  • Vurk
  • Vurk
  • Vurk
  • Vurk
  • Vurk
  • Vurk
  • Vurk was a deserter of the Royal Peldane army. He appeared to have been mud covered and his left arm was in a sling. He was deserting Peldane with his unnamed corporal for fairer weather in Gandahar after fighting Zandramas' army which included demons.
  • A vurkok a Sembla bolygó domináns értelmes faja volt. Magas, kétéltű, hüllő-emlős humanoidok voltak nagy kerek szemmel és seprűszerű fej-tarajjal. Kezeiken és lábaikon három ujj volt, egyik közülük opponálható. Egymástól szürke-zöld bőrükkel különböztették meg magukat.
  • Vurks were a sentient species who live on the planet of Sembla.
  • Los vurks fueron la especie inteligente predominante en el planeta Sembla. Eran altos, medio anfibios y medio humanos, de ojos saltones y de una amplia cresta en la cabeza. Sus manos y pies tenían tres dedos cada uno. Se distinguían por su color verde grisáceo y su piel curtida.
  • The Vurk were a sentient species hailing from Sembla. Jedi Master Coleman Trebor was a member of this species. Another Vurk was Sweitt Concorkill who was present at the Galaxies Opera House with Supreme Chancellor Palpatine on Coruscant during the last days of the Clone Wars.
  • Rasa wywodząca się z planety Sembla w Odległych Rubieżach. Skrzyżowanie pterodaktyla z żabą; według legendy są dziełem pewnego chorego psychicznie naukowca, który zmieszał DNA obu gatunków. Mają oczy po obydwu stronach głowy, zamiast z przodu, jak u większości mniej lub bardziej inteligentnych istot dwunożnych. Kiedy jakiś Vurk chce dobrze się przyjrzeć swojemu rozmówcy, nie może na niego spojrzeć dwojgiem oczu, co powoduje, że musi przekrzywić głowę w bok, by móc na niego patrzyć przynajmniej jednym okiem. Prowadzi to do tego, że wiele osobników owego gatunku cierpi na niedowład szyi a także na wytrzeszcz jednego z narządów wzroku, obojętnie lewego lub prawego.
  • Vurks were the predominant sentient species of the planet Sembla. They were tall, amphibious, reptomammalian humanoids with bulbous eyes and sweeping head crests. Their hands and feet had three digits each, one of which was opposable. They had distinguishing gray-green, leathery skin.
  • Homeworld: Sembla Description: Vurks are a reptillian humanoid species, with elongated faces, dark eyes, and a sweeping crest extending from their skulls. They are native to the planet Sembla, a watery world with warms seas separated by volcanic ridges and proto-continents. Vurks are nomadic, amphibious, and generally considered primitive by the rest of the galaxy.
  • As a species, the Vurks resembled amphibians in that they gave birth underwater, and Vurk midwives were held in high esteem among the Vurk society. They were nomadic by nature, moving across Sembla's surface in large, interconnected clans and never remaining in the same location for more than a few weeks. Whenever two or more clans met up during a migration, they held a great feast that was accompanied by games and bartering. Individuals from both clans were allowed to seek out a mate during these gatherings, helping to keep the gene pool from becoming stagnant. The males who were married during this time went to live with the female's clan. Individual males who did marry before adulthood often remained single for their entire life. Vurks were known for their steady demeanors and their tru
  • [Source] Les Vurks sont la race dominante sur la planète océanique Sembla. Ils mesurent en moyenne 2m 10, et on remarque aisément une longue crête au sommet de leur tête semblable a celle d'un parasorolophus, une espèce de dinosaure. La couleur de leur peau est gris-vert. Leurs mains ont seulement trois doigts, mais ils possèdent une vision à 360 degrés, leur permettant de voir dans toutes les directions et de ne pas être pris par surprise.
  • Bipédie
  • *Coleman Trebor *Sweitt Concorkill
  • 130.0
  • No tienen
  • Une paire, vision à 360 degrés
  • *Sweitt Concorkill *Coleman Trebor
  • Verde oscuro
  • Semblan
  • Grise à verte
  • Ojos saltones y crestas en la cabeza
  • 버크
  • Vurk
  • Vurk
  • Vurk
  • Possède des écailles
  • Vurk
  • Vurk
  • Vurk
  • Vurk
  • Vurk
  • Vurk
  • Xim Week: The History of Xim and the Tion Cluster
  • *Semblan *Basic
  • Vurkowie
  • Vurkowie
  • Black
  • Up to 70 Standard years
  • Вурки
  • Вурки
  • Vurk
  • *2,10m *1,9m
  • Vurk
  • Vurk
  • *Gumós szemek *Csúcsos fej *3 ujjuk van
  • Bulbous eyes, head crests
  • Vurk
  • Xim Week: The History of Xim and the Tion Cluster
  • 250
  • ヴァーク
  • ヴァーク
  • ヴァーク
  • Vurk
  • /fans/hyperspace/source/ximweek01/index.html
  • Vurk
  • Vurk
  • Dark
  • Vurk was a deserter of the Royal Peldane army. He appeared to have been mud covered and his left arm was in a sling. He was deserting Peldane with his unnamed corporal for fairer weather in Gandahar after fighting Zandramas' army which included demons.
