  • Mr. Conductor's Adventures of The Little Engine That Could
  • Quote 1: * Mr. Conductor: All Henry could do was to watch the trains rushing through the other tunnel. He was very sad because he thought no one would ever see his lovely green paint with red stripes again. As time went on, Edward and Gordon would often pass by. Edward would say, * Edward: Peep, peep, hello! * Mr. Conductor: And Gordon would say, * Gordon: Poop, poop, serves you right! * Mr. Conductor: Poor Henry had no steam to answer. His fire had gone out. Soot and dirt from the tunnel had spoiled his lovely green paint with red stripes anyway. How long do you think Henry will stay in the tunnel before he overcomes his fear of the rain, and then decides to journey out again? * [Just then, the screen fills up with steam again as we return to the roundhouse] * Ge
  • Quote 1: * Mr. Conductor: All Henry could do was to watch the trains rushing through the other tunnel. He was very sad because he thought no one would ever see his lovely green paint with red stripes again. As time went on, Edward and Gordon would often pass by. Edward would say, * Edward: Peep, peep, hello! * Mr. Conductor: And Gordon would say, * Gordon: Poop, poop, serves you right! * Mr. Conductor: Poor Henry had no steam to answer. His fire had gone out. Soot and dirt from the tunnel had spoiled his lovely green paint with red stripes anyway. How long do you think Henry will stay in the tunnel before he overcomes his fear of the rain, and then decides to journey out again? * [Just then, the screen fills up with steam again as we return to the roundhouse] * Georgia: Engines like that really can be silly, you know, darlin'.