  • Noxus
  • Noxus
  • Noxus
  • Noxus
  • Noxus
  • en:Noxus Noxus ist ein Vhozon und ein gerechtigkeitsfanatischer Kopfgeldjäger, dem Samus in Metroid Prime Hunters auf der Suche nach der ultimativen Macht begegnet. Sein Heimatsplanet ist Vho.
  • thumb|170px Noxus (ノクサス), est un personnage de la série Metroid ainsi que l'un des chasseurs de primes apparaissant dans le jeu Metroid Prime Hunters. C'est un représentant de l'espèce des Vhozon qui recherche l'ultime puissance afin que quiconque qui en soit indigne ou ayant des intentions maléfiques ne puisse s'en emparer. Il est devenu chasseur de primes dans l'objectif de faire régner la justice. Il dispose d'une forme alternative du nom de Vhoscythe et son arme de prédilection est le Justicier.
  • Noxus is a character in AdventureQuest Worlds.
  • Noxus ist ein Stadtstaat im Osten Valorans.
  • Noxus is a Vhozon acolyte from the planet Vho in the game Metroid Prime: Hunters.
  • Noxus is one of the bounty hunters in the game "Metroid Prime Hunters." He has gained an infamous reputation as the 'weakest' character in the game, but for all the wrong reasons.
  • Noxus is a fictional character and bounty hunter in Nintendo's Metroid franchise, first appearing in Metroid Prime Hunters. He is a powerful Vhozon hunter who seeks the ultimate power in order to keep it out of wrong or unworthy hands.
  • L'empire de Noxus (communément référé à Noxus) est une nation localisée dans la partie Est de Valoran. Elle partage ses frontières avec Shurima. droite|400px
  • L'empire de Noxus (communément référé à Noxus) est une nation localisée dans la partie Est de Valoran. Elle partage ses frontières avec Shurima. droite|400px
  • Noxus was the Dean of Necromancy University in Doomwood.
  • Noxus is a semi-minor character in the series. He is an alien bounty hunter who is trying to stop the other hunters.
  • Noxus es un cazarrecompensas, enemigo y personaje secundario de Metroid Prime: Hunters. Es un Cazarrecompensas proveniente de Vho. Su forma alterna es la Guadaña y su Arma Afín es el Judicator.
  • Noxus is a character in the Nintendo DS video game Metroid Prime: Hunters.
  • Noxus Grey was born during the Battle of Endor. His father, Ted Grey died in the fight, leaving him with only his mother, Crystal Grey, and his brother, William. A few years later, William left to join the Rebel alliance. Ten years later, Noxus's mother was murdered by an angry Ithorian that was suffering from hallucinations. Alone and unloved, Noxus wandered the galaxy by himself, for a few years, until the Alliance offered him a position as a general. Longing to see his brother again, Noxus eagerly joined. After being reunited with William, Noxus started going on missions. Shortly afterward, William died on a mission. With no family left, Noxus continued to serve the Alliance and was eventually killed on a mission to planet Hoth.
  • Noxus is a Bounty Hunter who appears in Metroid Prime Hunters. He is a powerful Vhozon hunter, and seeks the ultimate power to be sure that no one of evil intentions possesses it.
  • to potężne imperium ze straszliwą reputacją. Dla wszystkich poza jego granicami, Noxus jest okrutny, ekspansjonistyczny i groźny, jednakże jeżeli spojrzeć poza wojenną otoczkę, można dojrzeć niezwykłe społeczeństwo, którego mieszkańcy szanują i rozwijają swoje zalety i talenty. Byli oni niegdyś rozbójnikami, dopóki nie zaatakowali starożytnego miasta, które teraz leży w samym sercu imperium. Zagrożenie czekało na nich z każdej strony, więc agresywnie zaatakowali przeciwników, poszerzając swoje granice z każdym rokiem. Walka o przetrwanie uczyniła Noxian niezwykle dumnym ludem, który ceni siłę ponad wszystko, a siła ta może manifestować się na wiele różnych sposobów. Każdy może zyskać władzę i szacunek w Noxusie, jeżeli wykaże się odpowiednie zdolności, niezależnie od pozycji społecznej, po
  • The Dean of Necromancer University. Noxus is a necromancer who plotted to take over the world with his army of the undead. In his original appearance in DragonFable (which took place five years before AQW). He manipulated Vayle, the Necromantress, into thinking that following his orders would bring back her brother Edgar. In reality, he controlled her as she was fused with the Darkness Orb, and secretly plotted to kill her to get the orb to present to Sepulchure. In the end, he was slain by the DragonFable players, Artix, and Vayle.