  • A vurkok a Sembla bolygó domináns értelmes faja volt. Magas, kétéltű, hüllő-emlős humanoidok voltak nagy kerek szemmel és seprűszerű fej-tarajjal. Kezeiken és lábaikon három ujj volt, egyik közülük opponálható. Egymástól szürke-zöld bőrükkel különböztették meg magukat.
  • Vurks were a sentient species who live on the planet of Sembla.
  • Los vurks fueron la especie inteligente predominante en el planeta Sembla. Eran altos, medio anfibios y medio humanos, de ojos saltones y de una amplia cresta en la cabeza. Sus manos y pies tenían tres dedos cada uno. Se distinguían por su color verde grisáceo y su piel curtida.
  • The Vurk were a sentient species hailing from Sembla. Jedi Master Coleman Trebor was a member of this species. Another Vurk was Sweitt Concorkill who was present at the Galaxies Opera House with Supreme Chancellor Palpatine on Coruscant during the last days of the Clone Wars.
  • Rasa wywodząca się z planety Sembla w Odległych Rubieżach. Skrzyżowanie pterodaktyla z żabą; według legendy są dziełem pewnego chorego psychicznie naukowca, który zmieszał DNA obu gatunków. Mają oczy po obydwu stronach głowy, zamiast z przodu, jak u większości mniej lub bardziej inteligentnych istot dwunożnych. Kiedy jakiś Vurk chce dobrze się przyjrzeć swojemu rozmówcy, nie może na niego spojrzeć dwojgiem oczu, co powoduje, że musi przekrzywić głowę w bok, by móc na niego patrzyć przynajmniej jednym okiem. Prowadzi to do tego, że wiele osobników owego gatunku cierpi na niedowład szyi a także na wytrzeszcz jednego z narządów wzroku, obojętnie lewego lub prawego.
  • [Source] Les Vurks sont la race dominante sur la planète océanique Sembla. Ils mesurent en moyenne 2m 10, et on remarque aisément une longue crête au sommet de leur tête semblable a celle d'un parasorolophus, une espèce de dinosaure. La couleur de leur peau est gris-vert. Leurs mains ont seulement trois doigts, mais ils possèdent une vision à 360 degrés, leur permettant de voir dans toutes les directions et de ne pas être pris par surprise. Pouvant respirer sous l'eau comme à la surface, les Vurks sont parfaitement adaptés au climat de leur planète. Par conséquent, leur mode de vie nomade leur convient à merveille car il n'ont pas à établir des lieux permanent où vivre. Mais à cause de cela, ils sont souvent considérés comme étant primitifs par le reste de la galaxie, ce qui se révèle faux. Ils sont très intelligents. Un des plus fameux représentants de cette race était Coleman Trebor, un maître Jedi siégeant au haut Conseil Jedi juste avant le début de la Guerre des Clones. Un autre Vurk connu était le sénateur Sweitt Concorkill.
  • Vurks were the predominant sentient species of the planet Sembla. They were tall, amphibious, reptomammalian humanoids with bulbous eyes and sweeping head crests. Their hands and feet had three digits each, one of which was opposable. They had distinguishing gray-green, leathery skin.
  • Homeworld: Sembla Description: Vurks are a reptillian humanoid species, with elongated faces, dark eyes, and a sweeping crest extending from their skulls. They are native to the planet Sembla, a watery world with warms seas separated by volcanic ridges and proto-continents. Vurks are nomadic, amphibious, and generally considered primitive by the rest of the galaxy.
  • As a species, the Vurks resembled amphibians in that they gave birth underwater, and Vurk midwives were held in high esteem among the Vurk society. They were nomadic by nature, moving across Sembla's surface in large, interconnected clans and never remaining in the same location for more than a few weeks. Whenever two or more clans met up during a migration, they held a great feast that was accompanied by games and bartering. Individuals from both clans were allowed to seek out a mate during these gatherings, helping to keep the gene pool from becoming stagnant. The males who were married during this time went to live with the female's clan. Individual males who did marry before adulthood often remained single for their entire life. Vurks were known for their steady demeanors and their trustworthiness, and were known to be calm even in the worst of situations. During the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy, the Vurks escaped any lasting impact, primarily because their homeworld was located well off most hyperspace travel routes.
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