  • The Undead
  • The Undead
  • The Undead
  • The Undead are a gang belonging to Pippy in World 3: Renegade, formed nine years ago in 2002 by Boston and Jordan Terrell.
  • THE UNDEAD is the thirteenth volume of the Bleach manga series.
  • The Undead is an film that features the friends characters fighting the undead.When The zombies smash in Monica's apartment,The Friends manage to escape and they are left hopeless when learning that New York has been overran by the undead.
  • This category concerns all the fiends that walk the earth undead or ethereal.
  • Drake is the creator of the Undead Legion. Drake's only goal is to take revenge on the living, because of how many times he was betrayed by his allies.
  • The Undead, also called Zombies, are evil magical beings who were once deceased mortals, brought back from the dead. Powerful Demonic Alchemists are able to resurrect these mortals, bringing them back to life to do their bidding. However, some Alchemists lack the power to resurrect them themselves and need the aid of an upper-level demon. These mortals are then trapped between life and death and become the living dead. Alchemists can control the undead and use them for whatever purpose they desire.
  • Having been separated from their souls, zombies' personalities run the risk of degenerating to the mindless brain-eating variety. Zombies can communicate with other zombies but not with the living; Agent Superball seems to be an exception, but he may be faking it. Bullets will only temporarily stop zombies, but they are otherwise no more capable than their human forms. Vampires possess superhuman strength and speed (enough to catch a bullet), but are vulnerable to uv-light, holy water, garlic stench and a stake to the heart.
  • back to top Life and death – the eternal circle of life. The natural order of the world. The way it has been, and the way it always will be. Or at least the way it should be, for magic, combined with the malice and thirst for power of certain races, has created abominations of nature, creatures of horrible appearance, and the most unnatural of these are those that go by the name of the Undead. Ghoulback to top Zombieback to top Skeletonback to top Spectreback to top Wraithback to top
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  • Okładka THE UNDEAD
  • Bleach okladka 13.jpg
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  • thumb|left|190px|Okładka 111. Black & White Zangetsu mówi Ichigo, że jeżeli nadal chce nim władać, to musi własnoręcznie wyrwać go ze swoich własnych rąk. Hollow natychmiast rzuca się na Kurosakiego i przypiera go. Ichigo spogląda na swój miecz trzymany przez Hollowa, który emituje niezwykle potężną energię. Kurosaki zastanawia się, jak ma go pokonać tym "patyczkiem" który właśnie trzyma. Hollow nie daje mu czasu na zastanowienie tłumacząc, że jeżeli będzie tak stał to po prostu go zabije. Po chwili łapie miecz za bandaż i machając nim nad swoją głową rzuca w Ichigo niczym nożem. Kurosaki ledwie unika zastanawiając się, dlaczego sam nigdy na to nie wpadł. Hollow mówi do niego, że jest żałosny, bowiem mając taki potężny miecz daje się bić jak dziecko. Pyta się go, czy sądził, że poznanie imienia Zangetsu wystarczy, aby mieć jego pełną moc. Po chwili uznaje, że gdyby Ichigo kiedykolwiek użyczył mu swojej własnej mocy, to Zangetsu mógłby stać się wielokrotnie silniejszy. To powoduje, że Kurosaki zaczyna się zastanawiać, dlaczego nigdy nie próbował zrozumieć staruszka, porównując się do Zarakiego, który nawet nie zna imienia swojej broni. Prosi Zangetsu, aby dał mu jeszcze jedną szansę, bo chce pokonać Kenpachiego. Hollow uznaje, że koniec z zabawą i rzuca się na Ichigo… W ostatniej chwili oba miecze zostają zamienione - Hollow dzierży teraz zwykły miecz, a w rękach Kurosakiego spoczywa Zangetsu. Ichigo dziękuje mu za to i po chwili wraca do świata żywych. Kenpachi odchodząc od miejsca walki odwraca się nagle, wyczuwając rosnącą aurę Ichigo, który wstaje mimo zadanych obrażeń.
  • thumb|left|190px|Okładka 108. Time For Scare Nanao spotyka członka Oddziału Reagowania Wewnętrznego, który ma jej do przekazania wiadomość dla kapitana Kyōraku. Wiadomość ta jest zatwierdzona przez wszechkapitana Yamamoto oraz kapitana Hitsugayę, co daje jej ważność pierwszego stopnia. Kyōraku patrzy na rannego Chada i wyraża swój podziw. Mówi, że jak na człowieka walczył dzielnie, a ten ostatni atak mógłby mieć katastrofalne skutki, gdyby dosięgnął celu. Nanao przybiega do niego zaaferowana i mówi mu o zasłyszanej wiadomości - kapitan Aizen nie żyje. Shunsui postanawia iść spotkać się z pozostałymi kapitanami. Pani wicekapitan patrzy na Chada i postanawia go dobić, jednak kapitan jej przerywa twierdząc, że możliwym jest, że to właśnie oni są winni śmierci Sōsuke. Kenpachi nadal walczy z Ichigo, który cały czas tylko ucieka. Kurosaki jest przerażony potęgą przeciwnika i zastanawia się co zrobić, aby go zranić. Chowa się aby przemyśleć taktykę. Przypomina sobie słowa Zangetsu - porzuć strach, idź przed siebie. Z nowymi siłami wybiega na spotkanie kapitanowi, jednak po chwili wyczuwa słabnącą aurę Chada. Nie może uwierzyć, że prawie zginął, jednak uświadamia sobie, że jeżeli nie wygra to nie uratuje przyjaciół i wybiega do Kenpachiego. Rzuca się na przeciwnika i rozcina jego klatkę piersiową. Następnie mówi do niego, że nie może przegrać, bo inaczej cały bagaż, który niesie na swoich barkach. przepadłby bezpowrotnie.
