  • The Dust Motes
  • The Dust Motes are a faction of the Lords of Dust based in Passage. It is a hub operation sending out agents into the rest of Khorvaire to sow seeds of discontent. Currently one of the schemes going on is headed up by a rakshasa named Kkressd who has taken the form of a House Orien scion and is courting Baron Jorlanna d'Cannith, all of this is to influence the split of House Cannith. Kkressd is subtly influencing Jorlanna to lay claim to House Cannith attempting to begin a civil war amongst the dragonmarked house.
  • The Dust Motes are a faction of the Lords of Dust based in Passage. It is a hub operation sending out agents into the rest of Khorvaire to sow seeds of discontent. Currently one of the schemes going on is headed up by a rakshasa named Kkressd who has taken the form of a House Orien scion and is courting Baron Jorlanna d'Cannith, all of this is to influence the split of House Cannith. Kkressd is subtly influencing Jorlanna to lay claim to House Cannith attempting to begin a civil war amongst the dragonmarked house.