  • Balso tonic
  • Balso tonic
  • Balso tonic was a Trill drink with mild medicinal or palliative qualities. Federation Ambassador Odan was fond of balso tonic. Unfortunately for him, the USS Enterprise-D's replicators were unable to make it. (TNG: "The Host" )
  • Balso tonic was een Trill drank met een lichte medicinale en verzachtende werking. Federatie ambassadeur Odan was verzot op balso tonic. Helaas waren de replicators op de Enterprise-D niet in staat dit te repliceren. (TNG: "The Host")
  • Balso tonic was a Trill drink with mild medicinal or palliative qualities. Federation Ambassador Odan was fond of balso tonic. Unfortunately for him, the USS Enterprise-D's replicators were unable to make it. (TNG: "The Host" )
  • Balso tonic was een Trill drank met een lichte medicinale en verzachtende werking. Federatie ambassadeur Odan was verzot op balso tonic. Helaas waren de replicators op de Enterprise-D niet in staat dit te repliceren. (TNG: "The Host")