  • Origins of word dude
  • The origins of the legendary word dude are disputed. Some say the word came into being around the same time as God, others say the "dude" is an anagram of the word "anti-christ" in Swahili. It is generally accepeted though, that the word dude came into existence when Satan otherwise known as the prince of darkness, the devil, the red ass-turd from hell or more commonly as Mel Gibson, pissed off the holy spirit and received an unholy amount of ball-whipping and simultanously exalted "dude wats up with this shit?"
  • The origins of the legendary word dude are disputed. Some say the word came into being around the same time as God, others say the "dude" is an anagram of the word "anti-christ" in Swahili. It is generally accepeted though, that the word dude came into existence when Satan otherwise known as the prince of darkness, the devil, the red ass-turd from hell or more commonly as Mel Gibson, pissed off the holy spirit and received an unholy amount of ball-whipping and simultanously exalted "dude wats up with this shit?" From that day on the word "dude" became more widely used, with Saddam Hussein the devil's lover, making it law for all Iraqis to greet each other with "dude hozs the daily shiz hanging homie" or something like that in Arabic. In modern popular culture, 'dude' became prevalent in the U.S. for all Americans to greet one another with the vernacular "dude, where is my car?" or "dude, where is Iraq? Perhaps we should learn more about the world outside our borders before invading it."