  • Dilithium crystal converter assembly
  • In 2268, the Enterprise's dilithium crystal converter assembly was sabotaged by Kryton, an Elasian working for the Klingons. Scotty discovered that the converter assembly had been completely fused as a result of Kryton's actions, making any use of warp power impossible until replacement dilithium crystals could be found. (TOS: "Elaan of Troyius" ) The Dilithium crystal chamber and articulation frame of Galaxy-class starships appear to be a 24th century equivalent to this component.
  • In 2268, the Enterprise's dilithium crystal converter assembly was sabotaged by Kryton, an Elasian working for the Klingons. Scotty discovered that the converter assembly had been completely fused as a result of Kryton's actions, making any use of warp power impossible until replacement dilithium crystals could be found. (TOS: "Elaan of Troyius" ) The Dilithium crystal chamber and articulation frame of Galaxy-class starships appear to be a 24th century equivalent to this component.