  • Thayolen
  • The Thayolen (singular and plural identical) were a seemingly immortal mysterious species from legendary world of Thayol. Most scholars believed them to be no more than a myth until they found apparently contemporary mentions of them in Duinuogwuin records. Their existence was proven once and for all when a Thayolen named Patrev seized control of the Thisspias system in 1000 BBY.
  • The Thayolen (singular and plural identical) were a seemingly immortal mysterious species from legendary world of Thayol. Most scholars believed them to be no more than a myth until they found apparently contemporary mentions of them in Duinuogwuin records. Their existence was proven once and for all when a Thayolen named Patrev seized control of the Thisspias system in 1000 BBY. It is clear from Duinuogwuin records the Thayolen were a result of selective breeding of numerous humanoid species, overseen by an advanced but unidentified race. The inter-species breeding barrier was apparently overcome through nanotech-based manipulation of gametes, resulting in what scholars dub the Pan-Species Gamete, or PSG. This remarkable (if disturbing) achievement of bioengineering resulted in PSG's, rich in nano-droids, being able to combine with normal humanoid gametes to combine species traits from numerous species as well as traits derived from the nano-droids themselves. The technology behind the PSG remained unclear, especially since it seemed to combine traditional technology with some sort of Force alchemy, a factoid seized upon by theorists pushing for identification of the Thayolen's creators with the Rakata; detractors of this identification point out that other Force-users, such as Blackhole and the Iron Knights, had been known to mix Force and technology. Whatever the means, the result of this bioengineering project was the Thayolen species: an entire species of Force-sensitive humanoid shapeshifters capable of mimicking and interbreeding with numerous humanoid species, creating offspring with varied traits ranging from lekku to gills to wings. Some passages in Duinuogwuin history hinted that the planet Thayol splintered after a prolonged war. Scholars hypothesized that this war was a slave result of the Thayolen versus their creators, resulting in the detonation of several explosives which tore the planet apart. This event was placed by Duinuogwuin chronologies in 105,000 BBY. This event either followed or led to thousands of Thayolen committing suicide. The Thayolen somehow survived, although the number of survivors was never discovered. They took up a nomadic lifestyle in advanced starships, only rarely interacting with the galaxy at large. Despite their powerful Force powers and technology, few of them played a significant role in the history of Known Space, although many conspiracies rumored hidden empires in the Unknown Regions. Legends told of inter-clan warfare involving deep-space battles between Domesday-type battlecruisers, and of the Thayolen enslaving entire cultures. Many people came to regard the Thayolen as a myth. Some scholars speculated that the vast majority of the species left the galaxy before the rise of the Galactic Republic, after the founding of which history recorded the name of only a single survivor of Thayol: Patrev. Numerous theories were proposed by scholars about the influence of the Thayolen upon galactic civilization. Some believed that the Thayolen introduced the hyperdrive to the Corellians, although this theory never gained wide acceptance. Genetic testing by Yoda proved that many humanoids throughout the galaxy were, of partial Thayolen descent, often displaying superior health and longevity, traits not common to their species, and high midi-chlorian counts. However, all attempts to remove Thayolen nano-droids for study have resulted in the tiny robots self-destructing. Attempts to scan living cells have somehow been blocked by the nano-droids, possibly due to some sort of miniaturized cloaking device or anti-sensor technology. Genetic comparisons suggested that all known Thayolen-hybrids may be descended from Patrev himself, although scientists caution against making assumptions about interpreting artificially structured genes, which may follow similar programming templates regardless of heritage. Unfortunately, all known Thayolen DNA samples were destroyed in the crash of the original Chu'unthor. However, subsequent scholars, while unable to find further Thayolen hybrids, discovered apparent fossil remains of hybrids on Argai, Varl, Kinyen, Kessel, and Nubia.