watching silly fail videos on YouTube. Naturally we consummated this new found living situation, and finally fell asleep in each others arms in the wee hours of the morning. My dream that night was strange, to say the least. I entered my apartment and tried to flick on the light switch. For some reason, no light came on. This didn't faze me much, given how run down the place was, the power was probably out. I walked in with my key chain flashlight, and was mildly surprised to see that the apartment lay completely bare. The living room had nothing in it, the kitchen was empty, hell even the bathroom was vacant. It then hit me; What am I doing here? I don't live here anymore. I stood there, feeling like I was a character in The Sims who just had their action canceled, when I heard something coming from my empty bedroom which I hadn't gone into yet. It was a soft female voice, crying quietly. The hair stood up on the back of my neck, and I immediately started awake. Relieved, I found myself back in Melissa's bed, with that voluptuous body lying peacefully next to me. My heartbeat started to slow down as I smiled at this sight, and kissed her on her forehead. Though, as I closed my eyes, I heard the crying in my head again. I tried to shake it off as a lingering afterthought as I dozed off. This dream became a recurring nightmare. As it became more prevalent, I started to lose sleep. The paranoia had afflicted me with insomnia, but my curiosity made me lapse out of consciousness during the day. Concerned for me, Melissa would try and snap me out of it when my eyes glazed over. I confided to her about the dreams I had. She was understanding, but she had no idea of what to say to help me. We tried all sorts of new age sleeping remedies, and when that didn't work I started taking pills just to sleep. No matter what, I still had that same fucking dream, and each time, I would hear that crying. That poor girl sobbing that drove its way into my very soul and hollowed me out. The way my hair stood up on end and how queasy I felt when I even looked at my darkened, empty old bedroom. My concentration suffered at college, and my grades dropped. I got fired from my job because my performance was slowed. Melissa, frustrated with me not being able to help with rent, gave up on me. I had to move out. I would have moved into my old apartment room, but I couldn't bring myself to even step in there. Every time I did, I felt sick to my stomach. So I moved into another building in the same complex. I figured I would try to distance myself from that dump as much as I could while still trying to stay in the cheapest apartment in town. As I finished my unpacking that night, I undressed and went to take a shower. I looked in the mirror and saw a shell that I didn't even recognize. I saw a gaunt, pale version of me with messy hair and stubble. The exhausted facial expression that stared back with empty eyes made my soul go cold. Fuck it. I need sleep. I need to get my life back on track. If I had to experience that nightmare again, I would suck it up and go into the room this time. To confront, or just to find out, where that crying was coming from. Maybe then I could end this and start my life back over. I was too young to let my life go like this. I don't even remember falling asleep. I just remember being in front of that door again. That same door, with the number "14-A" in brass numbers. Here we go again, I thought with a surprising lucidity. I opened the door with my shaking hands. I didn't even turn on the light switch. I knew it wouldn't work. I just clicked on my flashlight. I checked the living room. Barren. I checked that kitchen. Vacant, of course. The bathroom was also unoccupied. And then I heard the crying, as always, coming from my old bedroom. I fought back the feeling of dread and sucked in a breath and walked slowly into the room. The sobbing became more agonized, and the empathy I felt was hard to fight back. It felt like her soul was falling apart. I nervously turned my flashlight toward the sound of her weeping I saw a young woman, huddled in the fetal position and naked, where my bed once was placed. Her face was hidden by stringy, frizzy hair, that once seemed to be sandy brown, but now was greyish white. She had pale, greying flesh that had scratches all over her arms and legs. Her sobs softened as my bluish flashlight beam hit her. I choked out the words, "Are... are you OK...?" This must have shocked her because her whole body spasmed at my words and she went silent for a long, dread filled moment. She then mumbled, weakly, "I've tried... I've tried so hard to move on..." I fought back a tear and gulped as I asked her, "What do you mean?" She sobbed and moaned, "You were better off... without me... I've tried.... I've tried so hard... to die...." She began to convulse as her tears stopped. Then, she stood up, and I could see her emaciated and quivering body had a hole in her chest that seemed as if she had ripped it open herself. She was gripping her own heart in her hand, black as coal and withered... but still beating, slowly. Then, with a jolt she snapped her face up to look at me. I saw her grey taut skin with sunken, clouded eyes that leaked thick, bloody tears. In that instant she shrieked at me with a pitch that made my entire soul wretch. "But I can't!"
