  • Proportional representation
  • Proportional representation is allocation of seats in a legislature in at least approximate proportion to how many votes each party has received. There are two main kinds of it: * List system * Single Transferable Vote Of these, the list system is the most widely used. Partial or mixed-member or dual member systems are used in various places. They use a mixture of proportional representation and single-member districts.
  • The term Proportional representation (PR) refers to any system designed so that the number of seats awarded to each party is approximately proportional to the number of votes that party received. For example a party with a 20% share of the vote should receive around 20% of the available seats. Alphabetical Index: This article is a stub help this Wiki City by expanding this article.
  • Proportional representation is allocation of seats in a legislature in at least approximate proportion to how many votes each party has received. There are two main kinds of it: * List system * Single Transferable Vote Of these, the list system is the most widely used. Partial or mixed-member or dual member systems are used in various places. They use a mixture of proportional representation and single-member districts.
  • The term Proportional representation (PR) refers to any system designed so that the number of seats awarded to each party is approximately proportional to the number of votes that party received. For example a party with a 20% share of the vote should receive around 20% of the available seats. Alphabetical Index: This article is a stub help this Wiki City by expanding this article.