  • W19 (nuclear artillery shell)
  • The W19, also called Katie, was an American Nuclear artillery shell, derived from the earlier W9 shell. The W19 is fired from a special 11 inch howitzer. It was introduced in 1955 and retired in 1963. The W19 was 11 inches in diameter, 54 inches long, and weighed 600 pounds. It had a yield of 15-20 kilotons. The W19, like its predecessor the W9, is a gun-type nuclear weapon.
  • The W19, also called Katie, was an American Nuclear artillery shell, derived from the earlier W9 shell. The W19 is fired from a special 11 inch howitzer. It was introduced in 1955 and retired in 1963. The W19 was 11 inches in diameter, 54 inches long, and weighed 600 pounds. It had a yield of 15-20 kilotons. The W19, like its predecessor the W9, is a gun-type nuclear weapon.