  • Serena Lannister is Ash's waifu and a character from Pokemon series. Her mother is Grace and her half sister is Miley Cyrus. She is Ash Ketchum's fugly unrequited lover who plunged into insanity when she was rejected, she has a rivarly with Lillie (new Pokegirl) for making the best love history ever, better than Twilight.
  • Serena is Wyatt's ex-girlfriend, his former boss, and the manager of Spin This. She is the first serious girlfriend Wyatt has in the series. Serena was voiced by Novie Edwards.
  • Serena is a character in IX. With the exception of flashback cut-scenes, she appears as a ghost for the entire game. She appears multiple times throughout the game. Her relationship with Corvus is tied heavily into the overall plot of IX. She appears as a unknown ghost twice in Angel Falls and Dourbridge. When Serena finally discloses her name, she will ask you to bring her a serene necklace from under the statue of the Wormwood Creek Guardian, Corvus.
  • Une des personnes passant l’examen premium et suspect dans la disparition des sujets pour la première mission de Shinji et Kyo.
  • Serena is the goddess of the water fountain in the town. She appears on the top of the fountain in the city and in the players town. She gives out the Silver Axe and the Golden Axe when a regular axe is thrown into the town fountain. She might also get angry and refuse to do anything. Image:Stub.png This article has been deemed a stub. You can help Wii Wiki by [ expanding it].
  • Lady Serenadellatrovella (kurz Serena) ist eine Time Lady vom Planeten Gallifrey, die dem Zweiten Doctor von der Celestial Intervention Agency als Begleiterin zugeteilt wird. Serena opfert ihr Leben, als die Spieler den jungen Arthur Wellesley töten wollen, um somit die Geschichte der Erde zu verändern.
  • Japanese CV: English VA: Creator(s): Serena is the "goddess" of Will and is the companion to Herea.
  • A serena was a type of Bajoran music. In 2369, during the attempt to keep Deep Space 9's Cardassian computer and the "Pup" program within it occupied, Anara asked the computer to create a concert program of Bajoran serenas. (DS9 episode: "The Forsaken", DS9 short story: "So a Horse Walks into a Bar...")
  • Serena was a barmaid. In 2002 while hanging out at the Olive Branch bar, a scruffy and drunk Neil Winters met barmaid Serena. Neil started spending time with Serena who was sympathetic to Neil's battle with alcoholism. Serena, though appearing street smart and tough, felt sorry for Neil and took him home with her where they made love. Serena had a drunk man and a child in her past so she related to Neil, rescued him and gave him a place to go without judgment instead of hounding him to shape up like Olivia Winters did. Serena gently comforted Neil through his alcohol withdrawal and urged him to get help. Serena comforted Neil who was begging for a drink. Knowing he wasn't interested in a treatment program or Alcoholics Anonymous, she suggested going to an emergency room. After he declined, she offered to at least pour out the liquor in the bottle he had on the table to ease the temptation. Neil agreed but, right before she did it, he stopped her. Shaking and sweating, Neil took several big desperate gulps of the liquor. He spitted and choked on it while Serena looked at him, her expression full of pity. While having a drink of her own, Serena told Neil he needed to get something to eat and told him she was worried about him. Drucilla Winters and Lily Winters arrived in town and learned from Olivia Winters about Neil's drinking. Drucilla claiming 14 year old Lily needed her father to change her smart-mouth attitude. But Dru was surprised to find that Neil had quit his job, become an alcoholic and was living with barmaid Serena in a seedy part of town. After hitting