  • We Care About Driving Safe and Sober, Since When?
  • We Care About Driving Safe and Sober, Since When? is the sixth overall episode and sixth episode of season one of Rich Life. In this episode, Oscar gets extremely drunk, and goes out onto a joy ride in the city streets. He kills about 800 people, and gets put in jail for life. Reverend, the priest of the nearby church, takes over Bearpark, and starts manufacturing a bunch of religious products, and even books against athiesm and evolution. Oscar finds out, and being a man of god himself, he still doesn't want his company to offend any athiests, and get sued. Laina, his wife, bails him out with her prostitution money that Oscar doesn't know about. Soon, Oscar tries to take back Bearpark.
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  • 6
  • We Care About Driving Safe and Sober, Since When?
  • 2014-08-17
  • We Care About Driving Safe and Sober, Since When? is the sixth overall episode and sixth episode of season one of Rich Life. In this episode, Oscar gets extremely drunk, and goes out onto a joy ride in the city streets. He kills about 800 people, and gets put in jail for life. Reverend, the priest of the nearby church, takes over Bearpark, and starts manufacturing a bunch of religious products, and even books against athiesm and evolution. Oscar finds out, and being a man of god himself, he still doesn't want his company to offend any athiests, and get sued. Laina, his wife, bails him out with her prostitution money that Oscar doesn't know about. Soon, Oscar tries to take back Bearpark.
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