  • Obelix
  • Obelix
  • Obelix
  • Obelix is the biggest Hyperterrestrial (Terrestrial Planets larger than 8 Earth Masses) Planet. It is a largely unexplored planet. It has a mass slightly larger than Jupiter and its radius is slightly larger than Uranus's.
  • Obelix è il blob umanoide che compare nel fumetto gallico "Le avventure di Asterix il Gallico" (Asterix le Galois). Il nome di Obelix finisce in -ix, come tutti i nomi di tutti gli abitanti di tutto il piccolo villaggio gallico, l'unico che tiene e resiste contro l'invasore romano... Il significato del nome è disputato: c'è chi afferma che sia un gioco di parole con "obeso", con un riferimento alla costituzione fisica del personaggio; altri affermano che, invece, derivi dal francesce obelisque (obelisco), con un riferimento alla costituzione fisica del personaggio.
  • Obelix I (French: Obélix) is a fictional character from the French comic book series Asterix. He works as a menhir sculptor and deliveryman, and is Asterix's best friend. Obelix is noted for his obesity, the menhirs he carries around on his back and his superhuman strength. He is the only Gaul in Asterix' village who is always strong since he fell into the cauldron with magic potion when he was a small boy. Because of Obelix' already enormous strength he is not allowed to drink the magic potion ever again, much to his chagrin. Other characteristics are his simple-mindedness, his love and care for his dog Dogmatix, his anger when someone refers to him as being "fat", his enthusiasm for hunting and eating wild boars and beating up Romans. His catch phrase is: "These Romans are crazy", altho
  • Obelix (franz.: Obélix) ist der beste Freund von Asterix und ein ziemlicher Prügelknabe. Er schätzt es nicht wenn man ihn als dick bezeichnet. Wenn Asterix irgendwo hingeht ist Obelix immer dabei . Er ist als er noch ein Kind war in den Zaubertrank von Miraculix gefallen. Obelix ist zwar nicht so helle wie sein Freund Asterix, aber dafür der Stärkste im ganzen Dorf. Er liebt es Römer zu verprügeln und bekommt deshalb manchmal ein ganzes Heer nur für sich zum Geburtstag geschenkt. Außerdem sammelt er Helme von Römern .
  • Obelix (Fr. Obélix) a fictional character from the French comic book series Asterix. He works as a menhir sculptor and deliveryman, and is Asterix' best friend. Obelix is noted for his obesity, the menhirs he carries around on his back and his superhuman strength. He is the only Gaul in Asterix' village who is always strong since he fell into the cauldron with magic potion when he was a small boy. Because of Obelix' already enormous strength he is not allowed to drink the magic potion ever again, much to his chagrin. Other characteristics are his simplemindedness, his love and care for his dog Dogmatix, his anger when someone refers to him as being "fat", his enthusiasm for hunting and eating wild boars and beating up Romans. His catch phrase is: "These Romans are crazy", although usually
  • Asterix the Gaul
  • 43.0
  • Obelix
Surface pressure
  • 1.2
  • Size comparasion of Uranus, Obelix & Saturn
surface temperature
  • 22.640000
  • Obélix
  • Obelix
  • Obelix.png
life likelihood
  • 0.154000
earth similarity index
  • 0.422000
  • 28768.0
  • Obliscoidix, Mrs Obliscoidix Sir Obelix II, Lord Obelix III, Obelix IV, Captain Obelix V, Captain Obelix VI
  • 3.1
  • 3.2
  • 32.800000
Axial tilt
  • 10.100000
Orbital Period
  • 5.590000
rotational period
  • 82.0
  • Obelix (franz.: Obélix) ist der beste Freund von Asterix und ein ziemlicher Prügelknabe. Er schätzt es nicht wenn man ihn als dick bezeichnet. Wenn Asterix irgendwo hingeht ist Obelix immer dabei . Er ist als er noch ein Kind war in den Zaubertrank von Miraculix gefallen. Obelix ist zwar nicht so helle wie sein Freund Asterix, aber dafür der Stärkste im ganzen Dorf. Er liebt es Römer zu verprügeln und bekommt deshalb manchmal ein ganzes Heer nur für sich zum Geburtstag geschenkt. Außerdem sammelt er Helme von Römern . Obelix hat seinen Hund Idefix immer in seiner Nähe und schätzt in als Intelligenten Jagdhund.
  • Obelix è il blob umanoide che compare nel fumetto gallico "Le avventure di Asterix il Gallico" (Asterix le Galois). Il nome di Obelix finisce in -ix, come tutti i nomi di tutti gli abitanti di tutto il piccolo villaggio gallico, l'unico che tiene e resiste contro l'invasore romano... Il significato del nome è disputato: c'è chi afferma che sia un gioco di parole con "obeso", con un riferimento alla costituzione fisica del personaggio; altri affermano che, invece, derivi dal francesce obelisque (obelisco), con un riferimento alla costituzione fisica del personaggio. Anello di congiunzione tra Blob, Alien, l'uomo e Barbapapà, trangugia e divora qualsiasi organismo biologico che sia apparentemente commestibile, dai cinghiali ai romani. Oltre a questo, la creatura è dotata di una forza pazzesca che le permette di sollevare macigni ed elefanti; distrugge le porte quando bussa leggermente; abbatte gli alberi quando inciampa. In più d'un'occasione, Obelix è stato definito "una forza della natura". Ufficialmente umano, solo il druido Panoramix sospetta la sua vera natura, negandogli l'accesso alla pozione magica di sua invenzione. Obelix appare anche imparentato con Giumbolo e l'uomo-palla ed è il produttore ufficiale di menhir del piccolo villaggio gallico. Dalla seconda storia in poi, è il compagno inseparabile di Asterix e Idefix con i quali forma una famiglia allargata ante litteram.
  • Obelix (Fr. Obélix) a fictional character from the French comic book series Asterix. He works as a menhir sculptor and deliveryman, and is Asterix' best friend. Obelix is noted for his obesity, the menhirs he carries around on his back and his superhuman strength. He is the only Gaul in Asterix' village who is always strong since he fell into the cauldron with magic potion when he was a small boy. Because of Obelix' already enormous strength he is not allowed to drink the magic potion ever again, much to his chagrin. Other characteristics are his simplemindedness, his love and care for his dog Dogmatix, his anger when someone refers to him as being "fat", his enthusiasm for hunting and eating wild boars and beating up Romans. His catch phrase is: "These Romans are crazy", although usually he considers other nationalities just as strange.
  • Obelix I (French: Obélix) is a fictional character from the French comic book series Asterix. He works as a menhir sculptor and deliveryman, and is Asterix's best friend. Obelix is noted for his obesity, the menhirs he carries around on his back and his superhuman strength. He is the only Gaul in Asterix' village who is always strong since he fell into the cauldron with magic potion when he was a small boy. Because of Obelix' already enormous strength he is not allowed to drink the magic potion ever again, much to his chagrin. Other characteristics are his simple-mindedness, his love and care for his dog Dogmatix, his anger when someone refers to him as being "fat", his enthusiasm for hunting and eating wild boars and beating up Romans. His catch phrase is: "These Romans are crazy", although usually he considers other nationalities just as strange.
  • Obelix is the biggest Hyperterrestrial (Terrestrial Planets larger than 8 Earth Masses) Planet. It is a largely unexplored planet. It has a mass slightly larger than Jupiter and its radius is slightly larger than Uranus's.
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