bottom, Neil, with the help of Serena, decided to dry out for his daughter's sake. During this time, Serena asked Wesley Carter for help in keeping Neil and Drucilla apart. Wesley later told Neil about Serena's feelings for him. Olivia paid a visit to the bar Neil frequented. She brought a photo of him along and asked the bartender if he recognized the man. The bartender denied having seen Neil but Olivia was determined. She approached him again at the bar and told him that she believed he was lying about recognizing Neil. She asked where Serena was. He relented and told her he hadn't seen Neil lately. He said that Serena had been looking for him earlier herself. Neil thanked Serena for being there for him and he swore he would do his damnedest to beat it. Serena understood that Neil wanted to fight this on his own. She left for work. Juice mentioned to Rob that he wanted to get some money out of Neil. Rob told him that Neil had been staying at Serena's apartment. Juice barged into Serena's apartment and demanded money from Neil. Neil ended up getting rolled by Juice then Juice went on to loot Neil's old apartment finding Dru, Lily and Olivia who fended him off smartly. Dru got on Neil's case and he finally entered rehab. Neil was convinced to check into rehab. He took one day at a time with a lesser job at Newman Enterprises. Serena saw the writing on the wall. Deciding that she had no future with Neil, Serena visited him one last time to say goodbye. She cleaned herself up and kissed Neil goodbye.
  • Das frisch verheiratete, junge Ehepaar George und Serena Pemberton reist im Jahr 1929 von Boston nach North Carolina, um ins florierende Holzunternehmen einzusteigen. Die beiden erweisen sich als überaus erfolgreich, besonders Serena zeigt, dass sie ihrem Mann durchaus ebenbürtig ist, kontrolliert die Arbeiter und rettet sogar einem Mann in der Wildnis das Leben. Als sie jedoch erfährt, dass sie keine Kinder bekommen kann, wächst ihre Eifersucht auf Georges Sohn aus einer früheren Beziehung. Als Serena schließlich vermutet, dass George seine uneheliche Familie schützen will, schmiedet sie einen Plan, um ihren Mann für sich zu haben. Die Ehe der beiden wird auf eine harte Probe gestellt, als auch noch die Regierung versucht, Ansprüche auf das Land der Pembertons zu erheben.
  • Serena appears in Rosetta's Dress Mess. She is seen pinning a sash onto her design for the dress show. Rosetta thinks it looks like a bathrobe, which hurts Serena's feelings. Serena may have taken Rosetta's comments to heart, as she ends up presenting a simple and flowing dress that ends the show.
  • Serena (セレナ Serena) is one of the assistants of the Magic Council, and one of the two guards assigned to watch over Jellal Fernandes.
  • Serena es una de las voces internas de Alien X.
  • Serena is an imbued hunter of the Judge creed.
  • Serena is the substitute guardian of Lissa. She works alongside Grant in protecting Lissa. When Lissa visits Lehigh, Grant and Serena accompany her along with guardians for Priscilla Voda and Christian Ozera. Grant, Priscilla and the other guardians are all murdered, and Serena is left in very bad shape, however she is able to call back to the Royal Court guardians and tell them what happened. Serena also aids Lissa and Christian, with Grant, to train with stakes and in fighting Strigoi. Serena helps Lissa find Tatiana's murderer in Last Sacrifice.
  • Serena es una híbrida humana-vampiresa. Ella es la primera hija de Joham, la media hermana mayor de Maysun, de Nahuel y Jennifer, y la primera híbrida conocida en existencia.
  • Serena es la voz del amor y la compasión de Alien X. Su nombre parece haber sido inspirado en la palabra paz, que significa "serenidad". Aparece por primera vez en Ben 10: Fuerza Alienígena, en el episodio X = Ben + 2.