  • thumb|left|190px|Okładka 110. Dark Side of Universe Kenpachi stwierdza, że walka, na którą tyle czekał, która tak ciekawie się zapowiadała miała strasznie żałosny koniec. Wyjmuje miecz z Ichigo, który pada na ziemię, a sam odchodzi. Kurosaki chce się pozbierać, jednak z powodu ran nie może się ruszyć. Patrzy tylko na odchodzącego Zarakiego. Nagle ktoś pojawia się obok kapitana, a jest to nie kto inny jak Zangetsu. Podchodzi do Ichigo i zadaje mu pytanie - chce walczyć, wygrać czy po prostu przeżyć? Kurosaki bez wahania odpowiada, że chce wygrać, albowiem walka nie ma sensu, samo to, że przeżyje także nie, a tylko wygrana da mu możliwość uratowania Rukii. Zangetsu wciąga więc Ichigo do jego wewnętrznego świata. Ichigo budzi się i zastanawia, co to za miejsce. Przypomina mu się, że był tutaj podczas treningu u Urahary i pada na ziemię. Zangetsu pyta się go, co on wyprawia, na co Kurosaki odpowiada, że jeżeli się nie położy to spadnie tak jak ostatnio. Dusza jego Zanpakutō mówi mu, że wtedy jego świat był pogrążony w destabilizacji z powodu przemiany w Hollowa. Po chwili rzuca Kurosakiemu miecz zwany "Płytkim Cięciem", na co Ichigo reaguje zdziwieniem, że przecież jego mieczem jest Zangetsu. Następnie wyciąga samego siebie, lecz w postaci miecza. Ichigo chce go od niego wziąć, jednak Zangetsu stwierdza, że nie może mu go dać i wyrzuca go. Kurosaki biegnie za lecącym mieczem, jednak wyprzedza go jakaś dziwna postać w białym ubraniu Shinigami… Jak się okazuje, jest to sam Hollow Ichigo! Zangetsu mówi Kurosakiemu, że aby odzyskać Zanpakutō będzie musiał walczyć z samym sobą.
  • thumb|left|190px|Okładka 109. 花を踏まぬ虎のように Ichigo wreszcie zranił Kenpachiego. Uważa, że jest w stanie pokonać Zarakiego. Ku jego zdziwieniu kapitan promienieje radością i mówi do Ichigo, że jak chce to potrafi, ale ma nie tracić koncentracji, bo prawdziwa zabawa dopiero się zaczęła. Po chwili atakuje zaskoczonego Kurosakiego. Yachiru przygląda się temu przedstawieniu i stwierdza, że "Kencio chyba świetnie się bawi". Kapitan Unohana po oględzinach ciała Aizena stwierdza, że jego śmierć jest faktem. Przyglądają się temu kapitanowie Komamura i Tōsen oraz wicekapitan Kotetsu. Po chwili Unohana stwierdza, że można już wrócić na pole walki, a Centrala 46 wyznaczy następcę na jego stanowisko. Komamura i Tōsen wychodzą z budynku, gdzie czekają na nich wicekapitanowie Hisagi oraz Iba. Shūhei pyta się jakie wieści, na co Kaname opowiada o Aizenie. Po chwili stwierdza, że musi wrócić na pole walki, jednak wolałby tego nie robić, bo nienawidzi rozlewu krwi. Kurosaki wymienia ciosy z Zarakim, który przypiera przeciwnika. Z radością stwierdza, że Ichigo jest coraz bardziej skupiony i wreszcie zaczął reagować na dźwięk dzwonków. Ichigo pyta się go, czy to dlatego, że lubi walczyć nie uwalnia prawdziwej postaci swojego miecza. Kenpachi odpowiada mu, że właśnie to jest jego uwolniona postać, która nawet nie ma imienia. Kurosaki odpowiada mu, że trochę go uspokoił, bowiem kapitan nie stanie się już silniejszy, a skoro tak… Zaraki przerywa mu odpowiadając za niego: "Skoro tak, to zapewne myślisz, że będziesz w stanie mnie pokonać?". Następnie tłumaczy, że nie pieczętuje swojego miecza, bo ze względu na jego przeogromne reiatsu nie jest po prostu w stanie tego zrobić. Przykłada koniec swojego ostrza do Zangetsu i go przebija, tym samym przebijając płuco Ichigo. Po chwili Zaraki stwierdza, że koniec tej walki jest żałosny i odchodzi.
