  • Red Sun
  • After Mikhail Gorbachev's assassination, the Perestroika was halted and the Soviet Union rooted back to it's Leninist routes, but still retained their reform as newly elected President Georgy Vinogradsky was both democratic and patriotic. Dispite this, the Soviet government became alot more stricter with the use of nuclear weapons and confenstacted most of the nuclear material in the world exept China, as the country replaced the United States as the Soviet's rival superpower. Under Vinogradsky's leadership, the number of troops, technology, and training improved that it even outmatched the United States. This also lead the establishment of E.T.O. (Eurasian Treaty Organization). Years Later North Korean Leader Kim Jong-il dies and is succeeded by his son Kim Jong-un. Later that point Kim J
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  • 1800.0
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  • War, Military, Drama, Action, Adeventure
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  • Running time
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  • HBO, Starz
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  • TV-MA
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  • Rating
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  • Williamstrother
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  • Written by
Box Title
  • Red Sun.
  • After Mikhail Gorbachev's assassination, the Perestroika was halted and the Soviet Union rooted back to it's Leninist routes, but still retained their reform as newly elected President Georgy Vinogradsky was both democratic and patriotic. Dispite this, the Soviet government became alot more stricter with the use of nuclear weapons and confenstacted most of the nuclear material in the world exept China, as the country replaced the United States as the Soviet's rival superpower. Under Vinogradsky's leadership, the number of troops, technology, and training improved that it even outmatched the United States. This also lead the establishment of E.T.O. (Eurasian Treaty Organization). Years Later North Korean Leader Kim Jong-il dies and is succeeded by his son Kim Jong-un. Later that point Kim Jong-un asks South Korea to reunite with North Korea, but South Korea's President declined and North Korea declared war on the south. Dispite the South's efforts, the KPA were victorous and had militarily reunited North and South Korea forming the United Korean Republic. 7 mounths later Russian criminals became more organized that they challenged Vinogradsky's leadership and started an insurgency and the Russian government had no choice but let the military fight the criminals in order to reorganize law and order as many other Russian officals felt that the police was not longer cabable of handling crime because criminals had got thier hands on various weaponary, armor and military expertiece, which began the Soviet crime war. To prevent corruption in the military, the government provided humanitarian assistance to civilians. Eventually the war ended and Russia's crime rate began to be reduced to 13% as most of the criminals were killed durring the war or sent to prison and were later conscripted in the military and trained so harshly that they lost sight of thier Crimanal mentailty, while survining crimanals from the crime war began to be either be hunted down or many had turned themselves under the threat of being killed. Later President Vinogradsky makes an adress to the Russian people and says "Brave comrades of the glorious Soviet Union, we are all gather here today to honor a great man, not just any man, the man who dreamed of a socioty that every one is an equal, Vladmier Lenin, the very first leader of our glorious motherland and our nation's father. Dispite the mistakes we had made in the past, we will undo them, the Red Terror, the Great Purge, the Katyn massacre, the cruel mistreatment of prisoners in the Gulag and even the Chernobyl Dissater. We will redeem ourselves for our past misdeads and we will bring a new era in communisim. The era that Lenin dreamed of. Today we will forgive our selves and we will remember the dream great cmomrade Lenin tried to give us. We will finally receive his dream. Someday day, our infulance and our cause will unite the world. On the day, when the Sun rises up and the color turns from yellow to red. The symbol of our motherland will fly across the world. It will also be the day... His dream... Had finally... Come true! URAAAA!". It centers around a violent 18 year old Highschool student named Heishi Nishikori.