  • Does the Pope shit in the woods?
  • Does the Pope shit in the woods? This question has puzzled philosophers, theologians, journalists, plumbers and historians for centuries. There have been many allegations made, but recently released photos and a great deal of eyewitness testimony has proven that yes, he does. Either way he takes his relief, sitting or squatting, when the Pope is in the woods and has to take a dump, he takes a dump. The question as posed asks if the pope routinely shits in the woods, and that answer to that too is Hell yes!.
  • Does the Pope shit in the woods? This question has puzzled philosophers, theologians, journalists, plumbers and historians for centuries. There have been many allegations made, but recently released photos and a great deal of eyewitness testimony has proven that yes, he does. Either way he takes his relief, sitting or squatting, when the Pope is in the woods and has to take a dump, he takes a dump. The question as posed asks if the pope routinely shits in the woods, and that answer to that too is Hell yes!.