  • Following the Doctor's trial (TV: The War Games) on Gallifrey, the CIA had him perform tasks for them, offering to amend his original sentence of execution in favour of exile if he would act as a deniable agent in matters they would prefer not to be seen getting publically involved in. The CIA intended for Serena to help the Doctor prevent the Players from interfering with the history of Earth. Although their initial meeting was hostile, with Serena coolly stating that she was the Doctor's supervisor as he was just a convict on parole while the Doctor regarded her as an assistant he didn't want, Serena had already expressed some admiration for the Doctor, noting that his originally-planned sentence of execution seemed a harsh 'reward' for his role in ending the war games. During their time on Earth, Serena came to understand more about the Doctor and his attachment to the planet, recognising that he left Gallifrey because there was no place on it for someone like him, and grieving the news of the death of Admiral Horatio Nelson even though she had only briefly met him for a few moments. Serena sacrificed herself to save the Duke of Wellington. The Player called Valmont attempted to shoot the Duke at a ball the night before the Battle of Waterloo. Serena intercepted the shot, but the musket ball tore through both of her hearts and killed her instantly, which made regeneration impossible. She was buried in a simple grave, marked only by her name, with Wellington assuring the Doctor after the Battle of Waterloo that he would always remember the role he and Serena had played. During a later confrontation with Serena's killer, the Doctor's grief over her death was so intense that he found it easy to allow a duel to take place with Serena's killer despite his usual distate for violence. Once back on Gallifrey, the Doctor refused to go on any more missions for the Agency until certain conditions were met, including an order that Serena's name be placed on the Gallifreyian Honour Roll and that he be allowed to tell her family how she had died. (PROSE: World Game) File:CharStub.png
  • Serena is the gatekeeper of the recently resurrected home world of Domino's ocean portal, and Bloom's bonded selkie.
  • Serena (ゆめみ, Yumemi en japonais, Luna en anglais, Alakama en espagnol, Serenada en allemand, Sonia en italien) est un tapir apparaissant uniquement dans Animal Crossing: New Leaf et Animal Crossing: Happy Home Designer. Dans l'Institut du rêve de la rue commerçante. Elle est débloquée avec sa boutique quand le joueur parle à Marie endormie sur son bureau, car elle lui proposera de la construire. La phrase de sa photo est "Poursuivre un rêve demande du repos". Elle a une phrase de signature, ce que peu de personnages spéciaux ont. Celle-ci est "hmmm".
  • As a Siren, Serena arrived at Whitechapel High, where she began causing discord with her singing, causing people to fight each other, and increasing their rage. Upon noticing this, Benny and Ethan at first suspected she was a mermaid, only to discover she wasn't when they soaked her with water. Upon touching her, Ethan had a vision intense enough to damage his hearing. Meanwhile she also angered and mocked Erica. She continued to use her singing to create discord, planning on spreading it completely at the talent contest. However while there she was confronted by Benny, Ethan and Rory, who had formed their own band: Muse-o-tronics.My-babysitters-a-vampire—siren-song-209—kept-quiet—kendra-timmins Shariq.m Their popularity with the crowd, as they went on right before her, angered her. She pushed on stage and began unleashing her rage onto the crowd. However, despite a few problems, Ethan combated her with a negative recording of her voice. It caused the same effect it had on others on her, thus significantly weakening her until she was destroyed.
