  • Matsuro Kaizokudan (Fate Pirates)
  • The Teams Jolly Roger consits of four pentagrams, three are layered within the first, all against a black flag. Within the first pentagram, trapped withing the lines making up the upside down star, lies the god of Fate itself. Its' horns reaching the top two points while its' spectral tail reaches to the bottom-most point. Along the outter circle, several containment runes help to hold the God in its prison.
  • The Teams Jolly Roger consits of four pentagrams, three are layered within the first, all against a black flag. Within the first pentagram, trapped withing the lines making up the upside down star, lies the god of Fate itself. Its' horns reaching the top two points while its' spectral tail reaches to the bottom-most point. Along the outter circle, several containment runes help to hold the God in its prison.