  • Dradin Kitsch
  • Dradin Kitsch was a Corellian born on Coruscant and raised on Corellia. Much of his life was growing up much more seduced by the idea of ultimate knowledge of all things that weren't understood. Dradin eventually joined the ranks of the Sith where he trained under it's final Emperor as well as former Executor. Training under Trivas gave Dradin the knowledge as well as skill to become a powerful Sith as well as aiding in the many radical changes the Ni'novian Empire underwent before his own death.
  • Dradin Kitsch joined the Imperial forces during the Chiss War. He was trained under the eyes of Emperor Matas, and witnessed first hands the power of death. Dradin had a deep connection with the force, like all force sensitives, but he learned to have a full focused connection, using it to manipulate his situations. It is assumed that even at a young age, he put into motion his family's move off of Coruscant so that the Jedi would not find him. Currently he resides on Dol Glorath with an unknowing future laid before him.
  • Two red lightsabers that can form a double-bladed saber
  • Green
  • Sith, Galactic Empire
  • Brown
  • Dradin Kitsch
  • 311.0
  • 55
  • Dradin Kitsch was a Corellian born on Coruscant and raised on Corellia. Much of his life was growing up much more seduced by the idea of ultimate knowledge of all things that weren't understood. Dradin eventually joined the ranks of the Sith where he trained under it's final Emperor as well as former Executor. Training under Trivas gave Dradin the knowledge as well as skill to become a powerful Sith as well as aiding in the many radical changes the Ni'novian Empire underwent before his own death.
  • Dradin Kitsch joined the Imperial forces during the Chiss War. He was trained under the eyes of Emperor Matas, and witnessed first hands the power of death. Dradin had a deep connection with the force, like all force sensitives, but he learned to have a full focused connection, using it to manipulate his situations. It is assumed that even at a young age, he put into motion his family's move off of Coruscant so that the Jedi would not find him. Currently he resides on Dol Glorath with an unknowing future laid before him.