  • Serena shares her design and carrots cutie mark with Golden Harvest, "Maroon Carrot", S01E11 Unnamed Earth Mare #4, S01E11 Unnamed Earth Mare #5, and "Berry Icicle", her design and sometimes carrots cutie mark with Spring Forward, her design and coat color with S04E12 Unnamed Earth Mare #3, her design with Daisy, Caramel Apple, Lucky Star, S01E03 Unnamed Earth Mare #3, Blueberry Curls, "Lilac Blossom", "Mint Swirl", S04E08 Unnamed Earth Mare #2, "Apple Top", "Swirly Cotton", S04E22 Unnamed Earth Mare #19, S04E12 Unnamed Earth Mare #1, S04E22 Unnamed Earth Mare #10, S04E12 Unnamed Earth Mare #4, S04E22 Unnamed Earth Mare #14, "Cornflower", "Hazel Harvest", "Bell Perin", and S04E22 Unnamed Earth Mare #9, her mane and tail style with Strawberry Sunrise, her tail style and pineapple cutie mark with S05E12 Unnamed Unicorn Mare #3, her tail style with Twinkleshine, Lemon Hearts, Apple Stars, Cipher Splash, S04E12 Unnamed Unicorn Mare #4, "Golden Glory", S02E26 Unnamed Unicorn Mare #2, S02E26 Unnamed Unicorn Mare #8, S02E26 Unnamed Unicorn Mare #5, "Nook", S02E05 Unnamed Unicorn Mare #1, S04E08 Unnamed Unicorn Mare #1, "Ocean Breeze", S04E24 Unnamed Unicorn Mare #3, S04E24 Unnamed Earth Mare #4, "Precious", S04E24 Unnamed Unicorn Mare #2, "Violet Velvet", and Virgo. She is colored similarly to the G1 pony Princess Serena. She, along with Prim Posy and Lemony Gem and as well as "Tornado Bolt", Cotton Cloudy, "Princess Erroria", "Noi", Aura, Liza Doolots, "Dinky Doo", "Pinkie Feather", "Rainy Feather", "Mango Dash", and "Sweet Pop", was to appear in Friendship is Magic, part 2.
  • Serena is Alien X's voice of love and compassion. She first appeared in X = Ben + 2.
  • Serena is a character in the Wii video game Animal Crossing: City Folk. Visit the town hall and donate enough Bells to your town fund to have a fountain built in town. once the constructions complete (and Tortimer moves out of your way), toss an axe into the fountain to summon a mystical character named Serena. Answer Serena's questions for a chance at scoring either a silver or gold axe, which won't break. This article is a stub. You can help the Nintendo Wiki by expanding it.
  • " - C'est l'heure de fermer les yeux et de faire un jolie rêve - " - Serena avant de lancer son gaz soporifique. Séréna est une chimiste travaillant sous les ordres de Resetti. Elle est très intelligente et travaille avec son binôme Morsius. On la voit pour la première fois à [insérez lieu], où elle utilisera un gaz soporifique sur vous et des civils pris au hasard. Une fois réveillé, elle vous aura enfermé dans sa base. Elle vous demandera ensuite un numéro de téléphone de quelqu'un de votre famille pour demander une rançon sous menace de mort. On la revoit un peu après votre évasion, où elle revendiquera votre courage et demandera si vous voulez rejoindre le gang de Resetti. Sa principale arme est le gaz soporifique qu'elle transporte sur son dos grâce à une bouteille de gaz. Elle porte souvent un masque à gaz par précaution. Le sommeil dans lequel on plonge après l'avoir respiré est accompagné de fortes hallucinations, faisant croire à un rêve. Une trop forte dose peut même plonger dans le coma. Serena semble aussi être très intéressée par l'argent puisqu'elle capture ses victimes seulement pour obtenir des rançons. Catégorie:Personnages Catégorie:Femelles Catégorie:Clan Resetti Catégorie:Chimistes
  • Serena ist eine Friseurin aus Grand Theft Auto V, die in einer Kundenrezension zum Salon Bob Mulét Hair & Beauty, in dem sie tätig ist, auf der offiziellen Website zum Spiel erwähnt wird. Über sie ist wenig bekannt, jedoch weiß man, dass sie die Lieblingsfriseurin von Doug A. ist, der in sie vernarrt ist, da sie „die einzige Spur Menschlichkeit“ ist, die er kennt. Außerdem benutzt sie, möglicherweise auch regelmäßig, Parfüm der Marke Le Chien, zumindest meint Doug A. dies an ihr gerochen zu haben. Kategorie:Grand-Theft-Auto-V-Charaktere Kategorie:Friseure
  • Serena ist ein Charakter aus Professor Layton und die Maske der Wunder. Sie ist eine Touristin in Monte d'Or.
