  • Wumbo University
  • WU offers many unreasonable courses, each of which instantly makes you an expert on the field. * Cooking - often called cooking college, and is taught by Fat Mario. It is said that toast is amazing. * Business - Makes you a snakeoil great salesman. It was formerly taught by Billy Mays himself. * Science - Will instantly make you the next Albert Einstein. It is taught by a hologram of Carl Sagan. * Computer Programming - Taught by Notch's lost brother. It makes you a HAXXOR. * Wumbology - possibly the easiest course. The first teacher remarked that it was "first grade". However, his PhD in Wumbology was revoked when he transferred his profession to doing nothing. * Doing Nothing - It's taught by the master of doing nothing! Here, you learn to do nothing as a pro. *
  • WU offers many unreasonable courses, each of which instantly makes you an expert on the field. * Cooking - often called cooking college, and is taught by Fat Mario. It is said that toast is amazing. * Business - Makes you a snakeoil great salesman. It was formerly taught by Billy Mays himself. * Science - Will instantly make you the next Albert Einstein. It is taught by a hologram of Carl Sagan. * Computer Programming - Taught by Notch's lost brother. It makes you a HAXXOR. * Wumbology - possibly the easiest course. The first teacher remarked that it was "first grade". However, his PhD in Wumbology was revoked when he transferred his profession to doing nothing. * Doing Nothing - It's taught by the master of doing nothing! Here, you learn to do nothing as a pro. * Pseudoscience - Taught by Hen Kam, you learn about faux facts. * Ward Casting - Taught by Olaf. Here, you learn how to read small print, large print, Japanese print, Chinese print and wingdings. On Wednesdays, Olaf gets a day off so Minjg takes his role as teacher.