  • Sunnikuse
  • Sunnikuse (or “medicine”) is the Bohagande bloodline’s unique ability to direct the hand of Fate, as dangerous as this practice is. Gifted in the art of stealing luck from others, twisting the outcome of situations to their advantage, and even hoarding good fortune, Bohagande are as deadly and feared as any gunslinger of old. They have an uncanny ability to sense the presence or absence of luck in an individual, and use that knowledge for their own good. Full descriptions of this discipline and its effects can be found in VTR: Bloodlines: The Hidden Image:Bullet-nip.png
  • Sunnikuse (or “medicine”) is the Bohagande bloodline’s unique ability to direct the hand of Fate, as dangerous as this practice is. Gifted in the art of stealing luck from others, twisting the outcome of situations to their advantage, and even hoarding good fortune, Bohagande are as deadly and feared as any gunslinger of old. They have an uncanny ability to sense the presence or absence of luck in an individual, and use that knowledge for their own good. The unrestrained use of this discipline can have fairly significant consequences, as their aura is not the only reason why Bohagande have a difficult time staying in one place for long. Full descriptions of this discipline and its effects can be found in VTR: Bloodlines: The Hidden Image:Bullet-nip.png