  • Little bigger little googol
  • Little bigger little googol is the term André Joyce used for the larger prime power factor of the googol, \(5^{100}\), aka cyplev, from the vocalized Roman numeral C and the -plev suffex, the other, \(2^{100}\), cypleij, already being called by some the little googol, one followed a hundred zero bits in binary. It has 70 digits and its decimal representation is: 7888609052210118054117285652827862296732064351090230047702789306640625 Sbiis Saibian and Aarex Tiaokhiao call this number a quinary-googol.
  • Little bigger little googol is the term André Joyce used for the larger prime power factor of the googol, \(5^{100}\), aka cyplev, from the vocalized Roman numeral C and the -plev suffex, the other, \(2^{100}\), cypleij, already being called by some the little googol, one followed a hundred zero bits in binary. It has 70 digits and its decimal representation is: 7888609052210118054117285652827862296732064351090230047702789306640625 Sbiis Saibian and Aarex Tiaokhiao call this number a quinary-googol.