  • 200
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  • Dull or blank eyes
First Appearance
  • Kenpachi Zaraki
  • Yachiru Kusajishi
  • Ichigo Kurosaki
  • Rukia Kuchiki
  • Ganju Shiba
  • Zangetsu
  • The Undead
  • Cover of THE UNDEAD
per4 ja
  • 井上 織姫
chara 1 ja
  • 志波 岩鷲
  • 志波 岩鷲
per6 ja
  • 朽木 ルキア
  • Cada vez que matamos una emoción
  • Damos un paso más para convertirnos en bestias.
  • ''Cada vez que abandonamos un poco de nuestro orgullo,
  • Damos un paso más para alejarnos de ser bestias.''
chara 3 ja
  • 草鹿 やちる
  • 草鹿 やちる
chara 6 ja
  • 黒崎 一護
  • 黒崎 一護
  • 108
  • 109
  • 110
  • 111
  • 112
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  • 115
chara 4 ja
  • 更木 剣八
  • 更木 剣八
  • 1
  • 2006-06-06
per3 ja
  • 更木 剣八
  • Rukia Kuchiki
  • Kenpachi Zaraki
  • Kenpachi Zaraki
  • Yachiru Kusajishi
  • Yachiru Kusajishi
  • Ganju Shiba
  • Ganju Shiba
  • Ichigo Kurosaki
  • Ichigo Kurosaki
  • Rukia Kuchiki
  • Zangetsu
  • Zangetsu
per1 ja
  • 黒崎 一護
  • 108
  • 109
  • 110
  • 111
  • 112
  • 113
  • 114
  • 115
chara 2 ja
  • 斬月
  • 斬月
  • 108
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  • 110
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  • Za każdym razem,
  • gdy porzucasz swą dumę
  • gdy zabijasz w sobie uczucie
  • o krok od bestii się oddalasz''”
  • zbliżasz się o krok do bestii
  • „''Za każdym razem,
  • 2011-10-24
  • 978
chara 5 ja
  • 朽木 ルキア
  • 朽木 ルキア
  • 2004-06-04
  • 108
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  • 115
  • ''"Every time we set aside our pride
  • Every time we kill an emotion
  • We take a step away from the beast"''
  • We take a step closer to the beast
  • 200
  • Undead mortals
  • thumb|left|190px|Cover of 110. Dark Side of Universe As Kenpachi draws his Zanpakutō out of Ichigo and Zangetsu, Zangetsu splits into pieces and Ichigo falls to the ground. Zaraki comments that it has been a while since someone cut him and heard his bells, but is disappointed that that was all and turns away. On the ground Ichigo thinks that he doesn't want to die; that he can't die yet. He tells himself to get up and stop the bleeding as he watches Zaraki walk away. He begs to be given the chance to fight again, and that he has to save Rukia. As Zaraki swings his Zanpakutō onto his shoulder and walks away, Zangetsu appears and approaches Ichigo. Zangetsu asks Ichigo if he wants to continue fighting, if he wants to win or whether he wants to live. Zangetsu demands to know which of those things Ichigo wants. Ichigo says he wants to win. Zangetsu says that he can't hear Ichigo. Ichigo then reiterates that he wants to win because fighting for its own sake is meaningless, survival in itself is meaningless and that he wants to win. Zangetsu replies that in that case he will take Ichigo there. Ichigo and Zangetsu suddenly vanish and Ichigo finds himself in his inner world. Thinking he was going to fall as he is standing on the side of a building, Ichigo lies down and grips the building. Zangetsu demands to know what Ichigo is doing. Ichigo replies that he doesn't want to fall again. Zangetsu explains that there is no chance of that happening and that it had happened last time because his inner world was beginning to be lost as Ichigo started to become a Hollow. However, even after that fierce fight, Ichigo's inner world is stable. The mortified Ichigo wonders if that means that the up-down, left-right thing is normal, but Zangetsu ignores him and presses on, telling him that it would appear he had gotten a little stronger and tells him to stand-up. When Ichigo does, Zangetsu tosses him an Asauchi, explaining that it is a nameless Zanpakutō that is carried by low ranking Shinigami. Ichigo points out that his Zanpakutō has a name: Zangetsu. Zangetsu then brings out his sword form and tells Ichigo if that is the Zanpakutō Ichigo is referring to, the one his enemy broke. Zangetsu says that he can't give it to Ichigo and throws it off the building. Ichigo goes after it when suddenly someone shoots past him and grabs the Zanpakutō. The new being is a doppelgänger of Ichigo except he is all white, with a white shihakushō. Zangetsu explains that he wants to see if Ichigo is worthy of possessing him and that if Ichigo wants to get him back, Ichigo has to take him back and this time, Ichigo's enemy is himself.