  • Tier: At least 7-A Name: Spire Gender: Male Age: Unknown Classification: Vho Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Weaponized Super Cooled Plasma, Transformation (Named Vhoscythe), Absolute Zero Attack Potency: At least Mountain level (His weapon, the Judicator, fires supercooled plasma at temperatures approaching absolute zero. Capable of hurting Samus.) Speed: Unknown. At least Massively Hypersonic+ (Can keep up with Samus) Striking Strength: At least Mountain Class Stamina: Unknown Range: Unknown Standard Equipment: The Judicator Intelligence: Unknown Weaknesses: High temperatures
  • Villain
  • Artwork de Noxus en Metroid Prime Hunters
  • mph
  • El análisis del tejido cutáneo de este cazarrecompensas indica que posee propiedades de aislamiento térmico fuera de lo común. El arma de Noxus es el Judicator, cuyo disparo cargado es capaz de congelar a cualquier oponente al instante.
  • Necromancy Unniversity and The Shadowscythe
  • No ha muerto
  • Guerrero Vhozon
  • Noxus
  • None
Name en
  • Noxus
  • Alive
  • Unknown
  • Noxus
  • Analysis indicates that the skin of this hunter has extraordinary insulating properties. NOXUS' weapon is the JUDICATOR, capable of a charged shot that can freeze an opponent in its tracks.
  • Character
  • Desconocido
  • Noxus
  • Metroid Prime: Hunters
  • Bounty hunter
  • Noxus.jpg
  • Noxuspic.jpg
  • Male
  • Masculino
Scan Hunters
  • Die Analyse zeigt, dass de Haut desies Kopfgeldjägers enorme Isolierfährigkeiten besitzt. Noxus´ Waffe, der Judicator, kann mit augeladenen Schüssen seine Gegner festfrieren.
  • en:Noxus Noxus ist ein Vhozon und ein gerechtigkeitsfanatischer Kopfgeldjäger, dem Samus in Metroid Prime Hunters auf der Suche nach der ultimativen Macht begegnet. Sein Heimatsplanet ist Vho.
  • thumb|170px Noxus (ノクサス), est un personnage de la série Metroid ainsi que l'un des chasseurs de primes apparaissant dans le jeu Metroid Prime Hunters. C'est un représentant de l'espèce des Vhozon qui recherche l'ultime puissance afin que quiconque qui en soit indigne ou ayant des intentions maléfiques ne puisse s'en emparer. Il est devenu chasseur de primes dans l'objectif de faire régner la justice. Il dispose d'une forme alternative du nom de Vhoscythe et son arme de prédilection est le Justicier.
  • Noxus is a character in AdventureQuest Worlds.
  • Noxus ist ein Stadtstaat im Osten Valorans.
  • Noxus is a Vhozon acolyte from the planet Vho in the game Metroid Prime: Hunters.
  • Noxus is one of the bounty hunters in the game "Metroid Prime Hunters." He has gained an infamous reputation as the 'weakest' character in the game, but for all the wrong reasons.
  • Noxus is a fictional character and bounty hunter in Nintendo's Metroid franchise, first appearing in Metroid Prime Hunters. He is a powerful Vhozon hunter who seeks the ultimate power in order to keep it out of wrong or unworthy hands.
  • L'empire de Noxus (communément référé à Noxus) est une nation localisée dans la partie Est de Valoran. Elle partage ses frontières avec Shurima. droite|400px
  • L'empire de Noxus (communément référé à Noxus) est une nation localisée dans la partie Est de Valoran. Elle partage ses frontières avec Shurima. droite|400px
  • Noxus was the Dean of Necromancy University in Doomwood.
  • Noxus is a semi-minor character in the series. He is an alien bounty hunter who is trying to stop the other hunters.
