  • Glazer
  • Glazer Lynch's boss. A cocky englishman who sets up the aforementioned deal with Kane and Lynch and were both laying the lives for. Glazer is a paranoid man who trusts no one, but if you do your job he will take care of you and will be rewarded heavily.
  • Glazer is a floating eye that has been imprisoned within the Vault of the Wardens. Breaking free from its confines within the Vault of Mirrors[[:File:|[, ]]], defending demon hunters find that it remains invulnerable due to a shield projected from its eye. The only way to subdue it is to turn the mirror in the room so it smashes through the shield and stuns it.
  • Glazer was a CR90 corvette that the Nharwaak used to ferry weapons technology to the Rebel Alliance Nebulon-B frigate Xerxes. The Glazer was escorted in this mission by two other corvettes, the Coffey and the Janson. In the ambush staged by Grand Admiral Demetrius Zaarin's attack from the Imperial Nebulon-B2 frigate Shamus on the Xerxes, Glazer and its escorts were also attacked.
  • ??
  • Demon
  • Boss
  • Glazer
  • 4874000
  • Floating eye
  • Glazer Lynch's boss. A cocky englishman who sets up the aforementioned deal with Kane and Lynch and were both laying the lives for. Glazer is a paranoid man who trusts no one, but if you do your job he will take care of you and will be rewarded heavily.
  • Glazer is a floating eye that has been imprisoned within the Vault of the Wardens. Breaking free from its confines within the Vault of Mirrors[[:File:|[, ]]], defending demon hunters find that it remains invulnerable due to a shield projected from its eye. The only way to subdue it is to turn the mirror in the room so it smashes through the shield and stuns it.
  • Glazer was a CR90 corvette that the Nharwaak used to ferry weapons technology to the Rebel Alliance Nebulon-B frigate Xerxes. The Glazer was escorted in this mission by two other corvettes, the Coffey and the Janson. In the ambush staged by Grand Admiral Demetrius Zaarin's attack from the Imperial Nebulon-B2 frigate Shamus on the Xerxes, Glazer and its escorts were also attacked.