  • thumb|left|190px|Cover of 108. Time For Scar Chad and Kyōraku's fight is over. A messenger comes and delivers a message from headquarters to Nanao. She asks that if it's just a command, then wouldn't a Hell Butterfly be enough. The messenger says yes, however, this order carries the combined authority of Captain-Commander Yamamoto and Captain Hitsugaya. Nanao's surprised because it is a first class order. Kyōraku is impressed that Chad was able to come to Soul Society and to fight to this extent, and he also comments that the last hit looked pretty terrifying, saying that it would've been nasty if he got hit. Suddenly, Nanao rushes to him and tells him what the messenger told her: Captain Aizen has been assassinated. The cause of death is severe heart injury and removal of Hakusui with a Zanpakutō, and that there's no suspect yet. Since it's a combined authority of Captain-Commander Yamamoto and Captain Hitsugaya, there's no doubt to the report. Kyōraku is shocked and says they should go give him a visit. But Nanao realizes that Chad is still alive, and offers to finish him off. Kyōraku stops her and says it's not lady-like to do so. Nanao says it might be Chad's friends that murdered Aizen, while Kyōraku responds that that may or may not be not true, so they need to keep him alive. He orders Nanao to call the paramedics and put him in the detention area. Nanao apologizes for her action and says she will do it right away. Kyōraku comments that things seem to start getting out of hand. Meanwhile, Ichigo continues to avoid Kenpachi. Ichigo tells himself to calm down, but he can't stop shaking. He wonders why he can't hurt Kenpachi, asking if the difference in their strength is that great. Suddenly, Kenpachi breaks the wall and attacks Ichigo, telling him to stop running around because he doesn't like playing hide-and-seek with weaklings. Ichigo tries to calm himself, thinking of Zangetsu's words about throwing away his fear and look ahead. Then he can beat Kenpachi. He rushes at Kenpachi, but suddenly realizes that Chad's Reiatsu is gone. Ichigo thinks it's impossible for Chad to lose, but then he feels a little of Chad's Reiatsu so he knows that Chad's still alive. He realizes that he can't be scared because if he loses then everybody is going to die. Ichigo confronts Kenpachi. Kenpachi asks if he's surrendering or if he's ready to die, which Ichigo says both are wrong. Ichigo rushes at Kenpachi, telling Chad to wait for him, he'll defeat Kenpachi and come help him. Ichigo is finally able to cut Kenpachi. He tells Kenpachi that he can't die here, because if that happens then everything he holds dear will be destroyed.
  • thumb|left|190px|Cover of 115. Remnant In her cell, Rukia notes that the sounds of battle have stopped, but she cannot tell who lived and who died. She wonders if she is worth shedding blood over. She asks someone called Kaien what he would have said. Meanwhile, Ichigo is found by Yoruichi, who compliments on him being able to fight someone like Zaraki to a draw and assures him that she won't let him die. With these words, she begins to unleash some sort of power. Meanwhile, the guards outside Rukia's cell comment on how the whole eastern half of the Senzaikyū has been destroyed. Suddenly, one of them falls unconscious. As the other looks the other Shinigami is distracted by the movement on the roof, Ganju sneaks-up behind him and knocks him unconscious. Hanatarō tells Ganju he was too rough, but Ganju dismisses it and wonders what Hanatarō used. Hanatarō explains that he used Shinten, a kind of tranquilizer. They then make it to the cell and Hanatarō presents a key. Explaining that he stole it last night after resolving to do whatever he could, following Ichigo's example, even if he is punished later. He, however, states that he thinks he is useless because all he managed to do was steal a key. Ganju comments that he has done enough. The cell doors start to open and Ganju eagerly goes inside to have a look at the Shinigami over whom everybody is fighting, but suddenly stops dead in his tracks. Rukia asks him if he is with Ichigo as Hanatarō appears from behind Ganju and starts to drag Rukia away. Hanatarō then notices Ganju's standing stock still and wonders what's wrong. Rukia then notices the pattern on Ganju's pants and asks him he is from the Shiba family. Hanatarō asks Ganju if he knows her. Ganju says that he does and that she's the Shinigami who killed his brother. As Hanatarō tries to say that there has been a mistake, Ganju insists that it is the truth. Rukia confirms Ganju's statement and says that if Ganju is of the Shiba family then his older brother, Kaien Shiba was killed by her. Ganju collars her, prompting Rukia to calmly wonder what he is planning to do. Saying that she won't try to stop him if he kills her. Hanatarō tells Ganju to stop, reminding him that Ichigo entrusted them with rescuing Rukia. Suddenly they feel an enormous Reiatsu behind them. Byakuya Kuchiki has arrived on the scene.
