  • Under the Skin/Dialogues
  • Frank Knight: Hey there, . I still can't believe what happened with Hannah, her shooting Fredo and everything... Pretty crazy, uh? Frank: Hope the kid will be alright, she's a weird geek and all, but I still kinda like her. Frank: But anyway, no time to dwell on this. Andrea wants to see us in her office asap. At the Chinese Festival's parade... Frank: Well, I must admit, , the Chinese know how to party! All those lights, all those sounds! Frank: I know, I know, we're here to work. Well, let's keep our eyes peeled then. First one who sees something suspicious tells the other!
  • Frank Knight: Hey there, . I still can't believe what happened with Hannah, her shooting Fredo and everything... Pretty crazy, uh? Frank: Hope the kid will be alright, she's a weird geek and all, but I still kinda like her. Frank: But anyway, no time to dwell on this. Andrea wants to see us in her office asap. In Chief Marquez's office... Andrea: <Rank> , as you well know, Inner Chaos has finally been stopped, and we can all breathe a little bit easier. Andrea: However, our job in is not done yet. The tensions between the Chinese and Russian communities are as high as ever. Andrea: Which is why I need you today. It's the Chinese Festival's celebrations, and I fear the Russians might attack the parade. Andrea: You'll be assigned to the parade's security. Keep your eyes wide open! Andrea: And Frank, you'd better behave this time! I don't want a repeat of your antics during St Patrick's Day! At the Chinese Festival's parade... Frank: Well, I must admit, , the Chinese know how to party! All those lights, all those sounds! Frank: I know, I know, we're here to work. Well, let's keep our eyes peeled then. First one who sees something suspicious tells the other!