  • Hannah Stoneman
  • Hannah befriended Alex Blackwell after he moved to Wolf Creek, and later in the book and the TV episode, they investigated the werewolf sightings in the small town. The werewolves were thought to be the eccentric Martlings, but it was later revealed that Alex's own aunt and uncle, Marta and Colin, were the werewolves. They were caught by Alex removing the werewolf skins inside an abandoned house, and later on, Hannah helped Alex take possession of the skins and remove the curse from Aunt Marta and Uncle Colin.
  • Hannah Stoneman is the plot twist villainess in Werewolf Skin, one of the books in R.L. Stine's Goosebumps series, as well as the Goosebumps TV episode under the same title. On TV episode, she was portrayed by Terra Vnesa.
type of villain
  • Destroyer of Innocence
  • Uncertain.
  • Goosebumps
  • Unknown
  • Hannah
  • Unknown.
  • Alex Blackwell's friend
  • Hannah Stoneman
  • 250
  • Hannah Stoneman is the plot twist villainess in Werewolf Skin, one of the books in R.L. Stine's Goosebumps series, as well as the Goosebumps TV episode under the same title. On TV episode, she was portrayed by Terra Vnesa. Hannah Stoneman was the first new friend for Alex Blackwell after he moved to Wolf Creek to live with his Uncle Colin and Aunt Marta. They both investigated rumors of werewolves roaming the woods at night, and they figured that the werewolves were the Martlings; who Alex's aunt and uncle stated were eccentric and weird. Alex later learns that the Martlings don't exist, and his aunt and uncle are the werewolves; when he catches them removing their werewolf skins. Hannah helps Alex in burying the skins and removing the curse from Aunt Marta and Uncle Colin, however, it is later revealed that Hannah is a werewolf herself. The book and the TV show each have different endings. On TV, Alex closely analyzes one of his photos and sees Hannah wearing a werewolf skin of her own. The book has much darker ending, with Alex and Hannah in the empty cabin next door and seeing a third werewolf skin. Shortly afterward, Alex turns to see Hannah in the werewolf skin, which she revealed to be her own. After the revelation, the evil Hannah attacks Alex, presumably turning him into a werewolf.
  • Hannah befriended Alex Blackwell after he moved to Wolf Creek, and later in the book and the TV episode, they investigated the werewolf sightings in the small town. The werewolves were thought to be the eccentric Martlings, but it was later revealed that Alex's own aunt and uncle, Marta and Colin, were the werewolves. They were caught by Alex removing the werewolf skins inside an abandoned house, and later on, Hannah helped Alex take possession of the skins and remove the curse from Aunt Marta and Uncle Colin. Hannah turned heel at the end of the book and TV episode when it was revealed that she is a werewolf herself. On TV, Alex learns Hannah's villainous secret when he sees her in her own werewolf skin in one of the photos he took, with Hannah stating to Alex that she doesn't bite. Hannah's heel turn is much darker in the book, as she was revealed to be in possession of her own werewolf skin when they were searching the empty house. The skin was hanging in the house, but Alex later turned around and saw Hannah wearing it. After her shocking reveal, the villainous Hannah attacked Alex, with the ending leaving the possibility that she may have killed him or turned him into werewolf.