  • thumb|left|190px|Cover of 114. 崩れゆく世界のすべてについて Yachiru approaches the beaten up Kenpachi and Ichigo. She thanks Ichigo for making Kenpachi happy. Yachiru takes Kenpachi away and tells Ichigo not to die so he can play with Kenpachi again, before leaving. Kenpachi has a dream about the day he first met Yachiru. She came near him without any fear, even though he just killed a bunch of people. She touched his sword even though it's covered with blood. Kenpachi told her it can kill her, but Yachiru smiled at him when her hand was covered with blood. Kenpachi asked her what her name was, she looked at him surprisingly, so he knew that Yachiru doesn't have a name, to which he responds that he doesn't have one either. Kenpachi wakes up, seeing Yachiru and she starts jumping with joy since he's awake. She says that she called Unohana, and she'll be here right away. Kenpachi then asks how's Ichigo. Yachiru tells him that she doesn't know, probably still alive. Kenpachi says it's good because he can return to Ichigo what he owes him. Yachiru says Kenpachi doesn't owe Ichigo anything, which Kenpachi says he does, since he lost. Yachiru yells at him that he didn't lose, but Kenpachi tells her she is an idiot and not to make that face. Yachiru says that Ichigo was fighting with Zangetsu so it was two on one and Kenpachi won. Kenpachi laughs, which makes Yachiru hit him. Then he thinks of fighting alongside a Zanpakutō. He asks Yachiru if she remembers the day he named her. Yachiru says she even remembers how many clouds were in the sky. Kenpachi says that he does too, then he raises his sword, telling it that he has forgotten the pain of not having a name. Everyone has a name that others use to call them, but he didn't, that pain is why that day he named her Yachiru, the name of the only person he ever admired, while he took the name Kenpachi, the name of the strongest Shinigami. Then he apologizes to his sword for making it wait so long, and asks what its name is, but there's no response. Kenpachi says that it didn't work after all, and he wants to be stronger. He finally found a worthy opponent, he can get stronger, he wants to fight to get stronger. It has been a while since he felt this desire. Yachiru looks at him, remembering the day she met him. She grew up in district 79 of the North Alley of Loitering Spirits, Kusajishi. She had no name, no parents. She had never seen any color other than blood red. Everyone there was more beast-like than human, it wouldn't have been strange if a baby got stepped on and died. But then Kenpachi appeared. From district 80 of the North Alley of Loitering Spirits, Zaraki, even deeper in the darkness, he demolished the chaotic world that was dyed with blood and gave her a name. If it wasn't for him, Yachiru wouldn't have been here today. Yachiru tells Kenpachi that they will get stronger together and she knows that Kenpachi is the best. And since that day, he has been everything to her in this world. But there's no reply from Kenpachi. Yachiru calls for him but he's not awake anymore. Meanwhile, Ganju and Hanatarō arrive near the Senzaikyū. Hanatarō notices that the noise has stopped and wonders if Ichigo is okay. Ganju says that they are all the way here, all they can do is hope that he is. They have no time to worry for him, they have to focus on here. Then he tells Hanatarō to get ready to jump. Yoruichi approaches a wounded Ichigo.
  • thumb|left|190px|Cover of 113. The Undead 3 [Closing Frantica] A messenger comes to Yachiru and tells her he has an emergency order. She tells him to tell her later, which he apologizes and says it's a first class order. But Yachiru still tells him to tell her later. The messenger then says that he has a direct order to fulfill and it's to deliver the message to all captains and lieutenants in the shortest time possible. Yachiru tells him that he's noisy and she forms a large angry cat with her Reiatsu, which scares him away, saying that Kenpachi is fighting, so don't bug her. Kenpachi removes his eye patch and suddenly his Reiatsu is vastly increasing. Ichigo is shocked at the fact. Then he asks Kenpachi what's the secret of his right eye. Kenpachi says that he wouldn't do such a stupid thing. He explains to Ichigo that the eye patch is a creation of the Shinigami Research and Development Institute, a Reiatsu-sucking monster. Kenpachi says that with the Reiatsu that would otherwise be absorbed by the eye patch, he would use it all to kill Ichigo. Zangetsu calls out to Ichigo, and asks him if he hears Kenpachi's blade mourning. Ichigo answer that he can. Zangetsu says that Kenpachi has never listened to that voice. If they do not trust each other when fighting side by side, they will diminish each other's strength. For someone who only believes in his own strength, it's impossible to understand that. Zangetsu then asks Ichigo if he trusts him. Ichigo says yes, and he'll give Zangetsu all of his power. He can use it however he likes, and then lends Ichigo his power too. Zangetsu says yes and holds on to the blade. Then Ichigo's Reiatsu suddenly increases. Kenpachi finds it interesting that Ichigo can still increase his Reiatsu. Ichigo responds that it's because he's borrowing Zangetsu's power and fighting alongside Zangetsu. He says that he'll never lose to someone who only fights by himself. Kenpachi says it's all rubbish. He says that Zanpakutō are only tools of war. "Fighting side by side with a Zanpakutō" is just the whining words of those who are too spineless to fight by themselves. It's not something someone like him and Ichigo should say. Then Kenpachi forms a skull-shaped Reiatsu and prepares to attack. Zangetsu says his ability to stop Ichigo's bleeding is at its limit, he has to take Kenpachi down in one blow. Ichigo also prepares to attack. They rush at each other and the clash makes all the surrounding buildings collapse. Ichigo gets stabbed in the stomach and Kenpachi gets cut in the shoulder. Ichigo collapses, apologizing to his friends. Kenpachi asks what Ichigo is apologizing for. Kenpachi's sword breaks, and he says that Ichigo wins, before falling.
