  • League of Super Evil
  • The League of Super Evil is a small group made of the title characters of the series. They're also known as LOSE, which is pretty much how most of their jobs end up in the end.
  • League of Super Evil is the 2009 cartoon.
  • The League of Super Evil (abbreviated as L.O.S.E.) is a league of so-called "villains" who star in the show of the same name. They live in Metrotown, a world of super heroes and super villians, but L.O.S.E. is seen as not-so-evil in comparison. Their main plots consist of pulling childish pranks on citizens and trying to take over the neighbourhood, rather than other villians of the show who plan to do more destructive plots.
  • The League of Super Evil (acronym L.O.S.E.) is a cartoon series on YTV about a Quirky Miniboss Squad made up of Ineffectual Sympathetic Villains. The team is led by the Pointy-Haired Boss Voltar, a Card-Carrying Villain and all-around Large Ham. He constantly attempts to be evil, but is largely incompetent of anything more serious than Poke the Poodle. Forming Voltar's posse of mooks is the Mad Scientist Butt Monkey Doktor Frogg and the Dumb Muscle Red Menace. Their Team Pet Doomageddon is a pandimensional hell doomhound and Extreme Omnivore.
  • The League of Super Evil is a small group made of the title characters of the series. They're also known as LOSE, which is pretty much how most of their jobs end up in the end.
  • League of Super Evil is the 2009 cartoon.
  • The League of Super Evil (acronym L.O.S.E.) is a cartoon series on YTV about a Quirky Miniboss Squad made up of Ineffectual Sympathetic Villains. The team is led by the Pointy-Haired Boss Voltar, a Card-Carrying Villain and all-around Large Ham. He constantly attempts to be evil, but is largely incompetent of anything more serious than Poke the Poodle. Forming Voltar's posse of mooks is the Mad Scientist Butt Monkey Doktor Frogg and the Dumb Muscle Red Menace. Their Team Pet Doomageddon is a pandimensional hell doomhound and Extreme Omnivore. Every episode they pull some harebrained scheme in an attempt to be evil, but usually manage only to be annoying. So far their most ambitious schemes have been to annoy the neighborhood, steal $5 to open a bank account for a free toaster, host a neighborhood barbecue and not invite the neighbors, and sneak their way into a fancy restaurant. They have also sold Evil Lemonade and Evil PiƱatas. They have also stolen an ice ray that can turn the planet into an ice cube, but only to use it as an air conditioner.
  • The League of Super Evil (abbreviated as L.O.S.E.) is a league of so-called "villains" who star in the show of the same name. They live in Metrotown, a world of super heroes and super villians, but L.O.S.E. is seen as not-so-evil in comparison. Their main plots consist of pulling childish pranks on citizens and trying to take over the neighbourhood, rather than other villians of the show who plan to do more destructive plots.
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