  • Temple to Solinthar (Blacksand)
  • The Temple to Solinthar is the massive temple to the Patron god of Mariners is located in the Temple District of Port Blacksand. It is on Wool Street facing directly down Temple Street to the east and can be seen be all those travelling on Temple Street. It is constructed from ivory, coral shells and old boat timbers. The High Pries, Yuro Furtha, is always called on to bless new vessels being launched in the boat yard.
  • The Temple to Solinthar is the massive temple to the Patron god of Mariners is located in the Temple District of Port Blacksand. It is on Wool Street facing directly down Temple Street to the east and can be seen be all those travelling on Temple Street. It is constructed from ivory, coral shells and old boat timbers. The High Pries, Yuro Furtha, is always called on to bless new vessels being launched in the boat yard.