  • Guards House
  • Guards House situated on High Street in South Hills District, Port Caynn, was the headquarters for the Deputy Lord Provost, Sir Lionel of Trebond, and the local men of the Provost's Guard in the mid-third century of the Human Era. Guards House overlooked both parts of the city, the river docks to the south as well as the deep harbor to the north. The view was particularly good from the observation deck. Guards House was built of grey stone. As opposed to Corus all of Port Caynn's court hearings were done in Guards House instead of in the different districts.
  • Guards House situated on High Street in South Hills District, Port Caynn, was the headquarters for the Deputy Lord Provost, Sir Lionel of Trebond, and the local men of the Provost's Guard in the mid-third century of the Human Era. Guards House overlooked both parts of the city, the river docks to the south as well as the deep harbor to the north. The view was particularly good from the observation deck. Guards House was built of grey stone. As opposed to Corus all of Port Caynn's court hearings were done in Guards House instead of in the different districts.
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