  • thumb|left|190px|Cover of 109. 花を踏まぬ虎のように Ichigo manages to cut Kenpachi, which brings him comfort as he repeats to himself that he can cut him, he knows he can take him and that he knows he can win. Kenpachi himself is ecstatic at being cut and happily says that he knew Ichigo could do it, but warns Ichigo not to relax and stay alert. Watching on, Yachiru comments on how happy Kenpachi looks as the captain resumes his attack on Ichigo. Elsewhere, Captains Kaname Tōsen of the 9th Division and Sajin Komamura of the 7th Division visit 4th Division Captain Retsu Unohana. Tōsen asks if Aizen is really dead and Unohana replies that he is. She says that he wasn't breathing by the time they took him down from the wall. She goes on to say that they had investigated the possibility of a puppet corpse, but the results were negative. She then comments that this means that when the current trouble is behind them, the leadership of the 5th Division will be decided at a captains meeting within Room 46. Unohana then asks them to return to their Divisions, saying that she will soon be joining them in the field. Outside the Sōgō Kyūgo Tsumesho, Tōsen and Komamura are met by their respective Lieutenants Hisagi and Iba. Hisagi asks Tōsen if Aizen is indeed dead. Tōsen confirms that Aizen is dead and goes on to say that resolving the current problem is the quickest path to the truth. Hisagi wonders if that means Tōsen is going to join the battle. Tōsen says that while it is best to avoid such things, there appears to be no alternative this time. Going on to say that if Humans were not deceived by ugly emotions, then there would be no battles and many tragedies could be avoided. He voices his disdain for conflict and leaves. Elsewhere, Ichigo and Kenpachi continue their battle with Ichigo firmly on the back-foot. However, Zaraki compliments Ichigo on his excellent reflexes and praises him for being able to hear his bells. Kenpachi states that he had put on the bells and the eye-patch to give his opponents an advantage and that they are wasted if Ichigo does not exploit them. Ichigo asks if Zaraki is mocking him and if that is why Zaraki has not called to his Zanpakutō. Ichigo tries to taunt Zaraki by pointing out that Ichigo's own Zanpakutō can cut Kenpachi now. However, Kenpachi replies that his Zanpakutō has no name and never had a seal on it. He explains that the blade Ichigo sees before him is Kenpachi's Zanpakutō. Ichigo replies that he is happy because that means Kenpachi's Zanpakutō won't get any stronger. The next moment, Kenpachi points his blade at Ichigo, who blocks it with Zangetsu, but Kenpachi pushes it through Zangetsu and into Ichigo. He explains that that doesn't mean anything, as Zaraki hasn't sealed his Zanpakutō because his spiritual pressure is so great that he can't seal it. He then berates Ichigo for relaxing and thus making it easy for Zaraki to stab him, calling him a fool for relaxing because he thought he could win. As Ichigo falls to his knees, Zaraki voices his disappointment.
  • thumb|left|190px|Cover of 112. The Undead 2 [Rise&Craze] The Ichigo doppelgänger asks Zangetsu if that's all. Zangetsu says yes and apologizes for bothering him. The doppelgänger says it is fine; since Ichigo is the owner of this world, it will be problematic if he doesn't win. So, however unwillingly, he had to help. Then he tells Zangetsu to send him back since his job is done which Zangetsu does. White Ichigo then comments that Ichigo is strong, and that Zangetsu should train him well, since that power is going to become his one day. Zangetsu looks up to the sky, thinking that he hates rain, and it rains here too. When Ichigo is moody, it becomes cloudy. When Ichigo is sad, the rain starts to fall. Zangetsu can't stand it. He asks if Ichigo understands how horrible it is to get rained on when you're all alone in an empty world. To prevent that from happening, he will lend Ichigo any power he needs. If Ichigo can trust him, he won't let one drop of rain fall from that sky. Zangetsu tells Ichigo to trust him and he is not alone in battle. Kenpachi turns back, wondering why Ichigo's fading Reiatsu suddenly erupted. Both Kenpachi and Yachiru look at Ichigo, surprised. Kenpachi realizes that the bleeding on Ichigo's wound is slowly stopping. Then suddenly, Ichigo rushes at Kenpachi, landing a hit to his shoulder. Kenpachi uses his sword to stop Ichigo, but he can't push him back. Then Ichigo pushes Kenpachi away, forcing Kenpachi to put his sword on the wall to stop. Ichigo says he has no time to waste and he will finish this in one strike. Kenpachi says that's not good, since it's just starting to get interesting. They should drag this out as long as they can. Then Kenpachi rushes at Ichigo. Ichigo manages to