  • Zodiac Sign
  • Zodiac sign
  • Zodiac Signs are–by astrological and astronomical means–a differentiation of the dates of a year, split up into 12 Zodiacs. Each of them is ruled by a celestial body and refers to one of the four elements: fire, water, air and earth. Since each of the Sailor Senshi has a birthday in her civillian identity, she also matches a zodiac that may have a significant effect on her appearance, personality and attacks.
  • When creating a new Sim in The Sims and The Sims 2, the Sim will be given the Zodiac sign that's closest to the personality that was chosen. As the player assigns and reassigns personality points, the display will change to show which sign the Sim will have with that mix of points. Zodiac signs returned in The Sims 3: Late Night and in Patch 17. They do not affect a Sim's personality or lifestyle.
  • Manages attack targets
supports archetypes
  • Zoodiac
fr name
  • Signe du Zodiaque
es lore
  • Todos los monstruos "Zoodíaco" que controles ganan 300 ATK y DEF. Los monstruos que controle tu adversario no pueden seleccionar para ataques a monstruos boca arriba de Tipo Guerrero-Bestia que controles, excepto al monstruo de Tipo Guerrero-Bestia que controles que tenga el mayor ATK . Una vez por turno, si uno o más monstruos "Zoodíaco" que controlas fueran a ser destruidos por efecto de una carta, puedes destruir 1 monstruo en tu mano o Campo en lugar de 1 monstruo "Zoodíaco".
Romaji Name
  • Zodiakku Sain
ja lore
  • ①:自分フィールドの「十二獣」モンスターの攻撃力・守備力は300アップする。②:このカードがフィールドゾーンに存在する限り、自分フィールドの攻撃力が一番高い獣戦士族モンスター以外の自分の獣戦士族モンスターを相手は攻撃対象に選択できない。③:1ターンに1度、自分フィールドの「十二獣」モンスターが効果で破壊される場合、その「十二獣」モンスター1体の代わりに自分の手札・フィールドのモンスター1体を破壊できる。
it lore
  • Tutti i mostri "Zoodiaco" che controlli guadagnano 300 ATK e DEF. I mostri controllati dal tuo avversario non possono scegliere come bersaglio mostri di Tipo Guerriero-Bestia scoperti che controlli per gli attacchi, eccetto il mostro di Tipo Guerriero-Bestia che controlli con l'ATK più alto . Una volta per turno, se uno o più mostri "Zoodiaco" che controlli stanno per essere distrutti dall'effetto di una carta, puoi distruggere 1 mostro nella tua mano o Terreno invece di 1 mostro "Zoodiaco".
pt name
  • Sinal Zodíaco
  • All "Zoodiac" monsters you control gain 300 ATK and DEF. Monsters your opponent controls cannot target face-up Beast-Warrior-Type monsters you control for attacks, except the Beast-Warrior-Type monster you control with the highest ATK . Once per turn, if a "Zoodiac" monster you control would be destroyed by card effect, you can destroy 1 monster in your hand or field instead of 1 "Zoodiac" monster.
pt lore
  • Todos os monstros "Zoodíaco" que você controla ganham 300 de ATK e DEF. Monstros que seu oponente controla não podem escolher monstros do Tipo Besta-Guerreira com a face para cima que você controla como alvo de ataques, exceto o monstro do Tipo Besta-Guerreira que você controla com o maior ATK . Uma vez por turno, se um ou mais monstros "Zoodíaco" que você controla seriam destruídos por um efeito de card, você pode destruir 1 monstro na sua mão ou no campo, em vez de 1 monstro "Zoodíaco".
it name
  • Segnale Zodiaco
stat change
  • * Your monsters gain ATK * Your monsters gain DEF
  • * Redirects destruction * Destroys your Monster Cards * Destroys hand
  • 675319
ko lore
  • ①: 자신 필드의 "십이수" 몬스터의 공격력 / 수비력은 300 올린다. ②: 이 카드가 필드 존에 존재하는 한, 자신 필드의 공격력이 가장 높은 야수전사족 몬스터 이외의 자신의 야수전사족 몬스터를 상대는 공격 대상으로 선택할 수 없다. ③: 1턴에 1번, 자신 필드의 "십이수" 몬스터가 효과로 파괴될 경우, 그 "십이수" 몬스터 1장 대신에 자신의 패 / 필드의 몬스터 1장을 파괴할 수 있다.
de lore
  • Alle „Zoodiak“-Monster, die du kontrollierst, erhalten 300 ATK und DEF. Monster, die dein Gegner kontrolliert, können keine offenen Monster vom Typ Ungeheuer-Krieger, die du kontrollierst, als Angriffsziel wählen, außer dem Monster vom Typ Ungeheuer-Krieger mit den höchsten ATK, das du kontrollierst . Einmal pro Spielzug, falls ein oder mehr „Zoodiak“-Monster, die du kontrollierst, durch einen Karteneffekt zerstört würden, kannst du statt 1 „Zoodiak“-Monster 1 Monster in deiner Hand oder auf deiner Spielfeldseite zerstören.
ko name
  • 조디악
  • Zodiak-Sternbild
es name
  • Signo del Zodíaco
fr lore
  • Tous les monstres "Zoodiaque" que vous contrôlez gagnent 300 ATK/DEF. Les monstres contrôlés par votre adversaire ne peuvent pas cibler les monstres de Type Bête-Guerrier face recto que vous contrôlez avec une attaque. Une fois par tour, si un ou plusieurs monstres "Zoodiaque" que vous contrôlez vont être détruits par un effet de carte, vous pouvez détruire 1 monstre dans votre main ou sur votre Terrain à la place d'1 monstre "Zoodiaque".
card type
  • Spell
effect types
  • Continuous-like, Continuous-like, Continuous-like
database id
  • 12793
  • Limited activations
  • Beast-Warrior
  • Field
Ja Name
  • ゾディアック
  • When creating a new Sim in The Sims and The Sims 2, the Sim will be given the Zodiac sign that's closest to the personality that was chosen. As the player assigns and reassigns personality points, the display will change to show which sign the Sim will have with that mix of points. Zodiac signs returned in The Sims 3: Late Night and in Patch 17. They do not affect a Sim's personality or lifestyle. In The Sims and The Sims 2, there is a preset personality for each Zodiac sign. In The Sims, a player who wants a Sim to have a specific sign can cycle through them by clicking on the part of the display that shows what the Sim's Zodiac sign would be. In The Sims 2, the Sim will initially be given a random Zodiac sign and the associated personality. Players can change this by clicking on the symbol for the Zodiac sign they want the Sim to have. In both games, the preset personality for a sign is a starting point; players can reassign personality points as they see fit. Personality traits affect not only the things Sims prefer to do, but also their relationships. In The Sims 3 personality points were replaced by a system of traits, which Sims either do or do not have. The Sim will be able to learn new behaviors or become closer to another zodiac sign in personality but still maintain its original sign, such as Tara DeBateau having the Leo sign but her personality is exactly the same as that of a pre-created Gemini. The justification is that these traits are learned and passed genetically from parents to children, but in this case Tara is an adopted child. This happens with most playable Sims in Pleasantview, Strangetown, Veronaville, and Belladonna Cove where their signs are different from its original, such as Jessica Peterson being a Libra sign and having the personality traits of a Create a Sim Leo.
  • Zodiac Signs are–by astrological and astronomical means–a differentiation of the dates of a year, split up into 12 Zodiacs. Each of them is ruled by a celestial body and refers to one of the four elements: fire, water, air and earth. Since each of the Sailor Senshi has a birthday in her civillian identity, she also matches a zodiac that may have a significant effect on her appearance, personality and attacks.