  • The Dean of Necromancer University. Noxus is a necromancer who plotted to take over the world with his army of the undead. In his original appearance in DragonFable (which took place five years before AQW). He manipulated Vayle, the Necromantress, into thinking that following his orders would bring back her brother Edgar. In reality, he controlled her as she was fused with the Darkness Orb, and secretly plotted to kill her to get the orb to present to Sepulchure. In the end, he was slain by the DragonFable players, Artix, and Vayle. However, Noxus wasn't truly gone. His ghostly voice led Sally to the Necropolis where she under his training became the new Mistress of the Necropolis and the new Supreme Necromantress of the Tower of Necromancy. To repay him for herself completing her training as a Necromantress, she brought him back as a super powerful lich and he returned to his office in Necromancer University to make further plans for world domination. Eventually he found an ancient evil within the ruins that he with Sally's help used to create Vordred, the Paladin Slayer. Vordred and Noxus then launched an assault on Shadowfall where he confronted Gravelyn and used his magic to Gravelyn's army against her even stating that he was the one who created Sepulchure's army and the Dracolich Fortress. Noxus enslaves her and decided to use her as bait to lure the players and Artix to him. He later sent Vordred and Sally's eyeCOM to become part of an experiment with ArcAttack over at CastleMania. What makes him even more magnificent is that everything up to that point went according to his plans. Of course, the one thing he didn't count on was Chuckles attacking him and freeing Gravelyn (who commented that Chuckles was her creation) allowing the undead to let the players pass into the throne room to beat him up. When Noxus was defeated, Gravelyn yanks out his skull and replaces it with Chuckles' own, promoting Chuckles. Gravelyn then plans to have Noxus's skull forged into a weapon for her by Cysero. Noxus's head ends up forged into the Noxus Head Staff which Gravelyn uses to slay Vordred in her ending. It was later revealed that Capt. 000000Beard was associated with Noxus at one point. Gravelyn later wakes up from a nightmare revolving around Sepulchure as the Noxus Head Staff tells Gravelyn that she probably had a vision of the future. Noxus then tells Gravelyn that her father was fit to lead the undead armies of the Shadowscythe as Gravelyn was surprised that Noxus knew Sepulchure before he became a Doom Knight and states that if she wants to know more about her father, she should look into the Forbidden Vault of the Necropolis. Gravelyn is later captured by Chaos Vordred and Sally claims the Noxus Head Staff as Noxus orders Chaos Vordred to kill the heroes. When Gravelyn's last words were her wishing that her father was here, the tomb of Queen Lynaria Alteon grants her wish and revives Sepulchure. When Noxus orders Chaos Vordred to stand down, Chaos Vordred goes on the attack only to be easily destroyed by Sepulchure as Sally and Noxus bow before Sepulchure. Gravelyn detects that the Sepulchure present isn't the real Sepulchure. The tomb of Queen Lynaria Alteon states that Sepulchure was killed by Drakath where there is no coming back from death. Drakath ends up warping reality to make it look like the Sepulchure has returned from the dead. After reality is restored, Nulgath and Dage the Evil catch up to the group as Gravelyn tells them, Sally, and Noxus that the Shadowscythe Army will hunt down Drakath and make him pay for what he did to Sepulchure. Gravelyn then orders Sally to rebuild Vordred in order to use him against Drakath.
  • to potężne imperium ze straszliwą reputacją. Dla wszystkich poza jego granicami, Noxus jest okrutny, ekspansjonistyczny i groźny, jednakże jeżeli spojrzeć poza wojenną otoczkę, można dojrzeć niezwykłe społeczeństwo, którego mieszkańcy szanują i rozwijają swoje zalety i talenty. Byli oni niegdyś rozbójnikami, dopóki nie zaatakowali starożytnego miasta, które teraz leży w samym sercu imperium. Zagrożenie czekało na nich z każdej strony, więc agresywnie zaatakowali przeciwników, poszerzając swoje granice z każdym rokiem. Walka o przetrwanie uczyniła Noxian niezwykle dumnym ludem, który ceni siłę ponad wszystko, a siła ta może manifestować się na wiele różnych sposobów. Każdy może zyskać władzę i szacunek w Noxusie, jeżeli wykaże się odpowiednie zdolności, niezależnie od pozycji społecznej, pochodzenia, ojczyzny oraz bogactwa. __TOC__
  • Tier: At least 7-A Name: Spire Gender: Male Age: Unknown Classification: Vho Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Weaponized Super Cooled Plasma, Transformation (Named Vhoscythe), Absolute Zero Attack Potency: At least Mountain level (His weapon, the Judicator, fires supercooled plasma at temperatures approaching absolute zero. Capable of hurting Samus.) Speed: Unknown. At least Massively Hypersonic+ (Can keep up with Samus) Striking Strength: At least Mountain Class Durability: At least Mountain level (Can survive a severe beating from Samus, can take hits from his own weapon with no injuries) Stamina: Unknown Range: Unknown Standard Equipment: The Judicator Intelligence: Unknown Weaknesses: High temperatures
  • Noxus es un cazarrecompensas, enemigo y personaje secundario de Metroid Prime: Hunters. Es un Cazarrecompensas proveniente de Vho. Su forma alterna es la Guadaña y su Arma Afín es el Judicator.
  • Noxus is a character in the Nintendo DS video game Metroid Prime: Hunters.
  • Noxus Grey was born during the Battle of Endor. His father, Ted Grey died in the fight, leaving him with only his mother, Crystal Grey, and his brother, William. A few years later, William left to join the Rebel alliance. Ten years later, Noxus's mother was murdered by an angry Ithorian that was suffering from hallucinations. Alone and unloved, Noxus wandered the galaxy by himself, for a few years, until the Alliance offered him a position as a general. Longing to see his brother again, Noxus eagerly joined. After being reunited with William, Noxus started going on missions. Shortly afterward, William died on a mission. With no family left, Noxus continued to serve the Alliance and was eventually killed on a mission to planet Hoth.
  • Noxus is a Bounty Hunter who appears in Metroid Prime Hunters. He is a powerful Vhozon hunter, and seeks the ultimate power to be sure that no one of evil intentions possesses it.
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