  • Takashi Ringo/Shinden
  • Takashi far as he knew was born in the Hidden Rain Village born among one of lower sections that were neither in great peril nor safe from danger. His mother was left exhausted after child birth and passed moments after she gave birth to the baby boy. With no father present, the elder couple who assisted in the woman's delivery took the child in as their own and nurtured the child into a boy. As time went on the couple wise behind their years began to suffer from the aches of father time, age began to catch up with them, relgating their movements from going into the local time to bring back food to being only able to move around the house. Due to the retirement funds of the couples days as carpenters they had a steady income of money to come in so their survival was steadfast and stable. A
  • Takashi far as he knew was born in the Hidden Rain Village born among one of lower sections that were neither in great peril nor safe from danger. His mother was left exhausted after child birth and passed moments after she gave birth to the baby boy. With no father present, the elder couple who assisted in the woman's delivery took the child in as their own and nurtured the child into a boy. As time went on the couple wise behind their years began to suffer from the aches of father time, age began to catch up with them, relgating their movements from going into the local time to bring back food to being only able to move around the house. Due to the retirement funds of the couples days as carpenters they had a steady income of money to come in so their survival was steadfast and stable. At 7 years old Takashi became the man of the house and took early into his responsiblities to his parents. Going into the town to gather food and prepare meals for everyone. Cleaning up around the house and outside and making sure both his parents were well taken care during their time of need. Takashi dismissed the idea of school when his parents asked him to because he felt he was more needed at home, however to compromise he went to the library and brought home many scrolls and books which they used to assist in his early learning and reading skills. Despite the difficulities and challenges of being a child taking care of a house, Takashi ran it extremely well living among the jovial family who no matter how old they were always brought excitement with their clashing personalities. Life was good, their equilivant of a struggle was only remembering where things were in the house, the couples memory had declined and waned in the face of time and it became a struggle remembering where things were. One his 14th birthday while celebrating with his family, his grandfather Elder Raion became to come show symptoms of illness, this illness if Raion was younger would more than likely have been easily treated, but due to the aging of his body and aged immune system his body could not fight it off as strongly as it would have. This in mind Takashi was forced to seek a doctor from the nearest town and then pay him for their services and treatments. The money that once provided food, now went to the doctor hands as remunerations for his services leaving very little to purchase food. To add and icnrease the wages and funds Takakshi took a job as the Inn within the town and worked to keep it clean. The pay from this was not a lavish amount of money but enough to ensure there was food on the table each night. As time passed despite the doctors best efforts Old Man Raion eventually passed away in his sleep, his life robbed of him by the disease the took his body. Takashi found out returning home after putting in well needed overtime and preparing a huge feast to celebrate what he believed would be a recovery. The lifeless response of his grandfather and the words of the doctors were knives that cut into the heart and mind of Takashi and sliced away at the fantasy of life he had become accustomed to living in. He weeped heavily and uncontrolled for several moments, before running off into the bathroom where he stayed for several moments. In wake of the death of his grandfather something within him was born, his visual bloodlines awakened and bore fruition into his eyes, he washed his face bearing witness to the red fury of the Sharingan in his eyes, the special chakra now stimulated and fully active the power flowed through his eyes. He could feel it growing steadily. In a moment of fear he attempted to wash the red out of his eyes hoping it would go away, but it did not. Suddenly he could see through doors and see the chakra he read about in the books that he read among the library it freaked him out and scared him but he focused on the face of his grandmother and knew he needed to be strong for her, whatever power that came from his eyes he would dedicate to helping his grandmother as best he could for her remaining days. After holding Grandpa Raion's funeral within the soil of their own home. Takakshi dedicated his next few days soley to his grandmother who without her husband next to her was extremely lonely and heartbroken, the light of her smile and life was gone, she lived as a shell that was broken, her other half was missing. Takashi's dedication caused him to miss integral days at work resulting in his termination and lose of valuable