  • Miss Sandra: Ok, students for your next science project, I'll asign you a partner! Phineas :Ah, Man! Miss Sandra: Sorry Phineas, it's better to mix you up once in a while! I'll asign you a partner right now! Isabella: Hey, Phineas! Phineas: Hi, Isabella Isabella:You know...about You and I being partners at the science project... Phineas: Yeah, isn't that cool? Isabella: Great! I thought you wanted to do it with Ferb, as always! Phineas: Nah,That's not a problem I just wanna do you. Phineas: Huh, I mean do it with you ( 0_0 ) Isabella: Hum, Ok...(The both stare at each other) <3_<3 Falls on the ground
  • Miss Sandra: Ok, students for your next science project, I'll asign you a partner! Phineas :Ah, Man! Miss Sandra: Sorry Phineas, it's better to mix you up once in a while! I'll asign you a partner right now! Isabella: Hey, Phineas! Phineas: Hi, Isabella Isabella:You know...about You and I being partners at the science project... Phineas: Yeah, isn't that cool? Isabella: Great! I thought you wanted to do it with Ferb, as always! Phineas: Nah,That's not a problem I just wanna do you. Phineas: Huh, I mean do it with you ( 0_0 ) Phineas: That Thing! the the...project!The project with you! I wanna do the project with you! Isabella: Hum, Ok...(The both stare at each other) <3_<3 Isabella: So...wanna come and do it at my house? Phineas: Err....You mean do the project right? Isabella: (giggles) Yeah we can do that too, If you want Phineas: (stares at Isabella with hearts in his eyes) Phineas: I...what do you think if we get...started with...(Isabella gets closer to him). What are you doing? Isabella: Go on...I just thought if we could do something... Phineas: Err...yeah...that thing.... Isabella: (mph) All right Phineas its ok... (Phineas grabs Isabella's hand and kisses her hard long on her lips.) Falls on the ground Phineas: Wow...(back to his senses) huh? I....I'm sorry..I-I sorta hum...Fell...? Isabella: (giggles) Both look at each other with hearts in their eyes Phineas: Hum? Isabella: (pushes him onto her bed and falls on him and kisses him. Phineas and Isabella hug and kiss on the bed until...) Phineas: Huh? what's that? (puts his hand in his pocket to remove his phone) Phineas: Hello?..Oh, hey mom, me? agitated? I-I was running some laps.....Err yeah I know its rainning. I just by bella's place, yeah I'll be in a minute....bye mom. Phineas: I'll have to go now Izzy (Phineas is almost going to open the door but he says...) Phineas: I just forgot something Isabella: What? Phineas: This...(pulls Isabella towards him and kisses her) bye Isabella: bye (closes the door) Isabella: Best project ever!!