  • Thirteenth Doctor (Who? Time.)
  • This doctor is humorous, cheeky with a sarcastic tone. He cares less about the Human race, than previous incarnations and is known for his for his tenancy to have one-night stands in the TARDIS with humans. His flirtatious and charismatic nature tends to get him in trouble—most of which is from Tami—and numerous other men, women, and creatures alike. The Doctor prefers the thrill of the impossible and the aesthetic pleasures of the universe, than helping humankind.
  • Brown
  • Brown
  • Thirteenth Doctor
  • The Doctor
  • Time Lord
  • Male
  • This doctor is humorous, cheeky with a sarcastic tone. He cares less about the Human race, than previous incarnations and is known for his for his tenancy to have one-night stands in the TARDIS with humans. His flirtatious and charismatic nature tends to get him in trouble—most of which is from Tami—and numerous other men, women, and creatures alike. The Doctor prefers the thrill of the impossible and the aesthetic pleasures of the universe, than helping humankind. Particularly, this Doctor fits into the archetype of a bad boy. He's a rebel against time itself and is believed that his attitude could have dire consequences for the universe. He dislikes following orders and attempts to break the rules. Although, he finds himself following Tami and admits that Tami is a frightening person when angry. His rule-breaker persona causes the Doctor to be hated by many. This Doctor also has a slightly more sinister side. He is rude, bitter, obnoxious and has the patient of a child. Still fraying slightly away from violence, he prefers a more vocal tone when getting answers. Insulting becomes a new pleasure of the Doctor and finds it difficult not to be sarcastic or insulting to others in any situations. He maintains an increasing interest in punk and rock music, like his Twelfth incarnation. For instance, he added his own personal stereo to the Tardis, that broadcasts loud punk music throughout the day. Although, unlike previous incarnations, he also enjoys the internet of the 21th Century, particularly he is found to be browsing Instagram and Tumblr with his username timeywimey007.