  • Se n'kai
  • Se n'kai is a fruit that grows on Minbar. In the time of Valen the Se n'kai tree was far more prevalent than it would be a thousand years hence. Se n'kai was served in the ceremonial meal following Valen's instalment as Entil'Zha and although it is not considered an essential part of the ceremony, when the time came to plan Jeffrey Sinclair's installation in 2259 Satai Neroon claimed that Satain Rathenn's failure to include it constituted an insult to the Warrior Caste.
  • Se n'kai is a fruit that grows on Minbar. In the time of Valen the Se n'kai tree was far more prevalent than it would be a thousand years hence. Se n'kai was served in the ceremonial meal following Valen's instalment as Entil'Zha and although it is not considered an essential part of the ceremony, when the time came to plan Jeffrey Sinclair's installation in 2259 Satai Neroon claimed that Satain Rathenn's failure to include it constituted an insult to the Warrior Caste.