cut Kenpachi in the face, but Kenpachi also cuts Ichigo too. Ichigo jumps back, Kenpachi laughs and rushes at him again. Then he says he doesn't get how Ichigo revived himself, how did Ichigo become so strong, and that he doesn't get it at all. But he says that doesn't matter, right now they should just enjoy the moment. Ichigo is thinking that in both number of successful attacks and Reiatsu, he's above Kenpachi, yet no matter how many times he cuts him, he won't fall. Ichigo tells Kenpachi that he's ridiculously crazy, and asks why does he like fighting so much and isn't he afraid of dying. Kenpachi laughs, telling Ichigo that he's the crazy one, saying that since he's so strong, why doesn't he like fighting. Kenpachi tells Ichigo to enjoy it. The carnage and pain are just a small price to pay for the enjoyment of battle. Meanwhile, Ikkaku is lost in thought when Yumichika comes and asks him what's he thinking about. Yumichika's hair is all blown up because he got hit by a firecracker during his fight with Ganju. Ikkaku laughs and teases him, so Yumichika decides to wear a wig. Ikkaku then says that he was thinking that the captain seems to be enjoying himself. Yumichika states that the opponent is surprisingly strong, and asks who he is. Ikkaku answers it's Ichigo, and it's as if he's a totally different person from when Ikkaku fought him. Yumichika says that the captain seems to be on the losing side and Ikkaku agrees. Yumichika suggests it's bad, because even if it's the captain, he may die, but Ikkaku calls him a fool, saying that he's the strongest captain of the Gotei 13, Kenpachi Zaraki, that's why they follow him, he'll never lose. He adds that their captain still hasn't used his trump card yet. Kenpachi is excited over the fight with Ichigo, since he thinks it's an equal match up, or only by a little, but Ichigo is definitely stronger. Ichigo is wondering how can Kenpachi be so confident. Kenpachi says that it's been long since he last had this feeling. He takes off his eye patch and tells Ichigo that he's a worthy opponent, so he'll go all out on him.
  • thumb|left|190px|Cover of 111. Black & White Zangetsu tells Ichigo that he has to prove that he is worthy of possessing him by taking Zangetsu back with his own hands from his own hands. The doppelgänger Ichigo taunts Ichigo by daring him to try and take it. Doppelgänger Ichigo attacks and Ichigo can barely block him. As he is pushed back, he reflects that he never realized that Zangetsu was such an awesome sword. He comments that a regular Zanpakutō looks like a stick next to it and wonders how he is going to win. Doppelgänger Ichigo wonders what's wrong and tells Ichigo to watch it. He then throws Zangetsu at Ichigo and uses the hilt wrap to retrieve it. Ichigo is surprised and comments that he would never have thought of such a move. White Ichigo continues to fight and taunt Ichigo, asking him if he can become friends with someone just by asking his name. Going on to explain that that is essentially what Ichigo has done. He learned Zangetsu's name, but that's about it. He did not open up his heart to Zangetsu and as a result he has not gotten stronger. Ichigo realizes that the other Ichigo is correct and that he has been using Zangetsu as a tool when Zanpakutō are alive, with names and feelings. He comments that he is no different from Kenpachi Zaraki and begs Zangetsu to give him another chance. White Ichigo attacks again, but this time when Ichigo blocks, he notices that it is he, who is holding Zangetsu and that the other Ichigo is holding the Asauchi. Ichigo wonders if that means Zangetsu is giving him another chance. Ichigo thanks Zangetsu. Back outside, Ichigo's body explodes with power, causing Zaraki to stop and turn back in shock to find a bloody, but very much alive Ichigo standing back on his feet.
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  • 2004-06-04
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  • 草鹿 やちる
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  • 斬月
  • The Undead, also called Zombies, are evil magical beings who were once deceased mortals, brought back from the dead. Powerful Demonic Alchemists are able to resurrect these mortals, bringing them back to life to do their bidding. However, some Alchemists lack the power to resurrect them themselves and need the aid of an upper-level demon. These mortals are then trapped between life and death and become the living dead. Alchemists can control the undead and use them for whatever purpose they desire. The undead appear to possess overwhelming physical strength, far greater than the average strength of a mortal.
  • The Undead are a gang belonging to Pippy in World 3: Renegade, formed nine years ago in 2002 by Boston and Jordan Terrell.
