  • Take this rostygold!
  • From: Called Upon for a Political Donation The bounty of murderers and thieves. However you earned it, it'll now go toward helping your candidate. [Find the rest of the story at ] __NOEDITSECTION__
Success title
  • For the cause
From Card/Storylet title
  • Called Upon for a Political Donation
Unlocked with
  • [friend's name],
Success description
  • They needn't ask how you acquired it; you needn't ask what they'll do with it.
  • The bounty of murderers and thieves. However you earned it, it'll now go toward helping your candidate.
Friend Accept description
  • [Your name] offered a modest donation to help the mayoral campaign! *
Success rewards
  • * Requested Your Donation [Friend name] *
Accept description
  • *You offered [Friend's name] a modest donation to aid the mayoral campaign! *You completed Social Event: Called Upon for a Political Donation with [Friend's name]
  • From: Called Upon for a Political Donation The bounty of murderers and thieves. However you earned it, it'll now go toward helping your candidate. [Find the rest of the story at ] __NOEDITSECTION__