  • Dexter Stratton
  • Dexter Stratton
  • Dexter Stratton
  • Dexter Stratton
  • Dexter Stratton
  • Dexter Stratton
  • Dexter Stratton é o avô de Charlie por parte de sua mãe, e dono original do Anel.
  • Dexter Stratton was the great-grandfather of Charlie and Liam Pace. Dexter possessed a ring bearing his initials "DS" which he passed on to his son, who then passed it on to his daughter Megan. Megan gave the heirloom to Liam, and Liam then passed on the ring to Charlie, stating that he was the responsible one meant for better things and that he would take care of it. Liam and Charlie named their rock band "Drive Shaft", after Dexter Stratton, as both bear the initials of the ring.
  • Dexter Stratton era il nonno paterno di Megan Pace, il bisnonno di Charlie e Liam Pace e quindi il trisavolo della figlia di Liam, Megan. ("L'uomo dietro le quinte") Charlie dice a Shannon che suo nonno gli ha insegnato a pescare quando era piccolo.("La caccia") Non è chiaro se si riferisse a Stratton o all'altro nonno. Un anello con le sue iniziali è passato in eredità da primogenito in primogenito, ed è stato questo lo spunto per il nome della band dei fratelli Pace: Driveshaft.
  • Dexter Stratton war der Großvater von Megan Pace und der Urgroßvater von Charlie und Liam Pace. Ein Ring, der seine Initialien trägt, wurde an den Erstgeborenen jeder Generation der Stratton Familie weitergegeben und inspirierte die Pace Brüder dazu, ihre Band Drive Shaft zu nennen.
  • Dexter Stratton był dziadkiem ze strony ojca Megan Pace, pradziadkiem Charliego i Liama oraz prapradziadkiem Megan Pace (dziecko), córki Liama. [[Grafika:ring.jpg|thumb|left|Pierścień Dextera Strattona przekazywany z pokolenia na pokolenie, trafił ostatecznie do Charliego.]] Słynny pierścień Charliego nosi jego inicjały - DS - były one inspiracją dla nazwy zespoły muzycznego Charliego, "Drive Shaft".
  • Charlie told Shannon that his grandfather in England had taught him how to fish. ("Walkabout") It is unclear whether this is a reference to Dexter's son, or Charlie's paternal grandfather. A ring bearing his initials has been passed on to the first born of each generation in the Stratton family, inspiring the Pace brothers to name their band Drive Shaft.
  • Dexter Stratton era el abuelo de Megan Pace y el bisabuelo de Charlie y Liam Pace. Un anillo con sus iniciales ha ido pasando de generación en generación en la familia Stratton, inspirando el nombre del grupo de los hermanos Pace Drive Shaft.
  • erwähnt in
  • Unknown
  • Unknown
  • unbekannt
  • unbekannt
  • Dexter Stratton
  • Dexter Stratton
  • unbekannt
  • Charlie Pace - Bisnieto
  • Liam Pace - Bisnieto
  • Megan Pace - Tataranieto
  • Desconhecida
  • Deceased
  • Morto
  • verstorben
  • ring.jpg
  • Dexter Stratton
  • Dexter Stratton
  • Dexter Stratton
  • 0
  • 180
  • Avô de Charlie e Liam, pai de Megan Pace
  • Bisabuelo de Charlie
  • Charlie's great-grandfather
  • Dexter Stratton
  • Dexter Stratton
  • left
  • Desconhecida
  • Male.jpg
  • Muerto
  • Charlie Pace - Great-Grandson
  • Charlie Pace - Neto
  • Liam Pace - Great-Grandson
  • Liam Pace - Neto
  • Megan Pace - Filha
  • Megan Pace - Great-Great Granddaughter
  • Megan Pace - Paternal Granddaughter
  • Simon Pace - Genro
  • Dexter Stratton
  • United Kingdom
  • Desconhecida
  • Male
  • Dexter Stratton's ring was passed down through the generations, eventually to Liam and Charlie.
  • Charlies Urgroßvater
  • Dexter Stratton é o avô de Charlie por parte de sua mãe, e dono original do Anel.
  • Dexter Stratton was the great-grandfather of Charlie and Liam Pace. Dexter possessed a ring bearing his initials "DS" which he passed on to his son, who then passed it on to his daughter Megan. Megan gave the heirloom to Liam, and Liam then passed on the ring to Charlie, stating that he was the responsible one meant for better things and that he would take care of it. Liam and Charlie named their rock band "Drive Shaft", after Dexter Stratton, as both bear the initials of the ring.
  • Dexter Stratton era il nonno paterno di Megan Pace, il bisnonno di Charlie e Liam Pace e quindi il trisavolo della figlia di Liam, Megan. ("L'uomo dietro le quinte") Charlie dice a Shannon che suo nonno gli ha insegnato a pescare quando era piccolo.("La caccia") Non è chiaro se si riferisse a Stratton o all'altro nonno. Un anello con le sue iniziali è passato in eredità da primogenito in primogenito, ed è stato questo lo spunto per il nome della band dei fratelli Pace: Driveshaft.
  • Dexter Stratton war der Großvater von Megan Pace und der Urgroßvater von Charlie und Liam Pace. Ein Ring, der seine Initialien trägt, wurde an den Erstgeborenen jeder Generation der Stratton Familie weitergegeben und inspirierte die Pace Brüder dazu, ihre Band Drive Shaft zu nennen.
  • Dexter Stratton był dziadkiem ze strony ojca Megan Pace, pradziadkiem Charliego i Liama oraz prapradziadkiem Megan Pace (dziecko), córki Liama. [[Grafika:ring.jpg|thumb|left|Pierścień Dextera Strattona przekazywany z pokolenia na pokolenie, trafił ostatecznie do Charliego.]] Słynny pierścień Charliego nosi jego inicjały - DS - były one inspiracją dla nazwy zespoły muzycznego Charliego, "Drive Shaft".
  • Charlie told Shannon that his grandfather in England had taught him how to fish. ("Walkabout") It is unclear whether this is a reference to Dexter's son, or Charlie's paternal grandfather. A ring bearing his initials has been passed on to the first born of each generation in the Stratton family, inspiring the Pace brothers to name their band Drive Shaft.
  • Dexter Stratton era el abuelo de Megan Pace y el bisabuelo de Charlie y Liam Pace. Un anillo con sus iniciales ha ido pasando de generación en generación en la familia Stratton, inspirando el nombre del grupo de los hermanos Pace Drive Shaft.
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