  • Protect The Special Pokemon!
  • Jon: So this is Giro Town. Tyler: Yeah. Looks like a nice town. Jon: Yeah. Jon: Look, the Pokemon Center. Tyler: Let’s heal our Pokemon. Jon: Please can you look at our Pokemon? Nurse Joy: Sure. Nurse Joy: Is a Jon Spencer here? Jon: Yeah why? Nurse Joy: Your father wants you to call him. Jon: Wonder why. Michael: Jon, Tyler, glad you got my message. Jon: How did you know where Tyler and I were? Michael: I heard Prof. Elm was with you so I called him through his Poke Gear, but he said you two had already departed. He said you two were heading towards Giro Town. Tyler: That makes sense, surprisingly.
en ed
  • It's Always You And Me
Title EN
  • Protect The Special Pokemon!
en op
  • It's Always You And Me
  • EP078
broadcast us
  • 2015-12-02
  • Jon: So this is Giro Town. Tyler: Yeah. Looks like a nice town. Jon: Yeah. Jon: Look, the Pokemon Center. Tyler: Let’s heal our Pokemon. Jon: Please can you look at our Pokemon? Nurse Joy: Sure. Nurse Joy: Is a Jon Spencer here? Jon: Yeah why? Nurse Joy: Your father wants you to call him. Jon: Wonder why. Michael: Jon, Tyler, glad you got my message. Jon: How did you know where Tyler and I were? Michael: I heard Prof. Elm was with you so I called him through his Poke Gear, but he said you two had already departed. He said you two were heading towards Giro Town. Tyler: That makes sense, surprisingly. Jon: So, what do you need from us? Michael: There’s going to be someone called Jack in the Pokemon Center where you are. He has a Pokemon which some poachers are after. Tyler: So we need to protect him? Michael: He needs to get to Giro Research Labs. Jon: Where is that? Michael: North of Giro Town, and on the way to Verna Plaza. Tyler: When we get our Pokemon back from Nurse Joy, we’ll get ready to leave. Jon: You can count on use dad. Michael: Call me when you get to the labs. Jon: Will do. Jack: Are you two Jon Spencer and Tyler Moor? Tyler: Yes. You must be Jack. Jack: Yes. I presume Malcom has told you everything. Jon: Just we need to get you to Giro Research Labs and protect you from the poachers. Jack: Yes. I better show you why. Tyler: A Dratini. Jon: And who’s that Pokemon? Jon’s Pokedex: Larvitar, the Rock Skin Pokemon. Larvitar feeds on soil. After it has eaten a large mountain, it falls asleep so it can grow. Jon: Rare Pokemon. Tyler: Explains why poachers are after them. Jack: Dratini, Larvitar. This is Jon and Tyler. They are going to make sure we are safe. Jon: How far is the lab? Jack: Quite far from here. Jon: So it’ll take quite some time on foot. Jack: Yes. If only we had some other transport. Tyler: You thinking the same thing I am. Jon: Yep. Jack: Rhyhorn and Bayleef. Jon: This is Jack, Dratini and Larvitar. Jon: Can you two help us get to a destination? We need to protect Larvitar and Dratini from poachers. Tyler: So who is getting on which Pokemon? Jon: Both Bayleef and Rhyhorn know long range attacks. Jack, you Dratini and Larvitar go on Bayleef while Tyler and I travel on Rhyhorn. Jack: Right. Nurse Joy: Here is a map. This will help you navigate your way to Giro Research Labs. Jon: Thanks Nurse Joy. Poacher: Good work Misdreavus. Tyler: What are you doing! Poacher: Taking the Pokemon, what else. Poacher 2: Boss, what do you want us to do? Poacher Boss: Defeat them. Then we can take off with Dratini and Larvitar. Poacher 2: You heard him. Jon: Four Pokemon. Tyler: Let’s go! Jon: Nice idea. Poacher Boss: You are outnumbered. Tyler: He has a point. Jon: If you look, you see we aren’t. Tyler: Got you. Poachers: Thunderbolt! Jon: Rhyhorn. Poacher Boss: Aim better! Rhyhorn isn’t affected by electric type moves. Poacher Boss: Why are you two smirking? Jon: You’ll see. Poacher Boss: What?! Poacher 4: Rhyhorn must have the ability Lightning Rod. No electric type moves can be used. Poacher Boss: Argh! Jon: Now our turn. Stone Edge! Jon: Vine Whip! Jack: You two okay? Jon: Now we are at a disadvantage. Poacher Boss: Misdreavus, Shadow Ball! Tyler: Flamethrower! Poacher Boss: Get them back! Jon: Rhyhorn, Stone Edge. Bayleef, use Leaf Storm! Tyler: Flamethrower! Jon: Way to go. Jack: Thank you for protecting Dratini and Larvitar. Jon: Cool, Charmeleon evolved into Charizard. Tyler’s Pokedex: Charizard, the Flame Pokemon and the final form of Charmander. When expelling a blast of superhot fire, the red flame at the tip of its tail burns more intensely. Jon: You can now mega evolve Charizard into Charizard Y. Tyler: My first Mega Pokemon. You think we can have a Mega Battle? Jon: Yeah, but after we help get Jack, Dratini and Larvitar to the research lab. Tyler: Of course. You ready Jack? Jack: Yeah. Jon: According to the map, it’s straight ahead for a bit. Jack: Let’s move out.