  • back to top Life and death – the eternal circle of life. The natural order of the world. The way it has been, and the way it always will be. Or at least the way it should be, for magic, combined with the malice and thirst for power of certain races, has created abominations of nature, creatures of horrible appearance, and the most unnatural of these are those that go by the name of the Undead. They are restless spirits, souls caught in the void between life and death. From beyond the threshold to the realm of the dead they look back on the world of the living, full of jealousy and loathing for the world they once inhabited. They refuse to bow to the natural order, sentencing themselves into an eternally cruel existence. A few of them manage to infiltrate the land of the living and manifest there by desecrating the bodies of the freshly dead or possessing the remains of those that died long ago. These revenants are the undead, and no living creature is spared from their wrath, so driven by hate are these unnatural beings. Their senseless appetite for destruction makes them ideal for the battlefield, and over the years, many mages have tried to harness the power of these creatures for their own purposes. These mages are know as Necromancers, and can control the hordes of the undead, summoning them at will. Even today, though the Convocation war has long passed, the world is still full of the remnants of these dark doings. Now leaderless, the armies of the undead roam the lands, and many races can barely defend themselves against their destructive powers. Ghoulback to top As horrible as the ghosts that return to the land of the dead to annihilate the living may seem, there are some that can surpass their cruelty – and they are, or rather were, the living themselves. Not all flee in terror at the sight of an army of the undead, there are some that welcome them and revel in the suffering they bring. It is even said that some join the ranks of the revenants by choice, fighting and killing at their side, hoping to be rewarded with an endless existence as an undead. They feed on the rotten flesh of the dead and wallow in putrescence, until their body begins to decay and their only desires are death, destruction and to feed on flesh. Thus they become themselves undead and are some of the most cruel and dangerous, for they have chosen this path of their own free will. The last remnants of this free will, however, make these creatures difficult to control by the workers of magic. But once they are on the battlefield and smell the fear in their enemies, taste the blood of their foes, they are a formidable foe. Their bite is especially dangerous, causing an infection that can kill even after days or weeks if left untreated. Zombieback to top Hate is not the only force that brings spirits back from the land of the dead, greed can also resurrect these souls, their need to possess and devour helping them manifest in the physical realm. These carnal desires make them very easy to control. They possess the bodies of the recently dead, and with endless greed they kill and consume anything living that comes within reach, and are as tenacious and unstoppable as they are slow and simple-minded. They will kill anything that is not fast enough to escape their grasp, and follow a victim’s trail relentlessly to still their unnatural hunger. As long as the living continue to strive for power and fulfill their greed, there will be an endless stream of these creatures flooding into the world, much to the delight of their masters. Skeletonback to top Endless wars have destroyed the face of the world, and the remains of the fallen are buried deep. They are the vessel that the spirits, driven by hate, can most easily possess and use to enter the land of the living, digging their way to the surface with bony fingers. Many of these spirits were once heartless murderers who continue after death what they began in life, gleefully inflicting pain and suffering on others. Their blind hate makes them easy to control, and obedient servants to the powerful necromancers. Their numbers are easily increased, the hordes of the damned waiting on the borders of death are sheer endless. Often the spirits still possess powers and skills they learned while living, giving the undead the power of mages and necromancers. Spectreback to top From the vortex of hate, the chaos of anger, that rules the realm of the dead, a creature may rise that combines the destructive power of many. Born of the most awful thoughts, of the hate and pain of hundreds of tormented souls, this horror takes shape and roams the world like a nightmare, bringing death and destruction wherever it goes. With its weapons forged from pure hate and its magic of death, a spectre will cause much suffering until someone, something, can finally stop it. Thankfully, they are rare, yet the necromancer Hokan Ashir found a way to summon them almost at will. With these ghastly creatures, he formed a legion of spectres and sent it into battle against his brethren of the Circle. It is rumoured that many of these spectres still exist, and woe to those that happen upon the remnants of this army of horror. Wraithback to top Anger and the desire for revenge are powerful emotions, emotions that have brought down entire kingdoms and started many a war. They can also enable the spirits of the deceased to return to the land of the living, where the undead bring terror and death in their name. From the banks of the River of Souls these spirits return to take revenge and unleash their anger, but not only to those that wronged them in life – they will not stop until they have eradicated everything and anything that reminds them of their old life. These souls return as ghosts, apparitions, that do not need a vessel or body to contain them; they can manifest only through their desire to destroy. Few have survived to tell of these ghastly creatures, that stride through a battlefield, sowing death to any that stand in their path and reaping suffering. Wraiths are amongst the most powerful undead, and some of them even have magic skills that rival the strongest mage
  • THE UNDEAD is the thirteenth volume of the Bleach manga series.
  • The Undead is an film that features the friends characters fighting the undead.When The zombies smash in Monica's apartment,The Friends manage to escape and they are left hopeless when learning that New York has been overran by the undead.
  • Having been separated from their souls, zombies' personalities run the risk of degenerating to the mindless brain-eating variety. Zombies can communicate with other zombies but not with the living; Agent Superball seems to be an exception, but he may be faking it. Bullets will only temporarily stop zombies, but they are otherwise no more capable than their human forms. Vampires possess superhuman strength and speed (enough to catch a bullet), but are vulnerable to uv-light, holy water, garlic stench and a stake to the heart. The undead are prominently featured in Night of the Raving Dead and one of the The Adventurer comics (likely spoofing Monkey Island).
  • This category concerns all the fiends that walk the earth undead or ethereal.
  • Drake is the creator of the Undead Legion. Drake's only goal is to take revenge on the living, because of how many times he was betrayed by his allies.
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