  • Serena may refer to: * Serena (Hero), a playable hero from the "Silent Protector" Lieutenant Pack. * Serena (Ally), an ally from the Labyrinth of Ruin expansion. * Serena (Lieutenant), the ally if corrupted by the Overlord in the Labyrinth of Ruin expansion. * Serena (Agent), an agent from the Silent Protector Lieutenant Pack.
  • Serena is a character in Hercules: The Legendary Journeys.
  • Her name may come from the word 'serene', a word sometimes used when addressing people of high status (e.g. "His Serene Highness") or someone who's calm. However, the name is also ironic given her unpredictable nature. Her Spanish name comes from the word 'diva', meaning a popular female singer of outstanding talent in opera, and 'chihuahua', which is a type of dog, reflecting her species.
  • Serena is the grand-daughter of Rhoan. She married Georg and they had a child named Sylphy. She died long ago.
  • Ever since she was little, Serena has been fascinated by dolphins. She’s been a subscriber to Dolphin Magazine since the age of five and has lovingly conserved every edition, which she religiously re-reads each night before going to sleep. So joining the Ulu Watu to protect dolphins was the easiest decision she’s ever made. Dolphin enemies, be warned!
  • Serena ist ein Charakter aus dem Film Smaragdgrün und geht auf die Saint Lennox High School. Bei ihr findet die Party in grün statt. (Im Buch wird die Party von Cynthia Dale veranstaltet.) Serena wird von Amelie Plaas-Link dargestellt. Kategorie:Charaktere Kategorie:Schüler und Lehrer der St. Lennox-Highschool
  • She was placed aboard the flight in the guise of a flight attendant to support Ring agent Hugo Panzer during his mission. Serena freed Panzer after he was disabled in the cargo hold, and poisoned Chuck to force him to return the key. She was later incapacitated by falling luggage after Sarah took control of the aircraft via satellite and destabilized it, and was apprehended when the flight arrived in France. Shaw expressed a familiarity with Serena's tactics, and implicated her in several poisonings of high-ranking officials. She appears in: "Chuck Versus First Class".
  • In Depression-era North Carolina, the future of George Pemberton's timber empire becomes complicated when it is learned that his wife, Serena, cannot bear children.
  • Serena was a scientist who, along with Cher Degré, worked on creating, and working with Cheza.
  • Serena is a clacker and a friend of Emily Charlton.
  • Serena is Emily's sister, who was originally meant to be the Yellow Samurai Ranger. When Serena fell ill, the Ape Folding Zord was given to Emily, along with the powers.
  • Serena is a Siren and commonly says that she needs people to feel her pain. She is portrayed by Kendra Timmins in Siren Song.
  • Serena is a minor character from the 1985 animated series She-Ra: Princess of Power.
  • Serena 「セレナ, Serena ?」 es la protagonista actual del anime Pokémon en la Serie XY. Viaja junto a Ash Ketchum y su Pikachu, Lem y Clem por toda la región de Kalos. Es la amiga de la infancia de Ash. Es una chica de cabello castaño claro, el cual lo lleva suelto, excepto en la parte de atrás que lo tiene atado con una coleta; ojos claros, de color celeste. Viste una camiseta de hombreras de color negro con un cuello blanco, una falda de color rojo y unas medias que le llegan hasta la mitad del muslo, también de color negro. Calza unas zapatillas negras con el símbolo de una Poké Ball de color rosado, lleva consigo una mochila de color rosa con algunos detalles en negro, porta un sombrero de color rosa con una franja negra, en el cual hay un moño pequeño también de color negro. Serena es una chica alegre y risueña. Es una chica a la que le gusta la moda, por lo que para algunas actividades usa distintas prendas y accesorios. Se le da bien la cocina, sobre todo los postres. Además se ha visto en contables ocasiones que tiene mucho aprecio a Ash, e incluso puede ser un poco autoritaria con él.
is Daughter(s) of
is Begleiter of
is ROLLE of
is Affiliation of
is Guardian of
is Notable Members of
is Relationship of
is Partner of
is Companions of
is Focus of
is Rival of