  • Allied assault (band) (deleted 02 Aug 2008 at 07:06)
  • Once upon a time, in late 2006, around the vernal equinox if you will, two lads, Shiraz and Jake came together with a common love of ska and punk music. Jake owned and played a bass but little did they know that Shiraz was stupid and owned no musical instruments. But with the proper guidance and some money, they got Shiraz over here a guitar. And whaddya know, he wasn't that bad. But lo and behold, our dynamic duo needed a drummer and singer. To season the sauce, they decided to jam with good acquaintance Kevin Kennedy on guitar and lead vocals, and other good compadre Ben Epstein on drums. So there was the final lineup, and after endless boil and toil, late one night at Jake's house, the foursome was dubbed Six Minutes till Sunday (SMTS).
  • Once upon a time, in late 2006, around the vernal equinox if you will, two lads, Shiraz and Jake came together with a common love of ska and punk music. Jake owned and played a bass but little did they know that Shiraz was stupid and owned no musical instruments. But with the proper guidance and some money, they got Shiraz over here a guitar. And whaddya know, he wasn't that bad. But lo and behold, our dynamic duo needed a drummer and singer. To season the sauce, they decided to jam with good acquaintance Kevin Kennedy on guitar and lead vocals, and other good compadre Ben Epstein on drums. So there was the final lineup, and after endless boil and toil, late one night at Jake's house, the foursome was dubbed Six Minutes till Sunday (SMTS). But alas, all the potential and fangirls in the world couldn't save them from their perilous fate. The foursome released one song, Up the Paunx, which quite honestly, sucked. Hard. But keeping their heads high, they decided to take a more serious outlook on their musical expeditions. They dabbled in some new names, and renamed themselves the On Point Kings. Knowing only a few Operation Ivy and Misfits songs, they were to play at St. Peter's Church. The group did that set with their good friends, All that and a Bag of Chips. But yet again, they came to the sad realization that this just wasn't working out, and the band called it quits, this time for good. Secretly, under a new alias, and the wing of god, Kevin, Jake, and Ben rose from the ashes of defeat to form the hardcore punk trio Allied Assault. They used an unfinished song from previous band SMTS and created the hit single "Groucho Marx", which rose to the tops of the charts, and the tops of our hearts. They also released the demo for the song "Identity Theft". After allowing the public to juggle with these two chunks of sonic heaven, they yet again stepped in, this time with a new song, "Allied Assault". With these weapons at their disposal, they were ready for anything. So they were scheduled to play their first show at the Amity Teen Center with Fire First, SOMM, and others. Unfortunately, however, they weren't too great, and their spirits were significantly dampened. But hey, dry your tears, cause guess what? They were scheduled to play another show a couple months later, this time at the Unitarian Society with Jettison, The Uncharted, and Angleworm. And it was like WOAH. They covered "Hybrid Moments" by the Misfits and "Knowledge" by Operation Ivy, plus some tasty originals. The band is currently on the fence right now, dabbling with some new material, new members, and quite possibly a new name. But hey, stick around, cause you never know what'll happen next with these fellas. You can check them out, or some of their other things at these sites. www.myspace/com/sixminutestillsunday