income. Between the last few payments to the doctors their funds were tied up and running dry. Food became scarce and desparation quickly made its self known among the household. Takakshi did his best to remember the teachings his grandparent gave him of the nature of stealing and thievery, despite those warnings his need to provide to become what he felt as a man took hold, he remembered the power of those red eyes and the promise he made to be strong for her. He vowed to do what was needed to ensure she was well and if that meant burdening himself with crime than so be it. He started by reading books on fighting and movements techniques, teahing and working hard to become faster and stronger within the weeks. As the last of the payments to the doctor was done and the money from the retirement had completely run dry, he had well over a mtwo months of practice, he monitered Shinobi who would come to town and learned the basic arts of shinobi and dedicated himself on mastering them and his red eyes. Before long he learned his eyes could read movements and copy them which he used as a source to better himself and his body, putting together training he got from the nearby school as well as others from different lands. As he explored the powers of the eye he learned of it's abiliy to hypnotize people which he discovered by accident when he was caught stealing and was cornered. Looking into the mans eyes he yelled leave me alone and the man stopped suddenly and went away. Learning of this new hypnotism he used it to coerce people to giving him food and supplies for his grandmother. Who was curious as to how he was getting all this food and supplies to which he lied stating he earned a new job working for the land itself. With a little under six months passing, he noticed despite his best efforts to bring happiness to his grandmother her heart still longed for the love she lost. By this point Takakshi had become a master theif and pickpocket specialist, his ability among hypnotism became strong with each person he practiced it on, his shinobi skills sharpened for each time he needed to make a quick escape or get away fom hose he could not mentally trick with his eyes. He became a master escape artist and the challenge of not getting caught made it aspiringly fun, but his focus was soley on his grandmother cho, he lived and breathed for her. As the year rolled around she eventually was no longer capable of going on and in one last conversation among the two as the smpoke of good times she fell into a slumber she never woke from. She died of natural causes and a broken heart, but she told Takashi she loved him like the son she was never able to have, before she went away with a smile. She died happy and in peace, gleefuly of her return to see her husband in the afterlife. Her happiness became his pain, while he know she would live on in spirit the physical was gone, nothing remained but a lifeless body, that would no longer interact with him. He fought at tugging emotions for a time but the damn broke and the loss set in. The pain of losing yet another loved was never easy, he found peace oin believing she was in a better place but it did nothing to ache the stabbing in his heart. He felt nothing, he had nothing, he didnt even feel alive and physically in the world among his own mind, nothing keeping him going, no one else to fight for. Helping his grandparents gave him a tangible lifestyle and goals to work hard for them without them he had no shape he became as intangible and empty as he felt. Yet in her death something anew was born among him within his eyes. A greater power awoke from it's slumber the power lowed through his eyes and once more took to the mirror to see what changes were made to him. His eyes no longer were they just read with a tomor pattern in them, those tomoe gave way to a new shape one he had not seen. Not knowing what it meant he learned fast when he reached for the door and he passed right through it, scaring him half to death. he reached once more just for his body to slip right through again, he ran through the door and completely phased through it was if it was never there. Among hiself his greatest fear were realized he no longer held a place in the world, he became as empty and intangible as he felt, the last vestige of shape no longer stable or material. It was only when he focused on the lifeless body of his grandmother and he remembered the conversation of passing down legacy and ideals, the love of a son she could never have. He became her last anchor into life, he carried both of their ideals and memories. He used that as a focus to regain his form and take hold of this new phasing ability and with renewed purpose put the body and physical container of his grandmother to rest. From that day forth he would take the lessons he learned and what he would come to experience as what he would use to live by, he would live by no shape or for the material goals of life, he would by the rules he could fit hismelf among. At 15 he would he would take his intangibles and become what he needed to be to survive... a man of the house to what whatever is necessary to make it. He left the house and gravestone of both grandparents with one thought in mind, one mission and goal. To never be broke and not have again.