  • Grunilda Wolfsong
  • Mother Wolfsong leads her clan of Shadow Wolves from their small village hut just outside of Orgrimmar. From here She and her apprentice along with her Son and his mate work hard to teach the rich history of the Orcs of Draenor and of the dark times when the Orcs were corrupted by the Burning Legion and how they must never allow such an evil like the legion to destory anymore races or worlds.
Row 4 info
Row 7 title
  • Alignment
Row 1 info
  • Orc
Row 4 title
  • Guild
Row 2 info
  • Very Freaking Old
Row 6 info
  • Keithoo Talgha Majaris
Row 1 title
  • Race
Row 5 info
  • Herbalism
Row 2 title
  • Age
Row 6 title
  • Family
Row 5 title
  • Professions
Row 3 info
  • Resto-Shaman
Row 3 title
  • Class
Row 7 info
  • Lawful Good
Box Title
  • Grun'ilda Wolfsong 290px
  • Horde
  • Shaman
  • Orc
  • Mother Wolfsong leads her clan of Shadow Wolves from their small village hut just outside of Orgrimmar. From here She and her apprentice along with her Son and his mate work hard to teach the rich history of the Orcs of Draenor and of the dark times when the Orcs were corrupted by the Burning Legion and how they must never allow such an evil like the legion to destory anymore races or worlds.