  • Dynastic Reckoning
  • Whenever Elona’s scholars write about history, they use their own conventions for writing about time. Different countries use different systems: Tyrians use the Mouvelian Calendar, while Canthans have their own Canthan Calendar. When dealing with outsiders, Elonians have little difficulty converting their dates to one of these other calendars. On the continent of Tyria, all history is relative to the year the gods left the world, an event known as the Exodus of the Gods. Elonians begin their calendar two hundred years earlier, when the first of the Primeval Kings began their rule over Elona. All years in Elonian history include the letters “DR,” measuring years after the Dynastic Reckoning.
  • Whenever Elona’s scholars write about history, they use their own conventions for writing about time. Different countries use different systems: Tyrians use the Mouvelian Calendar, while Canthans have their own Canthan Calendar. When dealing with outsiders, Elonians have little difficulty converting their dates to one of these other calendars. On the continent of Tyria, all history is relative to the year the gods left the world, an event known as the Exodus of the Gods. Elonians begin their calendar two hundred years earlier, when the first of the Primeval Kings began their rule over Elona. All years in Elonian history include the letters “DR,” measuring years after the Dynastic Reckoning.